Thursday, December 29, 2016
Savon Can Help When Your Dental Benefits Are Exhausted
For those of you who carry a dental HMO or PPO, you probably already know that you have an annual maximum of benefits every year. In most cases, if you're in good dental health, those benefits are sufficient enough to cover your routine cleanings, exams and the occasional fillings. But what happens if you need more dental work? The frustration of trying to schedule your treatment to coincide with the renewal of dental benefits can be exhausting an in a lot of cases a deterrent to patients scheduling extensive dental treatments.
Enter...Savon Dental Plan. Savon is an affordable discount dental plan that offers its members discounts up to 50% off their dental treatment. Memberships rates are really low! With benefits such as no waiting periods, no limitations, no exclusions and a steadily growing nationwide network of dentists, Savon can pick up where your dental benefits run out. Since there are no claim forms to be filed with Savon Dental Plan, your dental savings are immediate!
If you would like more information on how Savon can SAVE for you, please visit our website at or call our Customer Care Team at 1-800-809-3494! We would be more than happy to assist you in any way. Don't wait for a toothache, your smile savings are only one call to Savon away!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Harmful Effects Of Soft Drinks On Teeth
There are the two main effects of drinking soft drinks:
- Erosion
- Causing cavities
Friday, December 16, 2016
The Disadvantage Of Frontal Fillings
When they were first done, they looked great and I was very happy with my decision to do it that way. However, over the years I sort of regretted it. When they filled the cavities, they did a great job of matching my teeth color at the time. Which wasn't exactly pearly white. Like I said it looked great for years. Recently though I have made a solid effort to whiten my teeth. I am doing a great job on it, with the exception of the fillings. Since I chose to go with frontal fillings years ago, I find myself ending up with 2 different color of teeth.
So my point is this, if you are ever in a situation where you have to decide on frontal fillings or crowns, my advise is to go with the crowns or veneers. Chances are good I am going to need to go back into the dentist and get them done to help get the smile back that I have been longing for so long.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Facts, Disorders and Treatments For TMJ
- 1 in 8 Americans are currently affected by TMJ.
- TMJ is 4 times more common in women than men.
- Men are found to have more wear on their teeth and bite.
- Head, neck and jaw misalignment.
- Genetics.
- Grinding or clenching teeth.
- Trauma.
- Diseases like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Arthritis.
- Stress.
- Headache
- Aching pain in or around ear
- Jaw locking or popping
- Tenderness in the cheek and jaw
- Pain and difficultly eating
- Dizziness
- Sharp facial pain
- Facial swelling
- Neck and upper back spasms
- Dental splint that helps keep the teeth in alignment and prevents tooth grinding.
- Physical therapy with the jaw.
- Trigger point acupuncture.
- Botox to help relax the muscles of the jaw.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Caring For Rabbit Teeth
I used to have rabbits when I was younger and I never knew these important things about caring for their teeth.
Listed below are some dental tips for rabbits:
- Give them tough- fibrous foods like hay, vegetables and fruits to help keep teeth properly worn because all of their teeth are constantly growing (about 1-5 mm per week).
- Dental disease is common in rabbits if they are not on a proper diet and old age, symptoms include:
- Not eating (wight loss)
- Facial discharge
- Tooth elongation
- Teeth trimming - This requires visiting the veterinarian because they are professionals with training and they will using special equipment. You should have your rabbits teeth looked at on a regular bases to see if they need to be trimmed. Like I mentioned above with tough-fibrous foods they teeth will we naturally worn down but sometimes they will need some extra assistance.
- Molar spurs or points - Sharp edges that cut the tongue or cheeks causing painful sores. These spurs will need to be surgically removed and the points can be shaved down.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Impacted Wisdom Teeth - Lose Them or Leave Them?
It is possible to have an impacted tooth and not be aware of it, as some are painless. When an impacted wisdom tooth tries to come in it can become infected and swollen. It may cause you pain in nearby teeth, or even in the ear on that side of your face.
If untreated, an impacted tooth can lead to an infection called pericoronitis. This infection can spread to the throat or into the neck. Impacted teeth can get cavities, cause your teeth to shift due to pressure on neighboring teeth and they can contribute to gum disease.
Visit your dentist regularly. He can tell you if you have an impacted tooth, or whether you are at risk for one with a simple x-ray. Remember, the longer you wait to have an impacted tooth exposed or extracted (especially a wisdom tooth) the more difficult can be to treat!
Don't wait for a toothache! Keep Smiling!
Monday, December 5, 2016
Why Doesn't Your Dental Plan Doesn't Know About Your Dental Treatment
Every once in a while talking to a member we get the question "You didn't know that I was getting this treatment done?". Often it results in the member being short of appauld that the answer is "no". Which is true. As a dental plan, we do not know if what treatment you are getting done, when your treatment is being done or whether you are going to general dentist or a specialist. Why is that? The answer is simple.
Since we are membership dental plan and not dental insurance, there is no claim forms sent to us from the dentist. The saving to you as the member/patient is passed to you at the dental office. The dentist is agreeing to provide you treatment at our savings rate in return for us sending them patients.
A dental insurance company receives a claim form after each treatment, they review it and approve or deny the coverage of it. Then they pay the dentist their portion of the bill. So in essence, they are informed of every visit you make the to dentist office and what treatment they performed. As a dental plan, that is not the case.
In fact, the only ways that we would know that a member is going to the dentist is if the member informs us about it or if the dental center calls to verify eligibility. When the dental center calls to do that, the only thing we are at liberty to discuss is whether or not you are an active member. Due to HIPPA (Health Information Privacy Protection Act) they are not able to discuss your treatment with us, unless it requested by the member for them to do so.
For example, we can not call a dental center and discuss the treatment that you are having done. However, if you call us and have questions about your treatment plan or how much you are being charged, then we can call the dentist and discuss it because the request for our intervention was initiated by you.
So that's the reason why we don't know if you have visited a dentist or what treatment you are having done.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Teething Syndrome
Swollen gums are a good indicator your child is starting to teeth. Also if your child has a fever over 101 degrees teething is most likely the cause of this. If you child has lower persistent fevers you may want to contact you physician.
Some things to help relieve the pain of a teething child are a light gum massage, chilled or frozen toys to gnaw on, also chilled food and/or drinks!
Teething pain cannot be completely prevented, but you can help comfort them and this will help the baby get through it with less distress.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Homemade Denture Cleaner
Now you will no longer have to buy denture cleaner after I give you a few simple homemade cleaner recipes I have found made from house hold products.
- Bleach-based soak:
- Directions for Making:
- 1 part bleach mixed with 10 parts water.
- Best to make when ready to use.
- Directions for use:
- Soak for only 3-10 minutes. **Do not soak overnight**
- Rinse dentures off with cool water before placing them back into the mouth.
- Vinegar-based soak:
- Directions for making:
- Soaking duration mixtures:
- 10 minute soaking: Full strength vinegar.
- 30 minute soaking: 1 part vinegar to 1 part water.
- 8 hours soaking: 1 part vinegar to 9 part water.
- Directions for use:
- After soaking,bush the denture to help remove stubborn mineral deposits.
- Rinse denture with cold water and place them back into the mouth.
- Sodium Bicarbonate soak:
- Directions for making:
- 1 Tsp of baking soda dissolved in 8 oz of water.
- Directions for use:
- Soak for 30 minutes.
- Rinse and place back into the mouth.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Tips To Understanding Your 2017 Dental Benefits
Here are some tips to help you understand all of that insurance jargon.
1. Figure out how much are paying per month and per year. Chances are good that this is taken out of each paycheck. It may not seem like much when you break it down that way but when you look at the big picture, then you will know truly how much it is costing you.
2. Check for exclusion. Something is going to be excluded that is a given. It is important to know this information when you go to the dentist. If you need a procedure done you want to know if it is covered BEFORE you get it done.
3. Check for coverage percentages on procedures. Find out how much is covered on your cleanings, fillings, crown, root canals, extractions etc etc. They coverage will vary especially if you have not had this insurance for long.
4. Find out what your coverage cap is. If your company is offering dental insurance, then you will have a coverage cap. Usually anywhere from 1000-2000 dollars per year. You will want to know this because that amount can be easily depleted in just a couple visits. If you exceed that, then you are responsible for everything else out of pocket.
If you know these 4 things, then you will have information that you need to get a basic overview and understanding of what your coverage provides. That gives you the tools you need to compare and research to find out if that coverage is worth your investment, or if you would rather obtain coverage outside of your work. You can opt out of the dental coverage that they offer.
Don't forget to compare it a dental plan as well. Plans (like ours) offer low year rates, no exclusions, 50% off all dental work and no coverage cap.
You can compare your insurance to our plan by visiting our comparison zone.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Your Oral Health and The Benefits of Green Tea
The following tips are just a few ways your mouth can benefit from drinking Green Tea:
Did you know?
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Tips to Ensure That Your Child Will Have Good Strong Teeth
The following are some important points to remember for you and your child to ensure healthy teeth:
While you are pregnant:
Eat a healthy diet rich in calcium to keep the stores in your body at a healthy level. Dairy products and green leafy vegetables are good sources of calcium.
Brush and floss daily. It is important to keep plaque and tartar at bay. A healthy mouth will lead to a healthier baby!
Ages 0 To 10
STUDIES have shown that if we have tooth decay as babies, then we are more likely to get decay in our permanent teeth. Dental hygiene can and should begin with newborns. Bacteria can be removed by wrapping a piece of gauze around your finger and gently wiping the baby’s gum pads.
Apart from their food-processing function, baby teeth are important as space maintainers so that permanent teeth have a space to grow into. If these teeth are lost early through decay, the space may not be saved, so permanent teeth can drift - a problem more likely to lead to a need for braces later. Consequently, a baby’s sugar intake should be monitored, bearing in mind that even health foods such as milk and fruit contain sugars.
Baby toothbrushes with soft heads should be introduced as soon as teeth come through, along with specially formulated children’s toothpaste. These contain the optimal dose fluoride for youngsters.
Have their teeth cleaned regularly from the age of 2 years. Regular dental screenings can prevent loss of teeth in early years, and helps get your child in the habit of practicing good dental hygiene.
Nursing Bottle Syndrome - a condition which causes rampant decay in a baby’s teeth - can occur from six months, and constant sweetened drinks are often blamed. Studies have shown that 50% of five and six year old children may have erosion of their front milk teeth - a condition that can cause pain and sensitivity. At around the age of six, the first molar teeth start to appear. These can be sealed with a plastic coating, known as fissure sealant, to prevent decay.
Overall, good hygiene for both mother and baby is essential to healthy teeth. The better their teeth when they are young, the longer they will keep them as adults!! In my line of work, I encounter people almost daily in their 90's who still have their own teeth. In part because of a healthy lifestyle and partly because of amazing technology and advancement in dentistry.
Keep Smiling!
Edited and revised by walnutflwr 02/14
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Natural Ways To Heal Canker Sores
- Alum Powder (kitchen spice) - Place a small amount of alum directly on the sore, allow it to sit for 1 minute then spit out. *Do not swallow.
- Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) - Soak a cotton ball in ACV and apply to the sore.
- Vitamin E - Open a vitamin E casual and apply directly on the sore.
- Aloe Vera - Put some fresh aloe Vera juice on the sore 3-4 times a day.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Soft Bristle vs Medium Bristle Toothbrush
When you go to store to buy a new toothbrush, the dilemma begins. What kind of brush do you buy? Soft bristle, Medium Bristle, Extra Soft? So many choices!! Well, the answer is quite simple. First off, just know that the hard bristle brushes that could almost double as bbq grill cleaner are few and far between and harder to find anymore. For most people, the soft brush is good fit, but let's compare them so you can decide for yourself.
Soft Bristle: This is what the majority of people will use. The bristles are firm enough to effectively clean your teeth and loosen anything that is stuck in your teeth as well. The soft bristles are designed to be easy on your gum line and will reduce the chance of getting cuts.
Medium Bristle: The need for a medium brush is rare. First, if you have sensitivity in your gum you will want to stay away for it so you can avoid irritation. This is a good fit for someone who is a "soft brusher". Which means if the pressure you put on your brush is really light, then the medium bristles will counteract that.
Extra-Soft: This brush is key for people that has sensitive teeth and gums. The bristles are soft enough to avoid irritation.
Make sure that you consult with your dentist on which brush they recommended for you!
A Little Dental Poetry
A tooth fell out
And left a space
So big my tongue could touch my face
And every time I smile, I show
A space where something used to grow!
I miss my tooth as you can guess, but
Then I have to brush one less!
--Unknown Author
When Grandpa starts to floss his tooth,
We set the bleachers up.
He takes his false teeth from his mouth
And drops them in a cup.
In the mirror we see him grin
As he looks upon the prize.
His one remaining tooth smiles back
As pride lights up his eyes.
He measures out a piece of floss,
About four feet or more.
And as he turns to face himself
It drags across the floor.
So carefully he lifts the hand
That holds the captured end.
Like chalk across the blackboard,
We hear his elbow bend.
With one end held against that tooth,
The other end is found.
Then grandpa—at a snail-like pace
Begins the wrap around.
When wrapped he does a little hop
And twirls a dainty spin
We see the tooth begin to shine
As he flosses it again.
So then we all stand up to cheer,
He shyly takes his bow.
And says, "I'm glad for your applause,
Please listen to me now,
"My tooth is an example
That yours might well be lost,
Unless you brush them everyday
And make sure they all are flossed."
—Grandpa Tucker
Copyright ©2000 by Bob Tucker
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Hairy Tongue
This conditions is common in older males and has been found that hairy tongue is caused by poor oral hygiene, medications, smoking, breathing through the mouth and people who have no teeth.
You can prevent hairy tongue by maintaining proper oral hygiene. Brushing the tongue is just as important as brushing and flossing your teeth. The tongue harbors bacteria and food particles under a thin layer of mucus. All you need is your toothbrush or a tongue scraper. Gently but the toothbrush or scraper to the back of the tongue and then work forward to the opening of the mouth. Rinse with water after each pass.
If hairy tongue is not resolved by using proper oral hygiene techniques, consult with your dentist about medical or surgical treatments that are available.

Information found here!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Gingivitis Vs. Periodontitis
Gingivitis is inflammation around the gums due to excess plaque on the teeth. You may notice your gums are red, swollen and bleed easily when brushing.
Periodontitis is the infection of the structure around the teeth which include the cementum, periodontal ligament and the alveolar bone.
The first sign of periodontal disease begins with gingivitis. If you are starting to notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, this is a warning sign that you need to see your dentist. If you ignore these warning signs you may start have bad breath this is because the gum tissue is beginning to recede and will eventually detach from the tooth causing pockets. Ultimately if you don't receive any treatment your teeth will become loose and have to be removed.
Treatments can vary depending on the extent of gum disease. Some types of treatments include:
- Deep cleaning (Scaling and root Planning)
- Medication along with deep cleanings
- Surgeries
- Flap surgery
- Bone and tissue graft
Monday, October 31, 2016
Wisdom Teeth Are Very Tricky
I recently had a member call and ask me if they were required to go to a specialist to get their wisdom teeth removed. As usual my first question to them was "have you seen your regular dentist and asked them about it". They told me that they had not yet visited the regular dentist but wanted to save money on 2 visits if they were referred to a specialist.
To answer the base question, the answer is NO. Some general dentist can and will pull your wisdom teeth, if they are comfortable and equipped to do so. My advise was, and always has been, to let your general dentist make that call. Wisdom teeth are more tricky than wise. They can cause you problems or pain especially if they are coming in crooked. In some cases they grow in at an awkward angle and push on your back molars, causing pain and ultimately effecting the healthy growth of the other teeth. In most cases such as that, a specialist would likely be involved. However, if the wisdom teeth are growing in straight and with no issues, then it is possible that your general dentist, if equipped and comfortable with doing so, would be able to extract the wisdom teeth for you.
How the wisdom teeth are growing in can easily be identified through x-rays. If regular check-up and x-rays are taken then the chances of early diagnosis of how the growth pattern of the wisdom teeth is increased.
So in short, (and this applies to any procedure), always check with your general dentist first! Let them make the call to refer you to specialist or not. This, in the long run, can save you a lot of money, time and effort.
If you are a member of our dental plan, please make sure that the specialist that you are visiting is indeed in our network of specialists.
3D Cone Beam X-Rays
The advancement in dental technology never ceases to amaze me. I recently visited a dental center and took a tour of their office. They were equipped with the 3D Cone Beam digital X-ray machine. Being one of rare occasions that my tour of center was given by the dentist, I took advantage of the opportunity to ask questions as to how it worked. He was kind of enough to take the time to do a quick case study with me and what I saw was pretty amazing.
The study was of a patient who had a root canal but was still experiencing pain in the area of the tooth. Looking at the normal bite wing x-ray and comparing it to a panoramic x-ray, a problem was not identifiable as to what would case the pain. Everything looked good with the root canal and nothing appeared to wrong. Then he pulled up the 3D Cone Beam X-ray of the case study patient. There, he was able to zoom in and examine all sides of the tooth and get an excellent digital view of the area. After carefully studying it, he was able to determine that pain was not due to anything dental related, rather it pulmonary related. The case study patient would then referred to a pulmonologist for further evaluation.
This was amazing! The technology that allowed him with just a click of a button to view the tooth from all angles and move the image around as needed was a key part in his diagnosis. Before, to do something like that he would have had to have taken multiple bite wing X-rays from a different angles and compare them to one another closely to find the problem. By using the 3D Cone Beam, the case study patient was only subject to 1 x-ray and the dentist was able to get everything he needed to correctly identify the problem.
3D Cone Beam X-rays are not necessary in every dental procedure and most of the time the patient will be in a situation where simple bite wing X-rays or panoramic X-rays (full mouth) will be sufficient. However, in a case where one is necessary or useful, it is a powerful diagnostic tool for a dentist to identify a particular problem that might have been harder to identify in the past.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Some Halloween Advice: Blackout Make-up For Teeth
Halloween is just around the corner..a few days away, in fact, so I thought I would post this as a reminder for anyone planning to use a Liquid Black-Out product on your teeth as part of your Halloween costume. Some of the products on the market today are not intended for use on teeth that are not natural. If you have dentures, crowns or veneers or even composite fillings, it could stain your teeth permanently! So, do your homework before you purchase a black-out product and if you should wind up after the holiday with a permanently gray-stained tooth, contact your dental provider right away to get advice on how to remove it.
Have a safe and fun-filled Halloween evening!
And as always, keep smiling!
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Best Way To Pull Loose Baby Teeth
- Numb the tooth - Use a topical anesthetic such as Orajel to numb the area.
- Be careful with tools - Avoid using props. Instead use a small piece of gauze and your fingers to pull the tooth.
- Use a distraction - Talk to the child about their day. Another good distraction is counting. Count to "three" and pull on "two" so the tooth is out before they even know it.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Dental Implant Advantages
- Feels and looks like your natural teeth.
- Helps preserve the jaw bone.
- Prevents a sunken-in appearance.
- They are permanent so you wont feel any movement.
- You can eat, speak and smile normally.
- Custom made for your mouth.
- Rooted into the jaw bone, making them strong and stable.
- Best choice for replacing missing teeth because they are stable.
- If taken care of properly, they can last a lifetime.
- May need occasional adjustments.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
New Dental Provider in Bullhead City
A Few Tips for Better Dental Health in Dogs
Sniff your dog’s breath. If it smells bad and is accompanied by a loss of appetite, vomiting or excessive urinating, might be a good idea to take your dog to the vet.
Check Under Lips
Check your dog’s gums often looking to make sure they are pink, not white or red. His teeth should be clean, without any brownish tartar.
Signs of Oral Disease
Bad breath
Excessive drooling
Inflamed gums
Tumors in the gums
Cysts under the tongue
Loose teeth
Chew Toys
They not only satisfy your dog’s desire to chomp, they also help make his teeth strong. They can help massage his gums and keep soft tartar off his teeth.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Questions From Our Members - Why Did My Dentist Ask About My Sleeping Habits?
Questions From Our Members
D. Harberstone of Miami, Flordia asks:“During a recent dental exam the dentist asked me about my sleep habits, (how many times a night do I wake up). I didn't question her about her question but since I'm not in any pain, why do you think she would care about how well I sleep?”
Savon’s Answer
During a dental exam the dentist looks for many different indicators of oral and physical health. If your dentist notices certain things like worn tooth surfaces, a small jaw, tongue with scalloped edges or redness in the throat, it could conceivably trigger a question about your sleep habits.What the dentist is looking for with a question about your sleep habits is a condition known as “Obstructive Sleep Apnea1”. The condition causes repeated breathing interruptions throughout the night; the pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes and may occur 30 or more times per hour.
The first sign of sleep apnea is often bruxism (tooth grinding). If you grind your teeth while you are sleeping, your jaw tenses up and it sends a message to your brain to wake you up and take a breath.
Bruxism is just one sign the dentist sees. The small jaw, tongue with scalloped edges or redness of the throat may indicate that you snore which is another symptom of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is linked to a higher risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
Although dentists are trained in the symptoms and treatments of sleep apnea, only a medical doctor can make an official diagnosis.
(The content of this blog was originally posted in our October 2016 newsletter in the article "Here's Your Answer")
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Why Does Your Dentist Take X-Rays?
Some of the most common reason for x-rays are listed below:
- Looking for decay between the teeth - sometimes decay is not visible to the naked eye.
- Checking for bone loss associated with gum disease - Gum disease can cause bone loss and the x-ray can show how advanced it is.
- Checking for decay under fillings - Sometime decay under the fillings can occur and the only way to detect this is by x-rays.
- Looking for infection at the tip of the root - Infections can appear at the bottom of the teeth where the bone is, which x-rays are needed to confirm.
- Examine before procedures - Dentist need a full view of the area they will be working on, whether it is braces, fillings and tooth extractions.
So next time you get upset about having another set of x-rays taken, remember this is for your own oral health!
Would you rather take the x-rays and see potential problems or be blindsided?
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Periodontal Disease - Facts
Periodontal disease, also known as "gum disease," currently affects an estimated 85% of the population. There are different forms of the disease. Gingivitis, the mildest form of gum disease, is caused by bacteria from tartar and plaque and leads to swelling, redness, and bleeding of the gums. If left untreated, gingivitis can advance in to "periodontitis." Periodontitis is a more severe form of gum disease and can lead to "pockets" or areas where the gums separate from the tooth, infection, bone loss, as well as other serious health related problems (which we will discuss next week in part 2).
What's the scariest part of all this? Many people have this disease and don't even know it. So, are YOU at risk? Sadly, anyone can get the disease, but here is a list of things that increase your chances of getting periodontal disease:
-Do you smoke? It's proven that smoking is one of the most significant risk factors associated with the development of gum disease, not to mention smoking may also hinder a successful treatment.
-Do you have diabetes? People with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing infections, including gum disease.
-On meds? Many prescription medications reduce the flow of saliva, your mouth's natural cleaning agent that wards off unwanted bacteria. Decreased saliva leaves the mouth vulnerable to infections such as gum disease. Also, certain medications cause overgrowth of gum tissue making it difficult to keep the gums clean.
-Do you suffer from an illness? Illnesses such as HIV/AIDS or any other illnesses which reduce immune system production make your body extremely vulnerable to infections, including your mouth, and also make recovery and treatment difficult.
-Does it run in your family? Yes, it can be linked to genetics. If your family has a history of gum disease, you might be more susceptible than others.
If this information isn't enough to send you straight to the dentist for a check up, join me next week for part 2 where we will discuss the possible consequences of ignoring the symptoms of periodontal disease, including the very serious health risks involved which may surprise you.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
The Growing Practice Of Dental Sleep Medicine
More and more dentists are entering into this field of treatment. The way it works is this: A qualified physician diagnoses the condition through a series of studies done on the patient, then the dentist provides treatment; ( i.e. usually a custom fitted oral device, worn during sleep and designed to keep the airway open by supporting the jaw and tongue.)
A loved one may notice heavy snoring or interrupted breathing patterns that can happen many times during the sleep cycle, however, if you live alone the following signs could be an indication that you may need to be checked out:
Mild to heavy daytime sleepiness
Morning headaches
Decreased libido
Inability to concentrate
Additionally, if you are overweight you may have a higher risk for sleep apnea. Essentially, through oxygen deprivation and lack of refreshing sleep, this disorder can wreak havoc on your body over time. It can put you at risk for high blood pressure, stroke and even heart attack, not to mention the risk of sudden death while sleeping due to the closing of the airway.
Many people have this disorder and are unaware of the danger it poses. It is effectively a silent killer. If you think you or a loved one may have this, contact your healthcare provider and arrange for a screening. It could save your life!
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Cocaine/Crack Cocaine Vs. Oral Health
Whether someone snorts or smokes this drug, it can cause serious damage to the body and mouth.
Stimulants like Cocaine/Crack Cocaine, can cause individuals to clench and grind their teeth while under the influence. Grinding can cause serious problems like wearing down, fracturing and loosening the teeth.
Using Cocaine/Crack Cocaine can also cause chronic dry mouth, this is because the drugs reduce the flow of saliva. Once someone has dry mouth they are going to feel thirsty and will most likely grab sugary drinks. Combining dry mouth and sugary drinks just increased the risk of tooth decay.
It can take just a few months of using Cocaine/Crack Cocaine to reach the point your teeth are so damaged that they either are falling our or have to be pulled.
If you or someone you love is suffering from drug abuse please call the National Helpline.
Information found here.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Can Green Tea Help to Promote Oral Health?
Green Tea may help to:
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
What Is Ankyloglossia?
Tongue-tie is a short, thick band of tissue that is connected to the bottom of the tongues tip to the floor of the mouth. This condition limits the tongues range of motion.
Being tongue-tied in some cases can have serious affects on a person, by affecting the way a person eats, speaks and even swallow. Not all cases are that way, some non-serious problems can be having difficulty sticking out his/her tongue or simply eating an ice cream cone.
Tongue-tie can be fix by a simple surgical procedure and the recovery time is only about 24 hours.
I personally am tongue-tied and I experience the non-serious problems such as; I can not lick an ice cream cone very well and I can not stick out my tongue past my lips. I have thought about getting the tongue release surgery but since i'm not having serious problems I don't see why I need that done at this point.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Nail Biting Is Harmful To Your Teeth
According to the academy of General Dentistry, anyone who bites their nails are damaging their teeth. By biting your nails you can crack, chip or most commonly wear down the front of the teeth from the stress caused by biting. If you wear braces you can be in serious trouble since the braces already have pressure on the teeth biting can cause root resorption (shortening of the roots) or even tooth loss.
If you don't break this habit in the long run you can develop Bruxism which is the unintentional grinding or clenching of the teeth and can cause serious pain, headaches, tooth sensitivity, receding gums and tooth loss.
Below are some tips on breaking the nail biting habit:
- Identify triggers - Are you bored, nervous or stressed?
- Manicures - You will less likely want to bite your nails when you just paid to have them done.
- Nail length - Keeps nails short, this way you wont be tempted to bite them
- Keep crunchy foods with you - Keeping chips or carrots with you will help with the temptation to bite your nails.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Today dental implants are considered the top treatment option for people with missing teeth. Dental implants (small anchors) are permanently places into your jaw keeping the bone healthy and intact. These small anchors are acting like your natural tooth root.
The healing process for this procedure can last 2-6 months. This allows the implant and bone to bond along with letting the gums heal.
Next, dentures will be made and will be attached to the anchors! These dentures will be able to snap on and off easily for cleaning purposes.
Here are some benefits of overdentures:
- Promotes better digestion, allows you to chew better which helps the stomach digest the food more efficiently.
- Helps retain your facial structures. With out teeth your face will look sunken it and aged.
- No more pain! You will have no more unnecessary movement when eating and talking.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Going Cheap With A Mouthguard Could Ultimately Cost You More
With youth football season coming upon us, it is that time of year to start gathering the equipment you need to make sure that your young athlete is safe out there on the gridiron. The mouthpiece is an essential part of that equipment and for the health of your child. The mouth piece, one that is of good quality, will reduce concussions, reduce broken teeth, protect the jaw and reduce the biting of the tongue. However, not all mouth pieces are the same. Some retail stores sell them for really cheap and with the high cost of the other equipment, it is a great area to save a few bucks.
However, that cheap mouthpiece can cost you more in the long run if it does not protect your athlete's mouth the way it should. Here are some tips to make sure that you get a mouthpiece that will protect your child's head and smile.
1. A good mouthpiece will be clinically or scientifically tested.
2. A good mouthpiece should have an impact force rating of 5 joules or higher
3. A good mouthpiece should have an impact energy rating of 2.25 joules or higher
4. The mouthpiece should fit your child's mouth comfortably and not cause any mouth sores
5. The mouthpiece should cover all teeth including back molars, but not any further. If the mouthpiece goes too far back in the mouth, it could potentially block or restrict their airway.
Also, if your child wears braces, make sure that mouthpiece is designed to for braces. Braces themselves are a big investment as you already know. Protecting them with the correct mouthpiece is imperative to your child's orthodontic treatment.
When in doubt as to which mouthpiece is right for your child, check with your dentist. Some dental centers may even be able to order one the is custom fit for your athlete's mouth and that will ensure the best protection.
Lastly, make sure that your young athlete has a dental exam prior to starting the season. This will allow the dentist to check everything over and make you aware of any problems that may arise from the contact in football.
Savon Dental Plan Is Available In The Tri-State Area!
We are pleased to announce that Savon Dental Plan is now available in the Tri-State Area of Laughlin Nevada, Bullhead City, Arizona, Fort Mohave, Arizona, Mohave Valley, Arizona and Needles, California and surrounding areas. As of right now, we have 1 provider in the area in Bullhead City, Arizona and are rapidly working to get more in the surrounding areas as well. This opens up a whole new market for us at Savon and gives us the opportunity to bring our affordable dental coverage to another smaller rural community that benefit from it greatly.
If you are a current member and are visiting that area, please know that your plan will work at any of our network providers that we get there, just as it does for all of our providers nationwide. If you live in the area, please take the time to check us out at and see how much you WILL save at the dentist office.
We do have a representative that has relocated to the Bullhead City / Fort Mohave area and is there to help with Provider and Member relations. If you would like to speak with him, you can reach him at 800-809-3494, Ext 103.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Oral Cancer
Treatments for oral cancer are the same for other types of cancer. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Proper treatment is solely dependent on what stage the cancer is at. Surgery is commonly used for oral cancer this is usually done with a biopsy to remove the cancer. Most people who are diagnosed with oral cancer are over the age of fifty years old. There is no single cause of oral cancer, but some factors increase oral cancer are, smoking or chewing tobacco, alcohol, also sun exposure to lips.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Stay Connected With Savon Dental Plan!
Savon Dental Plan's Official Website - This is THE tool for every member and prospective member where you can view our dentists list, our fee schedules, compare us to different plans and insurance, sign up, and even renew your plan! Here we also provide important information about the industry, tips on figuring out what is right for you, a monthly newsletter keeping you up to date on current events within the company, and much, much more!
Facebook With Us! - Like us on facebook! It's not uncommon to find special contests with VALUABLE prizes, as well as links to our daily blog, fun polls, and things to just make you smile (which is our favorite thing to do)!
Follow Us On Twitter! - Another great source to keep you up to date with Savon! Be the FIRST to get the latest news by following us today!
And one last thing...
If you're looking for the best of the best Arizona's businesses have to offer, check out Savon's Business Partner Guide!
Thank you for being a part of the Savon Family! Get connected and keep us close! :)
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Obamacare-Is Your Smile Suffering?
Read here for some good information about dental coverage.
Read here for a comparison of dental insurance and dental plans.
As always, Try To Keep Smiling!
Flossing Benefits Unproven
The study was conducted over the past decade and compares the combination of brushing and floss along with just the use of a toothbrush. The findings of flossing were "weak, very unreliable," of "very low" quality, and carries "a moderate to large potential for bias."
The American Academy of Periodontology and the American Dental Association say that they have proof that flossing prevents many things such as plaque, gum disease and decay. However their studies were outdated, used old methods and only studied a handful of people for a short amount of time, where this new study like I mentioned above has taken a decade.
Researchers say that you should still floss but you don't have to crazy if you forget to!
For the full article click here!
*Fun Fact: Did you know in 2015 Americans spent about $448 Million on dental floss?
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Eating With New Dentures
Adjusting to eating with dentures will take sometime, since you will have to change on how you eat your food.
Here are a few tips on eating with new dentures:
- Be careful with hot liquids and foods, you will not be able to judge temperatures.
- Your foods might taste differently at first and will improve over time.
- Work your way up to solid foods. Start with a liquid diet, move to soft foods then to solids.
- Replace tough meats like steak with poultry and fish.
- Cut foods into tiny pieces including fruits.
- Avoid very hard and sticky foods at all costs.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Is it better to go to a privately owned practice with one doctor versus a "clinic" with multiple doctors?
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
A Little Honey A Day May Stop Tooth Decay!
Honey is sweet and comforting and many people don't even know about all the healing abilities honey has to offer. Honey offers incredible antiseptic, antioxidants and cleansing properties for our body and health.
Manuka Honey is made by bees that feed off of the Manuka bush in New Zealand. This type of honey not only fights infections and helps with tissue healing but it helps reduce the amount of inflammation and scarring. As a side note this honey helps with diarrhea, stomach ulcers and many other problems.
Here are some interesting facts about Manuka Honey:
- Manuka Honey which has potent antibacterial qualities, that works just as well as mouth wash.
- Most honey consumed in the US is processed and will not have the same healing properties found in raw Manuka Honey.
- Manuka Honey is also known as "Medihoney"
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Survival Uses For Dental Floss
Did you know that dental floss can become very handy in a survival situation?
Here are just a few different ways you can use it for survival:
- Stitches - If you or someone gets a cut and it needs stitches, use dental floss to sew your skin back together.
- Building a fire - Waxed dental floss burns easily, but the best way to get a fire started is by tying bundles of dental floss together.
- Straps for trash bags - If you have to travel through muck or snow, wrap a garbage bag around your legs and secure them with the dental floss.
- A Dummy Cord - Don't want to lose things such as your knife, tools or compass? Tie them together and attach them to your clothes or backpack.
- Tripwire - Tie dental floss tightly around trees, anything that comes through will not see the floss and fall before they can get to you. You can also add some cans to make an alarm for extra protection.
- As Lashing - In need of a larger shelter? Use dental floss to lash branches together so you can build one. If you already have a shelter use dental floss to make it stronger.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Why Dental Plans Are Underrated Yet Over Deliver!
I am sure everyone has been in the situation where they are telling their friend about a new food that they tried and had their friend turn their nose up at it and say gross. If so, then you most likely responded with "Don't knock it until you tried it". The funny thing is, I have used that statement many time about dental plans. I have posted multiple blogs about dental plans versus insurance and proved many times how much a dental plan will save you, the patient, a lot of money all around. Yet, I still find that dental plans in general are underrated and in some cases deemed "sub par".
To that I say "Don't knock it until you have tried it". I am not really sure what is so special about the word insurance and why it is put on such a high pedestal over the word plan. Can anyone explain that to me? Why does "dental insurance" appeal more to people so much? Dental Insurance is an industry designed to rip you off. It is in the business of doing just that. What is so special about paying a lot of money for their conditional subpar coverage? What is so special about paying for something that you can't fully use from the get go?
Imagine for a moment that you bought a car. You pay this huge down payment, you are making monthly payments and are told that you can't pick it up for a month, then you can only drive it 100 miles per month for the first 3 months, then 500 for the next 3 months, then 750 for the next 3 months and so on. Once you have the car for 2 years, you can drive unlimited miles. Sound nuts right? You would look at the dealership and tell them that they are crazy and that there is no way that you are going to buy that car. I am sure of it.
Well, it is the same concept with dental insurance. You make a hefty down payment to start the coverage, pay an unreasonable monthly payment for something you are limited to use for while. In general, you may have to wait 1-3 months for it to even go "in effect ". Once it goes into effect, you are only going to get limited coverage for the first 6 months. After that, they will let you have a little more coverage. About 6 months later, they will cover some more things. By then, your coverage is may be up for renewal and they will most likely increase your rates before covering even more. On top of that, they get to choose what they will cover and what they don't. How does this not sound as crazy as the crazy car dealer? It does to me, yet people are flocking to it like new food was just put in the bird feader.
I have said it many times before and will say it again. Dental Insurance Companies are in the business of COLLECTING PREMIUMS not paying claims. Thus.. they are in the business of taking as much of your money as they can incase you do use the insurance and sit back and hope you don't use it. If you do use it, they limit you on how much you can use it, and increase your rates the next year. Bottom line: THEY ARE IN THE BUSINESS OF RIPPING YOU OFF! They don't care about your teeth, they care about your money!
That's why Dental Plans exist. That's how they over deliver. You pay a low yearly membership rate and you get to use it in full right away. You can go to the dentist anytime you want. You don't have to worry if something is covered or not because you have the peace of mind that it is covered. Dental Plans are in the business of SAVING YOU MONEY not taking your money. You get to buy the car in full and drive it all you want, plain and simple.
The biggest reason why Dental Plans Are underrated is that insurance companies have enough of your money to spend millions in advertising. Most dental plans don't because they are not collecting thousands of dollars a year from each person in premiums. Insurance companies come at the consumer with inticing offers that make them line up to get ripped off. $20 per month for up to 80% dental coverage sounds much better than $99 per year for 50% coverage, but in reality it isn't better. Furthermore, they claim that they have the best dentists around and that dental plans have subpar dentists. Well, I can assure that the dentist that take Savon are the same dentists that take all of the major insurance companies. So they are lying to you and ripping you off. I can also guarantee you that we spend more time and work harder to vette our dentist to make sure that they meet high standards required to see our members. Lastly, we visit them constantly to make sure that those standards are being met. Show me a insurance company that cares enough to do that.
So when it comes to your dental coverage and dental health you have 3 choices, 1. Pay for it our of own pocket, (which is really expensive. 2. Get ripped off by the dental insurance company 3. Make the smart decision of joining a dental plan and take the money you save to buy that new car.
In closing, I say this... when it comes to a dental plan.. "Don't knock it until you have tried it"