Friday, November 25, 2016

Tips To Understanding Your 2017 Dental Benefits

For those of you who get dental benefits at work the time is quickly approaching to renew those benefits. Which means there will most likely be changes to benefits package that is offered. I am sure that most of you do not read through the 150 page packet that you will be mailed so knowing what benefits you have and don't have will be a big surprise when you are at the dental office. Even if you did read all 150 pages, they are not very comprehensive and what information is there is not put into language that we understand.

Here are some tips to help you understand all of that insurance jargon.

1. Figure out how much are paying per month and per year. Chances are good that this is taken out of each paycheck. It may not seem like much when you break it down that way but when you look at the big picture, then you will know truly how much it is costing you.

2. Check for exclusion. Something is going to be excluded that is a given. It is important to know this information when you go to the dentist. If you need a procedure done you want to know if it is covered BEFORE you get it done.

3. Check for coverage percentages on procedures. Find out how much is covered on your cleanings, fillings, crown, root canals, extractions etc etc. They coverage will vary especially if you have not had this insurance for long.

4. Find out what your coverage cap is. If your company is offering dental insurance, then you will have a coverage cap. Usually anywhere from 1000-2000 dollars per year. You will want to know this because that amount can be easily depleted in just a couple visits. If you exceed that, then you are responsible for everything else out of pocket.

If you know these 4 things, then you will have information that you need to get a basic overview and understanding of what your coverage provides. That gives you the tools you need to compare and research to find out if that coverage is worth your investment, or if you would rather obtain coverage outside of your work. You can opt out of the dental coverage that they offer.

Don't forget to compare it a dental plan as well. Plans (like ours) offer low year rates, no exclusions, 50% off all dental work and no coverage cap.

You can compare your insurance to our plan by visiting our comparison zone.

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