Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Don't Let That Great Smile Go!

 For those of you that already have a great smile, I say this... Do whatever you need to do to keep it! With the cost of dentistry not going down and only increasing, the cost to get that smile back could be insurmountable.

Trust me when I tell you that the cost of toothpaste, mouthwash, floss and regular dental cleanings is a lot less expensive than the cost of restorative dental work. In today's market, you may literally need dental financing to cover it.

Here are some tips to keeping that smile great:

1. Brush at least 2x per day
2. Floss daily
3. Get regular cleanings and checkups from your dental provider
4. If you need any small dental work, don't wait.  Have it repaired as soon as possible, before it               becomes a bigger problem. 

As always, Keep Smiling! 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Which Should Come First, Brushing Or Flossing?

Is there a correct order on how you keep your teeth clean? Is it brush then floss or floss then brush?

My observation is that most people brush their teeth first, then floss, but according to the Oral Health Foundation, flossing should come first. Flossing loosens bacteria and food debris between the teeth, making brushing more effective.

Dr. Nigel Carter, Chief Executive of the Oral Health Foundations, states "Brushing alone only cleans three of the five surfaces of our teeth, so cleaning between them before we pick up our toothbrush is hugely beneficial. It helps to prevent gum disease by removing plaque from areas the toothbrush alone cannot reach."

So, when you're ready to clean your teeth, remember to floss first!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

RFID To Help Monitor Stress Level in Dental Patients

We don't really to talk too much about the stress of going to the dentist. Hence, the reason most people do not go unless they absolutely have to. Long waits in the waiting room, long waits in the oporatory and just the stress of not knowing what is going to happen and whether it will be painful or not.

Well, researchers at Columbia University are using new technology to help with that. They are designing a new dental center that is built to monitor and reduce patient stress as well as speed up the process of a dental visit.

It is designed around a bracelet that the patient is given when they check in. This bracelet is equipped with RFID (radio frequency identification) technology. Once activated, the center will be able to tell where in the office the patient is located, what procedure they are having done, any dental information on file, how long they have been waiting and measure the patients stress level by measuring heart rate and respirations. They will also be able to tell the real time stress level of the patient while the procedure is being performed.

This is one piece of technology that I personally am very interested in and, if proven to work, would love to see in every dental center across the nation. Especially if it speeds up the visit like they suggest.

Thoughts, anyone?

Monday, August 22, 2022

Bad Breath Could Mean You Have Underlying Medical Conditions

Yuck, what is that smell? Could it be your breath? 

Checking your breath may not just save you from embarrassing social moments, but it may save your life!

Recurring bad breath could be a sign of underlying medical conditions.:

  • Fish Breath: kidney failure- The fishy breath occurs when kidney failure affects the respiratory system and makes it hard to breathe. This is because the damaged kidneys can no longer filter waste products from the blood and turn it into the urine.
  • Sleep conditions may cause sour mouth- Saliva decreases during sleep, which causes a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Excess weight-  A poor diet and lack of water can play a major role in bad breath. Try drinking large amounts of water and eating lots of fruit and vegetables, this will help keep your breath fresh.
Below are some tests that are available to help detect specific medical conditions:
  • Electric Nose Technology: Detects lung cancer from bad breath. This is a cheaper alternative than doing a biopsy to detect lung cancer. The "electronic nose" detects different profiles of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breaths.
  • Breath tests: This can detect heart failure. By taking a breath test, researchers can use "mass spectrometry" technology to analyze the sample for molecular and chemical compound signs of heart failure.

If you notice your recurring bad breath please seek medical help!

To read more click here!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Denture Glue to Repair a Turtle's Shell...Amazing!

This is a very old story from 2013 but a good one! It is always great to hear about modern "human" remedies being successfully used for animals.  In this case, a sea turtle was saved...with denture glue. 

Denture glue is something that you would think to only use for one thing.. dentures..right? Well a turtle rehab center in Florida turned to it in a last ditch effort to save the life of a sea turtle. The 40 pound turtle was brought into the center with a 10 inch crack on its shell from being struck by a boat. With a fractured shell, a turtle becomes vulnerable to infection on top of the danger of the cracked shell to begin with.

After unsuccessfully repairing turtle shells with various marine epoxies and dental glues in the past, the center turned to a local dentist to see if there was something new they could try.

After researching and brainstorming, they used a waterproof denture resin to repair the break in the shell and then fitted it with prosthetic pieces to replace the missing shell pieces.

At last check, the treatment is holding and the sea turtle is no longer in critical condition.

Another successful animal rescue story! I love it!  

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Natural Ways To Heal Canker Sores

We all know how uncomfortable and painful canker sores can be, right? I'm sure you have tried Orajel and canker x to help heal the pain but have you tried any natural remedies? I know, I haven't.

Below are some natural remedies to help heal those painful sores:
  • Alum Powder (kitchen spice) - Place a small amount of alum directly on the sore, allow it to sit for 1 minute then spit out. *Do not swallow*.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) - Soak a cotton ball in ACV and apply it to the sore.
  • Vitamin E - Open a vitamin E casual and apply it directly to the sore.
  • Aloe Vera - Put some fresh aloe Vera juice on the sore 3-4 times a day.
Hopefully, with the help of these, you will get some relief from the pain and discomfort.

To help prevent Canker sores you should brush your teeth after every meal and floss twice a day to keep your mouth free of food particles that trigger these painful sores.

If you still end up with a canker sore, use a soft toothbrush such as a perio-toothbrush to prevent irritation while brushing, and avoid toothpaste and mouth rinses that contain sodium lauryl sulfate.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Good And Bad Food For Your Teeth

 Eating the right foods might be the key to long-lasting healthy teeth and gums!

Good Foods-
  • Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables
  • Milk, yogurt, and dairy products
  • Green and black tea
  • Foods with fluoride
Bad Foods-
  • Sticky candy and sweets
  • Starchy foods
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Anything that will dry the mouth
Remember to keep up with your oral hygiene, brush and floss twice a day and see your dentist on a regular basis for cleanings and exams!

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Harmful Effects Bulimia Can Have on Oral Health

It is estimated that eating disorders affect at least 9% of the population worldwide. 9% of the U.S. population, or 28.8 million Americans, will have an eating disorder in their lifetime.

It's likely that we have all known someone who suffers from an eating disorder.  Bulemia Nervosa is a psychiatric disorder that involves frequent purging of stomach contents in order to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight. It is one of many types of eating disorders but is particularly troubling because it primarily affects teen girls between the ages of 15 and 19, and young women into their early 20's.  What many people don't know is that the disease has a devastating effect on dental health.  

Click the link below to read a wonderful article about the effects of Bulimia on teeth and gums and what can be done to prevent and treat it

You will find the full article here.   

Keep Smiling!