Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The Connection Between Teeth Grinding and Migraine Pain

 A Migraine headache generally causes pain on the one side or on the top of your head, but the problem may actually start at the base of your skull, at the top of your neckline.  Teeth grinding, or TMJ, could be the culprit!   

TMJ, or your temporomandibular joint, is the joint that connects your skull to your jawbone.  It is the reason you are able to chew food, yawn (without your mouth sticking open) and even talk.  When the muscles surrounding it tighten from constant teeth clenching or grinding, it can cause a variety of painful problems. Among those, headaches, tooth pain from the constant compression, jaw pain and pain that radiates into the shoulder.  If you are prone to migraine, teeth grinding can trigger it.  

If you think this may be causing or triggering your migraine headaches, see an Oral/Maxiofacial Surgeon to get a diagnosis.  There are treatments available.  

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Fun Facts About The Mouth!

* People whose mouth has a narrow roof are more likely to snore!
* 85% of the population can curl their tongue!
* Expect to gain 256 colonies of bacteria from kissing!
* If your mouth was completely dry, you would not be able to distinguish the taste of anything!
* Taste is the weakest of the senses!
* Whichever hand you use to write is the side you will chew your food!
* Humans have unique tongue prints just like the fingertips!
* The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body!
* There are about 9,000 taste buds on the surface of the tongue!
* Humans produce about 37,854 liters of saliva in a lifetime!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Wisdom Teeth - Do We Really Need Them?

The issue of whether to extract healthy wisdom teeth in young adults has been hotly debated over the years.  The general theory is to extract now, avoid problems later. There are pros and cons to this theory, of course, but  I suppose It's like having an appendectomy...or a tonsillectomy. Afterward you discover that you really didn't need them to begin with! Wisdom teeth, afterall, are not positioned for adequate chewing. It isn't like they are essential. The fact is, teens and people in their early twenties heal faster.  A wisdom tooth extraction (or any extraction, really) is kind of like an amputation.   It isn't so easy when you're older.  Conversely, smokers, diabetics and people in poor general health or with compromised health have a harder time healing and can experience more complications than younger, healthier people. People in good health tend to heal faster.  It's that simple. Not to mention that a good percentage of wisdom teeth never erupt; they remain impacted and can actually cause the teeth to shift and affect your bite.  I guess I have mentioned the pros to this theory and not really any cons!  Feel free to chime in if you can think of any reasons why not to have your wisdom teeth extracted!

We'd like to know your opinion on the subject, both doctors and patients!

Keep Smiling!

Friday, December 15, 2023

Dental Plan Scams

Just a friendly reminder...

"In these slow economic conditions, I have found a new scam that as a potential purchaser of a dental plan you should be aware of.

Since we are a dental plan, we spend many hours each week monitoring what's happening in the dental field. One of the newest things popping up is dental offices offering their own dental plan.

This may appear to be a great offer to the patient of the dental office BUT it should raise a couple of red flags too.

1. For a small fee (usually under $100.00 per year), paid directly to the dental office, they will lower their usual fee by as much as 50%. The main question to ask yourself is, "Why are their usual fees so high to begin with". We all know that such a small membership fee doesn't offset the discount that they are offering.

2. Does the fact that they are willing to drop their fees if you purchase their dental plan cause a trust issue with that dental office? When I have the chance to explain in detail like I did in paragraph 1, the majority of the people I talk with usually develop some level of a trust issue.

3. What happens if you decide that you don't like the dental office, don't agree with the treatment plan, or move too far away making it almost impossible to continue to go to that dental office. Is another dental office going to accept the plan that you purchased? I can say with 99.9% accuracy the answer is NO!! You are now stuck with a dental plan that you can only use at one office or a mega office (a series of offices managed by a group) and nowhere else.

Dental plans like Savon do one thing. They provide their members with quality, affordable dental care at over 13,000 dental offices nationwide. The dental plan controls the fees, not the dental office. If you have a problem with a dentist, simply choose a new dentist. If you feel you were overcharged, the dental plan is there to act on your behalf in sorting out the issue.

Don't get caught in the trap of purchasing a dental plan that may be good only at the dental office or dental group that sells it to you. Investigate all of your options and find a good solid dental plan that works for you."

Original post from C.J. on August 24, 2011

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

How to Ask Your Dental Office if They Accept Your Insurance.

 NEVER ask your dental office if they take your insurance! Ask instead if they are "in network" with your insurance.  This is something we at Savon Dental Plan encounter frequently. Typically, the dentist office will say that they do accept your insurance. But there is a huge difference, and it could wind up costing you a small fortune in fees that are ultimately not covered, or covered sparingly. 

They may very well accept your insurance, but that doesn't mean they are in-network!  Out-of-network costs are much higher than in-network costs.  Fees are usually pre-negotiated between the dental insurance and in-network dentists. Dental providers can charge exorbitant fees (basically whatever they want) if your treatment was done by an out-of-network dentist, leaving the balance of what the insurance company doesn't pay up to you. 

The key to getting the savings ($$$) and protection you deserve (and pay for) is to know your insurance benefits and do your homework before choosing a provider. Get an understanding of the terminology.  You will be happy you did in the long run. But contact your insurance company, not the dental provider.  They will direct you to an in-network provider.

Keep smiling!

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Antioxidants And Oral Health

Are antioxidants good for our oral health? The answer is YES!

According to a presentation at the 2019 ADA FDI World Dental Congress, presented by Karen Davis, RDH, antioxidants found in dark chocolate and berries can help boost oral health!

Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, and K can help reduce plaque, prevent gum disease, aid in healing mouth sores, and promote collagen synthesis.

Davis recommends "consuming a healthy supply of antioxidants daily".

You're in luck because antioxidants can be found in many types of foods, such as:
  • Dark chocolate
  • Dark-colored berries (blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries)
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Nuts 
  • Cinnamon
  • Tumeric
If you are prone to gum inflammation you can even apply antioxidants topically. The major benefit of applying antioxidants topically is that it is immediately absorbed into the mouth tissues and start releasing anti-inflammatory agents right away!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Importance of Good Hygiene With MS Patients

 The effects of MS are widespread over the body but one thing many don't consider is how it can affect your oral health, both directly and indirectly.

As the disease progresses, motor function becomes impaired, pain can be intense, the immune system is suppressed.  Brushing and flossing can be difficult for these patients as motor function and dexterity are essential to be able to exercise proper hygiene.

In addition to motor function, medications can cause dry mouth, which creates a perfect place for bacteria to grow and leads to cavities and gum disease.  The use of steroids can weaken the immune system which in turn allows infections to flourish.

Depression is another factor in oral health management.  Depressed individuals may tend to push aside personal hygiene including brushing and flossing, so keeping a watchful eye on your loved one is important as they may need a gentle nudge here and there to get them back on track.

It is so very important that MS patients keep good oral hygiene.  To do that, they may need assistance.  In the event that it isn't possible, here are some suggestions that may help to make brushing a little easier for them.

  • Buy a thick handled toothbrush or wrap some type of gripping material around the handle to make it easier to hold.
  • Invest in an electric toothbrush.  It's easier to hold and doesn't require a lot of movement.  
  • Another good investment might be a Waterpik! Again, it requires less dexterity and movement. 
  • Ask a caregiver or a family member for help.
  • Schedule additional cleanings at the dentist.  Instead of the usual 2 per year, schedule 4 instead.  This helps keep ahead of gum disease.               
Keep Smiling!                                                                                                                                                                       

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Bad Business Reviews, Formal Complaints and Social Media

In this age of social media, bad news travels fast.  Faster than the speed of light, it seems.  One careless complaint can ruin a reputation, a practice or even a person.  Always try to keep that in mind when a problem arises and opt for civil communication, instead.  

There are many ways to resolve issues with your dentist, whether they are staff related, price discrepancies or quality of care issues. The key is communication. I certainly would not advise anyone to file a complaint with the board because a receptionist was rude, or post it on any review forum, ever! Only as a last resort would I suggest filing a board complaint for anything less than malpractice. 

This would be my suggestion instead: Consider a well written letter; certified, registered mail. Clearly state the problem (keeping opinions out), and state what you would consider to be a fair resolution. Send it directly to the dentist, return receipt. Allow him a reasonable amount of time to respond...10 days or so. Believe me, he will be much more receptive to a resolution than his receptionist or office manager because it is his license that is on the line!  Nine times out of ten the complaint will be resolved when it is approached this way. This method works! 

Keep Smiling! 

Monday, November 27, 2023

CBD Oil To Ease A Toothache?

An article from Dr. Bicuspids Melissa Busch discusses if CBD oil is an alternative pain medication to help ease a toothache. 

"Cannabidiol (CBD), a nonaddictive, nonpsychoactive component of the marijuana plant, may reduce severe dental pain, making it a safer, equally effective alternative to opioids. The study was recently published in the Journal of Dental Research.

It is believed to be the first randomized clinical trial testing CBD for the management of emergency dental pain, the authors wrote.

“This novel study can catalyze the use of CBD as an alternative analgesic to opioids for acute inflammatory pain conditions, which could ultimately help to address the opioid epidemic,” wrote the authors, led by Dr. Vanessa Chrepa, an associate professor at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine in Newark, NJ, (J Dent Res, November 1, 2023).

Anti-inflammatories like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are the first line of defense for dental pain, but some patients can’t take these over-the-counter medications or get enough relief from them. This has led some dentists to prescribe addictive opioids. The rise in addiction and death from opioids have led to a search for practical alternatives.

To explore the effectiveness of CBD in alleviating dental pain, 61 people with severe tooth pain were divided into three groups. Of the participants, 20 were given one dose of Epidiolex, a pure CBD oral solution that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of seizures. Twenty participants were given two doses of the solution, and 21 were given a placebo, according to the study. Additionally, patient pain levels were monitored for three hours using a visual analog scale (VAS), a standard tool for assessing pain intensity.

Patients who received either one or two doses of CBD experienced more pain reduction than those given the placebo. About 85% of those who took CBD reported at least a 50% reduction in their initial pain, and they also reached a maximum median 73% reduction in pain after three hours, the authors wrote. In the CBD groups, participants more frequently experienced the side effects of sedation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain than those in the placebo group (p < 0.05), they wrote.

Nevertheless, the study had limitations, including that age- and sex-related differences couldn’t be assessed due to the small sample size.

Other factors known to affect pain perception, like social and psychological factors, will be considered in the next steps toward developing a larger scale phase III clinical trial, which would be the next phase involved in getting FDA approval for Epidiolex or other pure CBD solutions to use for dental pain management, they wrote.

“This randomized trial provides the first clinical evidence that oral CBD can be an effective and safe analgesic for dental pain,” Chrepa et al wrote."


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Gingivitis is Only the Beginning!

 Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums. This is the initial stage of gum disease, and the easiest to treat. Gingivitis is due to a long term effect of plaque deposits. Plaque is a sticky material made up of bacteria, mucus, and food debris that develops on the exposed parts of the tooth.

If Gingivitis progresses, it can lead to receding gums, loose teeth and loss of teeth.

Ways to reduce Gingivitis:

  • Have your teeth cleaned on a regular basis. 
  • Brush and floss everyday, along with using a mouth rinse.

Symptoms of Gingivitis include:

  • Bleeding of the gums
  • Bright red or red-purple appearance to gums
  • Mouth sores
  • Swollen gums
  • Gums that are tender to touch
Call your dentist if you have these symptoms and get a diagnosis and treatment as soon as you can!

Keep Smiling!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Dental Problems Linked To Breast Cancer

Attention Women: Studies have shown that periodontal disease has been linked to breast cancer in women. This study was done in  October 2010 in Huddinge, Sweden. This study consisted of 3,000 women between the ages of 30-40 years. For more details on this study click here.

Bacteria that are found in periodontal disease, can affect the entire body's blood supply. This infection then sets off co-infections that an already weakened immune system has to fight, leaving it to be to suppressed (weak) to fight off cancer cells.

Periodontal Disease is also linked to heart disease, diabetes, strokes, and many others.

It is very important that everyone takes care of their oral health. Brushing and flossing on a regular basis, also combined with regular dental cleanings.

Here are some signs of periodontal disease:
  1. Bad Breath
  2. Painful Chewing
  3. Sensitive Teeth
  4. Bleeding Gums

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Eggnog...bad for teeth? Really?

I can not express my heartbreak when I found this out. Eggnog is one my of favorite holiday traditions and drinks. So when I read that with the amount of sugar that is in it,  I was quite surprised.

It kind of goes along with my misconception of what eggnog is. I assumed that it's more like milk, thus being better for dental health. I know milk is good for your teeth, I know eggs are good for your teeth. Knowing that both of them are in eggnog, one can only assume that eggnog, too, is good for your oral health. Logical assumption... right?

Well it turns out that all of the flavoring, add-ins and sugar that is used to make that unique holiday taste, is enough to offset the good that the milk and eggs provide!

Fear not though, my fellow eggnoggers! We can still savor the flavor and enjoy our favorite holiday drink. Just simply rinse out your mouth really good and/or brush your teeth after you drink and you will be good to go!

The Holiday season is almost upon us again, and with that in mind I thought this blog was worth a re-post.  Enjoy and Keep Smiling!  


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

See Your Dentist Before Chemotherapy Treatment!

The optimum goal, of course, is to always be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to dental health. But when one is undergoing treatment for cancer, it is extremely important to seek preventive care prior to beginning chemotherapy treatment, whenever possible. This can help to ward off some of the side effects of chemo, which can range in severity (it differs with each person) from dry mouth to burning and/or mouth sores and even infection, if your mouth isn't healthy beforehand.
Speak with your doctor prior to starting your treatment and ask whether preventive dental care should be considered.
 Click here for an article that explains the importance of good dental care for cancer patients.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Is Halloween Candy Dangerous For Your Teeth?

 Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween!

Keep in mind that this is the time of year for those candy-related dental emergencies. 

An article from Dr. Bicuspids Mesissa Busch lists the worst candies to eat!

"More than one-third of people in the U.S. experience candy-related dental problems, including damaged crowns, according to survey results. As people dig into Halloween treats today, they may want to shun treats most likely to torture teeth like Jawbreakers.

Jawbreakers, Jolly Ranchers, and Bit-O-Honey may be the most dangerous candy for teeth, but they aren’t the only varieties, according to a survey of 1,002 adults in U.S. conducted in late-August 2023 by Shiny Smile Veneers in Houston, TX.

The following candies were named the fourth through the 10th most dangerous:

4. Starburst
5. Tootsie Roll
6. Laffy Taffy
7. Snickers
8. Atomic Fireball
9. Butterfinger
10. Blow Pops and Milk Duds

Some of those that made the most dangerous list also were ranked as the candy that gets stuck in people's teeth the most, according to the results.

The following made the list of the stickiest candies:

  1. Laffy Taffy
  2. Bit-O-Honey
  3. Tootsie Roll
  4. Salt water taffy
  5. Jolly Rancher
  6. Milk Duds
  7. Jelly beans
  8. Gummi bears
  9. Airheads
  10. Starburst

Not only can avoiding candy protect teeth from cracked fillings and crowns and tooth pain and sensitivity, but it also can save patients money. People in the U.S. have spent $538, on average, fixing their teeth after experiencing a dental problem caused by eating candy, according to the results.

Additionally, parents reported taking other precautions during Halloween season. About 50% of parents admitted checking their kid’s candy to ensure it is free of things like razor blades and drugs, according to the findings. While checking their candy, 18% reported confiscating their favorite sweets for themselves. Meanwhile, 40% of parents reported taking away some of their kids' candy to prevent them from eating it, and another 21% threw away any leftover Halloween candy after a couple of weeks, according to the survey.

Furthermore, plenty of parents also ensure their children’s safety by blacklisting some types of candies. Parents’ least favorite candies for their kids to eat are Jawbreaker, Atomic Fireball, and Bit-O-Honey."

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Botox for Treatment of Bruxism

Botox is most commonly known for getting the crows feet and wrinkles out of your face. At least that's how it's promoted. However, in reality, Botox is used for a number of medical conditions. If you have chronic migraines, Botox can help. Stiff muscles, a Botox injection can take care of it. It is even recommended for some with an overactive bladder!

What about teeth grinding? Yes!  Apparently it can benefit that, too. Teeth grinding (medically known as bruxism), is a serious issue that can greatly damage your teeth, cause TMJ and end up being very costly to treat. Most of the time it is treated with a mouth guard that is designed to reduce the risk to your teeth. However, even with the mouth guard you are still grinding in your sleep. Instead of grinding tooth to tooth, you are grinding on the mouth guard itself, which, in essence, still causes jaw pain and can lead to TMJ. It protects your teeth really well, but has a limited effect on protecting your jaw.

Botox, on the other hand, has been proven to greatly reduce the grinding all together. 

So, if you are a chronic teeth grinder, maybe Botox is something to consider.  Ask your dentist, and as always, keep smiling!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

5 Reason To Choose A Dental Plan Over Dental Insurance

When it comes to choosing dental coverage there are many options out there. Finding the one that is best for you can be confusing and frustrating. As insurance companies are now starting to jump on the dental train, finding quality dental coverage requires more and more research. Here's a tip, Do not rule out dental plans. Dental plans have been providing affordable quality dental coverage longer than most of the major insurance companies that have recently started selling it as a stand-alone policy.

Here are 5 reasons that you should choose a dental plan over dental insurance.

1. More Consistent Coverage: Unlike dental insurance, a dental plan does not require a preauthorization to get dental work done. So you do not have to worry about a claim being denied.

2.  No Deductible or Coverage Caps: With a dental plan, you do not have to worry about meeting a deductible before your coverage kicks in. Also, a dental plan does not have a coverage cap. So you do not have to worry about only being covered for a certain dollar amount per year.

3. No Waiting Periods: If you need a root canal today because you are in pain, insurance will cover it if it is past their "waiting period". With a dental plan, you do not have to worry about it. There is no waiting period so you can get the work you need done when need to have it done.

4. Immediate Coverage: With a dental plan, you get the coverage you are paying for right away. In some cases, you can even sign up while you are in the dental office and be covered for that visit. You do not have to pay for it now and get the coverage later.

5. Pre-existing Conditions Covered: This is important for those of you who have had dental work done in the past. With a dental plan, if you have any pre-existing conditions, they are covered as well.

If you would like to know what dental coverage is out there and what the differences are between them you can check them out on our website by clicking here.

Original post by Clay III on October 14, 2015

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Could Obesity and Gum Disease be Related?

Researchers have been working to verify the suspicion, but as it appears now, people who suffer from obesity could be at a higher risk of developing gum disease than everyone else.

Here's the reason obesity raises the risk:

Obesity causes the body to release proteins containing flammatory properties called cytokines.  These cytokines could potentially damage or injure the gum tissue, which could likely lead to gum disease.   However, half of the US population over 30 suffer from gum disease.  Gum disease itself also releases cytokines, which if you're obese, could lead to other dangerous inflammatory diseases throughout the body.  

To get the latest information on this study, check out the original article HERE.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

When Is The Best Time To Go To The Dentist?

No, this is not a joke... so those of you answering "Tooth Thirty" can just smile and read on!

In all seriousness, I have always wondered what time during the day is the best time to go to the dentist. Believe it or not, it really depends on what you are doing. So here is the breakdown:

Cleaning: Morning - Morning cleaning tends to go quicker than afternoon ones

Fillings: Morning - Dentist tend to run more on schedule to start their day. So going in the morning to get that filling, will usually get you in and out quicker.

Major work: (Root Canals / Extractions): Afternoon A European research company found that local anesthesia lasts longer in the afternoon. So getting your major work done in the afternoon will allow you more time to get your medication, get home, and have it kick in before the anesthesia totally wears off. So try for a "Tooth Thirty" appointment when you have major work being done!

Obviously, this all depends on your dentist's schedule. Certain procedures are scheduled at certain times in some offices. So check their availability.

Original post by Clay III on December 15, 2017

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Can Mouthwash Cause Canker Sores?

In a word, yes!  Some people are naturally prone to canker sores.  They can be caused by a variety of things, such as citrus fruit, pineapple, some nuts and even eggs, believe it or not!  But if you are experiencing canker sores and you don't usually get them, check your daily mouthwash.  An active ingredient in many mouthwashes called sodium lauryl sulfate is a known irritant and could be the nasty culprit behind the sores.  Additionally, mouthwash containing alcohol is another factor.  Alcohol typically causes a burning sensation in the mouth, which can cause canker sores or irritate them if they are already present.  A better alternative is to rinse with mild (MILD) salt water or find a sulfate and alcohol free mouthwash for everyday use.  Your dental provider may have some good suggestions for you!

Keep Smiling!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Brush-on Tooth Whitening Polish-A New Fad

 Yep, another new Fad, albeit a temporary one.  It comes in a small bottle that looks like nail polish.  The idea is to dry your teeth, paint it on and let it dry.  Of course, how long it lasts depends on what you eat, the acidity in your mouth and even if you follow the directions to a tee, it may not adhere to your teeth.  So, not mentioning any product names but it is easily found on Google (wink wink) and I would simply suggest you try it for yourself (checking with your dentist first, of course) to find out if it will work for you.

The upside of it is that it does come in a vegan type mixture, no peroxide and supposedly not harmful to you or the environment.

So, why not?  

Keep Smiling! 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Preventing Flu Starting With Your Toothbrush

Flu season is upon us again, we are constantly washing our hands to prevent the spread of germs. But it is JUST as important to pay attention to your toothbrush.

Here are some helpful tips that could help prevent you from catching that nasty flu.
  • Replace your toothbrush about every 2-3 months. If you already have a cold replace the brush once you feel better.  
  • Sterilize the toothbrush, this should be done about once a week. If someone in the household is sick you may want to do this twice a week. The best way to sterilize the toothbrush is by running it through the dishwasher when you do a load of dishes. If you don't have a dishwasher, place your toothbrush in a microwave-safe dish, fill it up with about 2-3 inches of water, and bring it to a boil for 3-4 minutes.
  • Store your toothbrush away from others, use a toothbrush cover if possible, and always store it upright. Also try to use your own toothpaste, because if the bristles touch the toothbrush of others you are spreading germs from one person to another.
Good dental habits are very important to a healthy body.

 Take care during this flu season!

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Is a Salt Water Rinse Really Effective For Oral Use?

 An ancient home remedy of dealing with a sore throat, sore gums, lost tooth or post dental procedures is rinsing with warm salt water. Since 1600 B.C. Ancient Greeks have been using salt and water as a treatment. The question is, in 2018, does this remedy still work?

The answer is YES. Believe it or not, it is still recommended by almost every dentist as well. Mainly because it kill bacteria in the mouth, but also because salt is an anti-inflammatory as well. Which means it can reduce swelling.

The use of salt also promotes healing, so it's ideal to use it 24 hours after minor dental surgery to help your mouth recover. It's an isotonic solution, which means it contains the same salts and minerals our bodies do in equal concentrations. For this reason, it doesn't irritate the mucous membranes as a medicinal mouthwash might, which is why many dentists recommend it as a gentle healing aid after a procedure.

So, although this method has been around for thousands of years, it is still used today and still just as effective as before.

So sometimes pouring salt on the wound is not a bad thing :)

Friday, September 29, 2023

What To Avoid For Better Teeth And Breath?

 We all brush and floss our teeth... Right? well, I at least hope so!

 Have you ever thought about what hidden culprits cause bad breath and tooth staining?

  1. Dark Liquids - Although the enamel on your teeth is the hardest substance in the human body, it is not flat and smooth. Your tooth enamel contains microscopic pits and ridges that can hold particles of food and drink. Pigments from the dark-colored drinks/foods can become embedded in those cracks and ridges and if the proper steps are not taken this can cause permanent staining on your teeth.
  2. Onions and garlic - These are hard to avoid since they are flavor-enhancing ingredients. When you eat garlic/onions you produce several sulfur-containing gases. Allyl methyl sulfide is a "sticky" molecule, it adheres very easily to the tissues in your mouth and that's why your breath smells funky.
  3. High-Protein Foods- Bacteria love glomming into proteins, so high-protein foods contribute to halitosis. The top contenders are fish, red meat, and beans. Hold the protein and swap out meat courses for vegetarian options a few times a week. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

When Your Dentist Suggests Braces...But you're 60!

Can you imagine visiting your dentist at age 60+ and having him suggest that you wear braces to correct your bite or straighten your teeth? It happened to me!  I have always had straight teeth.  I never needed braces as a child and never dreamed that I would, but on my last dental visit I was told that braces would correct my bite and help to align my jaw! I am not going to consider it but I will admit that I was surprised to learn that I was a candidate at all.

There are many forms of cosmetic dentistry on the market today, but braces remain the most common and necessary treatment for adult dentition. More and more, people over the age of 40 are opting for braces and for a variety of reasons. For some, it's all about appearance, some may have needed them but couldn't previously afford them, accidents, impacted wisdom teeth causing a misalignment...whatever the reason it is becoming more prevalent in the adult population.  Creative financing makes the option much more affordable nowadays.

For those who wish to forego the 2 year orthodontic plan, full mouth restorations - implants and veneers would be the next big step, assuming one can finance that sort of treatment. It will flat lay you away as the pricing goes but you can get instant gratification as the process can often be done in just one day.  Isn't technology wonderful?

Keep Smiling!

Thursday, September 21, 2023

3D Flosser?

Technology is great, RIGHT?

Dental floss has been around for more than 100 years and it really hasn't changed its look but thanks to technology and a company called Blizzident, they have invented a 3D flosser!

How does the 3D Flosser work? It takes a 3D scan of the customer's mouth, which will create a customized flossing wireframe, which holds four rolls of dental floss. When the customer wants to floss all they need to do is close their mouth over the device and chew a little. This provides the perfect floss and takes only 5 seconds!

If you are interested in the 3D flosser all you need to do is get a 3D scan of your mouth, then send the information to Blizzidnet (based in Europe). They will manufacture and mail out your device for $232 plus postage!

Blizzident says the 3D flosser lasts many years and the only thing you will have to replace is the floss!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

TMJ Troubles? Try Massage.

 If you suffer from TMJ, Bruxism or a misaligned jaw, you know that the pain associated with it is no joke!  Many people complain of headaches, muscle fatigue and clenching of the jaw.  Chewing food, yawning and sometimes swallowing and talking can be painful. 

As remedies go, what works for some won't always work for others but there is one treatment that seems to get positive reviews all across the board.  Massage!  It is not a cure all for the disease, however it can reduce pain and swelling and make movement of the jaw less painful. 
Look for a massage therapist in your area that is trained for TMJ, or, if you are into the self-care movement, there are plenty of online tutorials that explain how you can do your own massage.  Find something that works for you but always check with your dental provider first!

Keep Smiling!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Keeping Canine Teeth Healthy!

Not all bones and chew toys are healthy for your fur baby!

The best treats and toys are large enough so they don't become a choking hazard.

Below are recommended treats and toys to keep your pup's teeth healthy:

  • Rubber toys - The smooth surfaces offer flexibility when chewed.
  • Fresh produce - Seedless apple slices and raw carrots provide both vitamins and chewing entertainment.
  • Dental treats - Chews that are infused with medications to keep the pet's teeth clean and healthy.
  • Pressed pork hide - Pig-based chews are high in protein, low in fat, and easily digestible. Bonus it's softer than cow rawhide.

To help maintain a healthy mouth visit your veterinarian for a full dental exam!

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

These Famous People also Doubled as Dentists! Who Knew?!

I found this article while reading a fellow dental blog and I thought it was a really interesting find!


"Famous People You Didn't Know Were Dentists"
Who says dentistry isn’t exciting? Our noble profession has captured the hearts and imaginations of some pretty interesting people over the years. Granted, eventually these folks turned to other less fascinating professions—like acting, gun fighting, inventing, painting and saving the country—but still, they all had their “roots” (pardon the pun) in the enviable art of dentistry. Just check out this list of people you didn’t know were dentists:

· Edgar Buchanan: This popular character actor started out as a successful dentist before moving to California in 1939. Although he co-starred in countless movies over the years, Buchanan was probably best known for his memorable roles in 1960s sitcoms like “Petticoat Junction,” “Green Acres” and “The Beverly Hillbillies.” Once he was bitten by the acting bug, he left dentistry. But, interestingly enough, his wife actually took over his successful practice after he retired.
• John Henry “Doc” Holliday: You may remember Doc Holliday for his friendship with Wyatt Earp and their famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral, but Holliday was actually a dentist who was trained in Pennsylvania and developed a booming little practice in Atlanta. After a short time, Holliday contracted tuberculosis and he was forced to leave his practice and move out West, where the rest is, well…history.....

Get the rest DentalBuzz.com!

Monday, September 11, 2023

Your Dentist Said They Take Your Dental Plan... But Are They Authorized To?

We run into this a lot here at Savon Dental Plan. A valued member will call in and talk to us about their dentist only to hear the bad news from us that the dentist that they are going to is not credentialed with our office. We get the same response each time... "Our dentist said that they accept your plan." That may be the case. Most dental offices will agree to honor the plan in order to retain you as a member, but still, that does not mean that they are a credentialed provider for the plan.

The reasons that you want to make sure that the dentist or specialist you are going to are credentialed with your coverage plan are:
  1. They will have the most up-to-date fee schedule.
  2. They will be familiar with the plan and know what discounts are supposed to be given
  3. They will know what is covered and you will not be misinformed
  4. They will be able to verify your coverage via roster or phone call
  5. If you as a member have a problem with the pricing discount, the plan will be able to intervene and help you.
I can not stress this enough. Going to a dentist who is not credentialed with your plan puts you at financial risk! That dentist is under no obligation to give you the discounts or may be charging you off of an outdated fee schedule. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, make sure that whatever dentist you are seeing is authorized BY THE PLAN to take the plan that you have. 

To see a current list of Savon Dentists, Click Here!

Original post from Clay III on December 22, 2014

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

How the Toothpick came to be...

Here's a fun topic that I thought deserved a repost:   Enjoy, all!

There is evidence that the toothpick has been around in various forms since 1600 BC and that our modern day toothbrushes actually evolved from them! In early times, things like porcupine quills and chicken bones and wood splinters were used to clean teeth. Here are some excerpts from an article I found that has some great information about when the toothpick originated.

"The skulls of Neanderthals, as well as Homo sapiens, have shown clear signs of having teeth that were either flossed with blades of grass or picked with rudimentary toothpick tools. Similar markings have been found in the fossilized teeth of both American Indians and Australian Aborigines."
Source: Smithsonian Magazine

Here is another excerpt I found particularly interesting...
"At one time, you could tell a person's status by what they used to pick their teeth. Kings, queens, and lords picked their teeth with designer toothpicks made from gold, silver, or ivory. Often, they were inlaid with precious stones. Twigs and porcupine quills were most often used by the "lower classes." By the 17th century, the toothpick was the latest fad for the educated classes in Europe they were even included in traveling sets together with a knife and spoon."
Source: http://members.aol.com/acalendar/February/toothpick.html

Here's a closing fact just for fun:
Did you know?
"One cord of wood (logs 8' in length, stacked 4' high, and 4' wide) can be turned into 7.5 million toothpicks." Source: amusingfacts.com

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Oral Disease Affecting Athlete's Performances?

According to University College London's Eastman Dental Institute, high levels of oral disease are found among Great Britain's (GB) elite athletes and are the leading cause of poor on-field performances.

This is the largest study of its kind, more than 350 athletes from nine different GB sports teams participated in this study which included an oral health assessment checking for tooth decay, tooth erosion, and gum disease. The athletes also had to fill out a questionnaire focusing on sleeping, eating, and self-confidence.

Results of the oral assessment: 49.1% of the athletes had untreated tooth decay, 77% had gingivitis, 30% reported having bleeding gums and only 1.1% had excellent oral health.

Results of the questionnaire: 32% of the athletes reported that these poor oral conditions negatively impact their sporting performance. 34.6%  inability to eat. 15.1%  relax and sleep 17.2%  smiling and self-confident.

After the study, Professor Ian Needleman made a few comments:
  • "Nutrition in sports is heavily reliant on frequent carbohydrate intake, which is known to increase inflammation in the body and gum tissues.
  •  "In sports where there is a lot of airflow, such as cycling and running, breathing hard can make the mouth dry so teeth lose the protective benefits of saliva and there is existing evidence of lower quality of saliva with intensive training. 
  • "Stress is also clearly a risk factor, with some athletes reporting vomiting before every race, as a result of ore-competition anxiety." 

     *Whether you are an athlete or not, it's important to maintain good oral health by brushing and flossing regularly, eating a balanced diet, and visiting the dentist every 6 months for a routine check-up*

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Conscious Sedation for Dentistry - Is it for You?

 If you are dental phobic, anxious because you have a long complex procedure ahead of you or are having oral surgery, conscious sedation may just be right for you! What if you could have your dental procedures done while "consciously asleep" and wake up with no memory or trauma whatsoever? It sounds too good to be true but it is becoming a safe and efficient way for a dentist to treat severely anxious or phobic patients.

Conscious sedation allows you to relax in the chair while allowing the dentist to complete long or complex procedures without further distressing you. Now, please don't confuse this with general anesthesia, because it isn't! You will still be able to respond to questions and follow instructions. You will typically still be given local anesthesia such as lidocaine, but won't remember the shot. While you are not actually physically asleep through the procedure, you may think that you were because of the mind-erasing effect.
The process is rather simple. A small pill, such as triazolam, is given approximately an hour before the procedure. More medication may be given depending on the patients response to the first pill. Everyone is different. It is advised to ask someone to drive you to and from the appointment.
Now, keep in mind that not every doctor is able to use this form of sedation. It requires special training and certification.  This includes Cardiac Life Support training to help ensure the safety of the patient in an emergency.
It is becoming a more popular way to treat anxious and fearful patients, but as always, do your homework first. Check the doctors credentials and make sure he/she has had the proper training, or has a qualified, licensed anesthetist on staff.

Now this is something to smile about! So, Keep Smiling!

Thursday, August 24, 2023

7 Things You Didn't Know About Toothpaste!

As we all know there are many different types of toothpaste out on the market! But did you know there are things you need to know about toothpaste?

  • It’s all about the fluoride- when buying toothpaste look for the one with added fluoride.
  • Look for the seal of approval- when looking for toothpaste look for the ADA seal before purchasing.
  • Whitening toothpaste works—at least to a certain degree- All toothpaste contains mild abrasives to help remove surface stains on your teeth, but toothpaste does not contain bleach, so you will not get that professional look.
  • Less is more- Most people pile on the toothpaste, I know I do! But did you know actually less is better? All you need is a pea-sized amount!
  • How you brush is more important than what you brush with- when brushing your teeth you need to brush at a 45-degree angle, and brush in a circular motion!
  • What’s inside your toothpaste might surprise you- some ingredients inside your toothpaste are seaweed and detergents. This is how they get your toothpaste to foam.
  • Pastes or gels—they all do the trick- they both work equally!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Stem Cell Dental Implants - A Future Possibility?

 Could traditional implants and dentures be a thing of the past?

Imagine going to the dentist, having a tooth extracted and finding out that you can simply grow another in it's place; with a little help from science, that is.  It may be the way of the near future....it may even be cheaper than implants (and we all know that the full process for an implant can take up to 6 months, right?)  Apparently this new process of growing a new tooth can be done in only 9 weeks.  Unbelievable!

Here is a link to an article that explains the science behind it, and the process.  Amazing.

Now if they could only come up with a way to do an extraction that is non-invasive...well, one can dream, right?

Keep Smiling!  

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Mouth Injuries Related To Sports

It's that time of year, sports are back in action!!!

Did you know sports are the leading cause of mouth injuries? If you play or have played a sport you have probably been hit in the mouth at least once. The most common injuries that a dentist has seen related to sports are: broken, displaced, or knocked-out teeth, and broken jaws.

What should you do if your child hurts their teeth or jaw?
  1. "If a tooth has been knocked out, the tooth needs to be put back in the mouth within 30 min. for the best chance of survival"
  • Avoid touching the root because it can be damaged easily.
  • If the tooth is dirty, hold it by the upper part and rinse it off with milk. If you don't have milk, don't clean it. Wiping it off may cause more damage.
  • If you can't get it back in the socket, put it in a cup of milk and head for the dentist or emergency room.

***Milk will help provide nutrients to the cells, DO NOT place the tooth in water***

        2. "If your child has hurt their jaw"

  • See a doctor
Remember always wear a mouthguard no matter what sport you are playing!

To read more click here! 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Traditional Dental Floss or Floss Sticks, Your Decision!

Floss sticks are quickly becoming the way of the world. They are easy to use, make flossing quicker and saves you from getting the string imprints in your fingers, but it is really the best option?

Traditional dental floss has been used for years. It is tested, approved, recommended and used by most dental centers. It is great at removing the excess food particles, plaque and bacteria between your teeth. However it is really difficult to control. It takes some work and technique to make sure that you do it right, especially if you are trying to get in between the back molars. It also requires that you stick your fingers inside your mouth, which is a problem for some people. However it is really effective at cleaning your teeth properly.

Floss Swords are less intrusive in your mouth. They are simple and easy to use and allow you to reach the back molars without much trouble. However, their effectiveness is in question. Ideally, when you floss with traditional floss, between each tooth you pull a fresh piece of floss. With a floss sword, you use the same piece until you are done. This can transfer bacteria from one to tooth to another. One could argue that if the sword is rinsed before each tooth that it wouldn't do that, but does anyone actually do that? 

Personally, I use both. In some areas of my mouth, my teeth are tight to each other and it is hard to get the thick piece of floss or sword between them, so I use traditional floss on those. I use traditional floss on all of my front teeth and I use a floss sword on my molars. I do rinse the floss sword after each tooth, but that's just me. 

It basically comes down to your preference and the recommendation of your dentist and hygienist so make sure you check with them. Whatever one you choose you will definitely get kudos for flossing. That's the part of dental care that is skipped the most!

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Should I Consider A Permanent Retainer Or A Removable Retainer?

Getting your braces off is unfortunately not the end. Now you have to decide which type of retainer will work best for you, remember you will using this for the rest of your life. There are two types of retainers to choose from you have the removable retainer or the permanent retainer. Knowing more information about each kind will be helpful in making your decision.

Removable Retainer- These are custom-made to fit your mouth, made usually out of wires (older version) or clear plastic, they are worn after braces to keep the teeth in position.
  • Need to be worn day/night for about the first 3 months (except when eating and cleaning) After the 3 months they can be worn just at night.
  • When not worn they need to be kept in a small case so they don't break.
  • Retainers can be rinsed in the morning but should be washed daily.  You can soak them in denture cleaner and then lightly sub them with your toothbrush or denture brush. * Do Not use hot water*
  • Keep the retainer in a cool place do not leave them in a hot car, dishwasher, etc.
  • Keep away from pets.
  • If your retainer needs to be replaced (cracked/worn out) Don't delay! Your teeth can move fairly quickly!
Permanent Retainer- These are retainers that are glued to the back of your teeth. They are considered permanent because you can't take them in or out on your own.
  • Stays in your mouth at all times.
  • Better long-term results.
  • Can slightly be seen by others.
  • Difficult to clean.
  • May bother your tongue.
Getting straight teeth is only half the battle; the other half is keeping them straight!

Monday, August 7, 2023

Veneers - Not as Popular As They Used To Be, But Still A Viable Option

Let's face it. This is the age of what I like to call "instant gratification".  More and more, we prefer simpler, easier methods to just about everything concerning our daily lives, so why not dentistry, right?  Fortunately for us, the dental industry has done a fantastic job of keeping up with our demands!
Many adults would like to enhance or correct their bite and smile but don't have the patience for braces; or, are embarrassed at the prospect of wearing braces for an extended period of time. There may be a solution in the form of Cosmetic Veneers! Veneers can cover gaps, discolored or slightly misaligned teeth and give you a brighter and overall uniform look to your smile, often in just a few visits to the dentist. The drawback, if there has to be one, is that they can be costly, though not as much as implants and possibly even cheaper than braces! Keep in mind that for severely misaligned or decayed teeth, veneers may not be a good option. There are some things that just need to be fixed by conventional means.

If you think you might be a candidate, check with your dentist. He or she will advise you if Veneers are an option for you.

Keep Smiling!

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Save Money At The Dentist Office!!

When you save money at the dentist office, you have money for doing so much more!! Like golfing!

Join Now, Use it Now! No waiting periods. All procedures are covered immediately!

Call us at 800-809-3494 or visit us at: www.SavonDentalPlan.com

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Milk is Awesome for Healthy Teeth!

 If you are an avid milk drinker like me, then this is a blog you definitely want to read. I go through 2 gallons of milk a week, and I mean I GO through it. I personally drink at least 2 gallons of milk per week. What can I say, I love milk! So I had to ask to the question, is it good for your teeth? Well, great news my fellow milk drinkers! IT IS!

It has been proven that dairy products such as milk and cheese actually reduce tooth decay. Milk contains proteins called caseins which will join together with the calcium and phosphorus to create a protective later on the surface of your teeth. (aka enamel). This helps prevent tooth decay by reducing the bacterial acids. Furthermore, the calcium and phosphorus also help strengthen and even repair the enamel on your teeth.

So, drink up my fellow milkaholics. It will help keep our smiles bright!

Oh yeah on a side note: The ADA has recommended not to have milk and cookies because as we all know they sugary items such as cookies are bad for your teeth. However... there is still hope for us on that, too. It is recommended that you have the cookies THEN the milk. That will eliminate the sugar acids that attack your teeth.

As great as that sounds, milk and cookies always sounds better than cookies then milk or milk after cookies, and we all it know it tastes better too!

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Are Kids Drinking Too Much Sugar?

Children who drink sugary drinks such as soda, juice, and flavored waters may develop obesity, cavities, tooth decay, tooth loss, and other health risks.

Yes, I mentioned flavored water. The majority of people think they are doing a great job by having their child drink "water" but unfortunately, those added flavors usually contain high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, or agave syrup.  The best way to flavor water is by using natural fresh fruits!

According to WebMD, it is recommended that children should consume less than 6 tablespoons of sugar (25 grams) daily. Just to put that into perspective, one 12-oz can of soda contains 39 grams of sugar.

Below are some healthy alternative drinks for your child:
  1. Regular water
  2. Natural fresh fruit-infused water
  3. Coconut water
  4.  Smoothies -
    1. Kale and pineapple
    2. Spinach and blueberries
    3. Peach and cauliflower
    4. Strawberries and beets 
      1. Blended with un-sweetened non-dairy or dairy milk
      2. It can include add-ins like hemp seeds, cocoa powder, unsweetened coconut, avocados, etc.
  5. Regular cow milk
  6. Unsweetened plant-based milk (coconut, hemp, almond, soy, etc.)
  7. Herbal teas (check with your primary care physician first)

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Caring For Rabbit Teeth

Animal teeth are just as important as ours!

I came across an article about dental care on rabbits and I thought I would share this information with you!

When I was younger, I used to have rabbits and this information would have been beneficial.

Listed below are some dental tips for rabbits:
  1. Give them tough-fibrous foods -  like hay, vegetables, and fruits to help keep teeth properly worn because all of their teeth are constantly growing (about 1-5 mm per week).
  2. Dental disease -  is common in rabbits if they are not on a proper diet and are older.  Symptoms include:
    1. Not eating (weight loss)
    2. Facial discharge
    3. Tooth elongation
  3. Teeth trimming - This requires visiting the veterinarian because they are professionals with training and they will use special equipment. You should have your rabbit's teeth looked at on a regular base to see if they need to be trimmed. As I mentioned above the tough-fibrous foods they eat will naturally wear down the teeth but sometimes they will need some extra assistance.
  4. Molar spurs or points - Sharp edges that cut the tongue or cheeks causing painful sores. These spurs will need to be surgically removed and the points can be shaved down. 
I found this information here and here!

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Ludwig's Angina

Have you ever heard of Ludwig's Angina? Good, neither have I!

According to Medical News Today, "Ludwig's angina is a rare, serious skin infection that develops on the floor of the mouth and the neck. It results from bacteria that are present due to other issues, such as a tooth abscess or a mouth injury".

Ludwig is a form of cellulitis that causes severe swelling in the tissue under the tongue and around the neck. Luckily, antibiotics help people recover but if it's not treated right away it can be deadly because the swelling can cut off airways. 

Along with severe swelling, you can also experience other symptoms such as:
  • Fever and chills
  • Drooling
  • Earache
  • Confusion
  • Weakness
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you should seek medical attention right away!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Chairside Emergencies Happen - Is Your Dentist Prepared?

It isn't a common occurrence, necessarily.  But it does happen.  Medical emergencies in the dental chair can't always be prevented but the risks can be drastically reduced if the patient and the doctor are completely transparent and open with each other about illnesses, medication and health history. All dentists have at least some training for medical emergency treatment, however in addition he/she should have at least one staff member trained in CPR, and have an emergency plan in place which includes emergency phone numbers, a defibrillator, medications on hand and procedures to stop bleeding, etc. He should take your blood pressure reading and heart rate prior to treatment, and again after treatment. If administering general anesthesia, he should be anesthesia certified. Some states issue separate licenses for anesthesia. Always make sure he is certified, or that he has a certified anesthesiologist on staff!
That said, here are some helpful suggestions for the patient to remember when having a procedure done:

  • Disclose all medications that you take daily, even if it is just an aspirin or something over the counter. 
  • If you have ever had high blood pressure, let the dentist know!
  • If you suffer from acute anxiety, say so!  Many dentists cater to the anxious patient. Things can be done to help you with that. 
  • If you are pregnant, let him know!
  • If you have allergies to medications, let him know! 
  • If you have taken anything prior to your visit for relaxation....a sedative, an alcoholic beverage, marijuana....seriously, he needs this information. Many people will do this before a visit and not disclose it thinking it won't pose a problem. The dentist isn't going to judge you, but he is going to treat you and there is a serious liability factor involved, especially when it comes to anesthesia, so don't hold anything back!  

The medical history of the patient is the single most helpful thing for a dentist to have before treatment begins.  Your honesty is imperative.  He cannot effectively manage your treatment plan without this knowledge!

Keep Smiling!

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Flossing Isn't Just For Teeth! It Can Lead to a Healthier Body!

You've all been to the dentists office and seen the funny quips and quotes that are hanging around in various locations; (The personal choice of my own dentist is the ceiling.  That's right, he doesn't want us to miss a thing.).  The one that sticks in my mind the most is a poster that says: "You don't have to floss all of your teeth, just the ones you want to keep!"  Funny, but oh, so accurate.  I'm about to point out a list of some health problems that you may never have thought could be linked to gum disease.  Some of these surprised even me, and I'm well versed in the dental industry, as I have worked in it for 24 years.

The first, and probably most surprising to me, is the apparent link they have found to gum disease/loss of teeth to Alzheimer's disease and Dementia.  Who knew? Studies have proven that there is a correlation between loss of teeth and loss of memory.  Well, gum disease left untreated leads to loss of teeth.  It makes perfect sense, but still, that's a hard one to wrap your brain around.  This would be #1 on my "reason to floss everyday" list.

Next up would be lung disease. How is that possible, you ask?  Well, there are approximately 700 strains of bacteria found in the mouth that can cause gum disease, which leads to inflammation in other parts of the body.  It's a safe bet that those bacteria will not all stay put in the mouth....that is, we inhale and we swallow and well, there you have it.  It's interesting to note that people who need to be on ventilators for extended periods can contract a specific type of pneumonia from those types of bacteria.

Next, young mothers, take care of your teeth!  Gingivitis and tooth decay can lead to miscarriage and premature birth.  Not trying to scare you....but at least brush and floss 2 or 3 times per day and visit your dentist early on in your pregnancy. There is an old wives tale that foretells that a woman will lose a tooth for every child she bears.  Well, I can't speak to the validity of that, but why take a risk?

Lastly, most of us know that heart disease, stroke and blood clots have been linked to bad teeth and gum disease.  Inflammation of the gums can travel through the bloodstream!  That has been a well proven fact for years and years.

So often, people just don't realize the danger of untreated gum disease. They don't consider that the mouth is connected to the rest of the body. Many aren't aware that they even have gum disease.  It's estimated that  anywhere between 50 to 90% of the adult population (the higher percentage being in certain geographical areas) have some level of it.  Here is a parting statement: Brushing alone does not remove plaque build-up between teeth and under the gum line.  Only flossing will do that!  

Keep Flossing, and Keep Smiling!