Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Tradition of the Candy Cane
Since the tradition of the Christmas tree began, Christmas trees were customarily decorated with symbols of newborn Christ. Candies represented the light of the world; the star recalled the first Christmas night; and the Shepard's crook symbolized the humble Shepard's in their fields near Bethlehem, who were the first to receive the news,.
Christmas tree decorations on Europe were primarily made of food- primarily cookies and candies. This tradition symbolically expresses thanks for "our daily bread" as well as providing a Christmas treat for children. Thus, the Shepard's crook became the candy cane.
As time went on, many ornaments took on more permanent nature, but the candy cane retains the original meaning and use as a Christmas tree ornament.
Candy canes on the Christmas tree symbolize the Shepard's in the fields on that first Christmas night!Most of all, they are inexpensive and a delightful Christmas treat for the Family!
Happy Holidays!
Monday, November 29, 2010
A Practical Christmas Gift Idea
Click here for more information. Check for online specials!
Keep Smiling!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Periodontal Disease Part 2 of 3: Why It SHOULD NOT Be Ignored!
Tooth Loss is the most common risk associated with gum disease. Although mild cases rarely result in the loss of teeth, severe or advanced cases are at a high risk. When left untreated, gum disease will grow usually from gingivitis, then advance in to periodontitis which has many different forms ranging from mild to sever, to rare. In sever cases, gums become inflamed and begin to pull apart from your teeth, forming spaces, or "pockets" to grow, allowing infection to grow as well. As your body (immune system) fights off the infection, bacteria and plaque continue to destroy the bone and tissue that hold the tooth in place, causing them to become loose and eventually fall out.
Heart Disease and Periodontal Disease have recently been medically linked together. All though the study is still in investigative status, recent reports have shown that people who have severe periodontal disease are at a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. Keep an eye out as we will be keeping you up to date on this subject and more information becomes available.
Diabetes is a risk factor for periodontal disease as is periodontal disease a risk for diabetes patients. It is proven that people with diabetes are at a higher risk of gum disease because diabetes causes changes in blood vessels and high levels of inflammatory chemicals that increase the risk of gum disease. And on the reverse, periodontal disease can worsen diabetes and make controlling blood sugar difficult.
Respiratory Diseases can also be caused by bacteria from periodontal disease being inhaled in to the airways and in to the throat and lungs. This bacteria can cause respiratory problems and also worsen existing problems such as emphysema.
Pregnancy can be effected if the mother has severe periodontal disease. Recent studies have shown that bacteria from gum disease may trigger the same factors in the immune system that could cause the baby to be premature and have a low birth weight. The worse the infection, the worse the risk is to the baby.
Many of these health conditions can be prevented, managed or easily controlled with regular visits to your dentists and general physician. Join me again next week for the conclusion (part 3) of this blog series as we will be discussing prevention, treatment, and cures for gum disease.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Don't pack on the holiday pounds!
- Avoid the munchie table: If you are feel like munching try the veggie try, this is healthier than those chocolates!
- Leave the eggnog and alcohol beverages alone: Once you start drinking, you start munching!
- Go for smaller portions: Yes this may be hard, due to all the YUMMY food! but eating smaller portions and taking the time to chew actually fills you up, making you eat less!
- Get rid of the temptation: Have friends and family take the left overs!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thanksgiving Thoughts

Friday, November 19, 2010
Periodontal Disease Part 1 of 3: You Might Be At Risk!
Periodontal disease, also known as "gum disease," currently affects an estimated 85% of the population. There are different forms of the disease. Gingivitis, the mildest form of gum disease, is caused by bacteria from tartar and plaque and leads to swelling, redness, and bleeding of the gums. If left untreated, gingivitis can advance in to "periodontitis." Periodontitis is a more severe form of gum disease and can lead to "pockets" or areas where the gums separate from the tooth, infection, bone loss, as well as other serious health related problems (which we will discuss next week in part 2).
What's the scariest part of all this? Many people have this disease and don't even know it. So, are YOU at risk? Sadly, anyone can get the disease, but here is a list of things that increase your chances of getting periodontal disease:
-Do you smoke? It's proven that smoking is one of the most significant risk factors associated with the development of gum disease, not to mention smoking may also hinder a successful treatment.
-Do you have diabetes? People with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing infections, including gum disease.
-On meds? Many prescription medications reduce the flow of saliva, your mouth's natural cleaning agent that wards off unwanted bacteria. Decreased saliva leaves the mouth vulnerable to infections such as gum disease. Also, certain medications cause overgrowth of gum tissue making it difficult to keep the gums clean.
-Do you suffer from an illness? Illnesses such as HIV/AIDS or any other illnesses which reduce immune system production make your body extremely vulnerable to infections, including your mouth, and also make recovery and treatment difficult.
-Does it run in your family? Yes, it can be linked to genetics. If your family has a history of gum disease, you might be more susceptible than others.
If this information isn't enough to send you straight to the dentist for a check up, join me next week for part 2 where we will discuss the possible consequences of ignoring the symptoms of periodontal disease, including the very serious health risks involved which may surprise you.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Help Savon Adopt A Family For The Holidays
For the 3rd year in a row Savon will be adopting a family for the holidays.
We are asking every member of the plan to help us in this endeavor by sending us $1.00. Savon will match the total of the donations and the office personnel will do the holiday shopping.
Once the shopping is complete, an itemized list of how much was taken in and where it was spent will be available on the website. We hope to be able to start the shopping by November 25th with delivery of both food and presents made by December 8th.
The family that we will adopt will be chosen by The Salvation Army and the goods will be delivered to the family by them. Remember: $1.00 means very little to most of us but with the power of our membership, it can make a BIG difference in the life of a family.
Please send your $1.00 to Savon Dental Plan Charity at PO Box 6055, Glendale, AZ 85312 and let's work together to make a difference!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Can Orthodontic Treatment Lead to Headaches?
For some patients however, orthodontic treatment can cause unexpected problems that can lead to distortions because of excessive adjustment. This can cause undue strain on the temporomandibular joint which may lead to excessive strain and the eventual perception of generalized headaches and migraine pain.
The remedy for this is not a quick one. Attempts to correct it in one reconstructive treatment typically result in failure. T he best correction process for this problem is done over an extended time period. Adjustments are incremental, which allow the jaw structures to achieve healthier repositioning through a natural process.
Correcting a distortion of can be done through the use of different types of dental components ranging from new posterior crowns, gold onlays and porcelain onlays. For some patients, orthotic devices can be used.
In any case, if you are wearing braces and start getting headaches that last more than a day or two, you should consult your orthodontist right away.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
15 Myths and Facts About Cavities
- Sugar Is the Prime Cause of Cavities Myth and fact.
- Exposure to Acidic Foods Like Lemons Causes Tooth Decay Fact.
- Kids Are a Lot More Likely to Get Cavities Than Adults Myth.
- Aspirin Placed Next to a Tooth Will Help a Toothache Myth.
- All Fillings Eventually Need Replacing Myth.
- If You Have a Cavity, You'll Know It Myth.
- Once a Tooth Is Treated, the Decaying Stops Fact.
- Cavities Are More Likely Between Teeth Fact.
- Gaps in Teeth Encourage Cavities Fact.
- Chips and Cracks in Teeth Lead to Decay Fact
- Sensitivity in Teeth Means You Have Decay Myth.
- Cavities Are the Prime Reason for Root Canals Myth.
- Clenching and Grinding Leads to Cavities Myth and sometimes fact.
- You Don’t Need to Worry About Cavities in Baby Teeth Myth
- Brushing and Flossing Is the Best Way to Prevent Cavities Fact. “Absolutely!
Check the myths and facts here: http://hubpages.com/hub/15-Myths-and-Facts-About-Cavities to find out how cavities are caused, prevented, and treated
Monday, November 15, 2010
Diabetes and Your Oral Health
Keep smiling!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Top Ten Reasons to remove your wisdom teeth
3. ~ Even wisdom teeth that seem to be problem free- (asymptomatic) remain a breeding ground for oral infection and inflammation. Research supports the concept that such inflammation may enter the bloodstream and contribute to the development and/or progression of a variety of diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke.
2. ~ Once it has been determined that a wisdom tooth will not successfully erupt into your mouth and be maintained in a healthy state, early removal of wisdom teeth is associated with faster and easier recovery.
1. ~ The number one reason for removing you wisdom teeth is "Peace of Mind"
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Top Ten Reasons to remove your wisdom teeth
6. With age, the chance for complications related to the removal of wisdom teeth increases.
5. Gum disease and inflammation associated with wisdom teeth may lead to receding gum tissues, deterioration of the jawbone and tooth loss.
4. Wisdom teeth may contribute to crowding of nearby teeth.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Top Ten Reasons to remove your wisdom teeth
10.) Because there is limited space for wisdom teeth to erupt and because surrounding gums are difficult to keep clean, infection and inflammation are common even when there are no apparent symptoms. Research shows that once inflammation takes hold, it is an impossible to eliminate and may spread to other teeth.
9.) Research suggests that oral inflammation associates with wisdom teeth may contribute to preterm or low birth weight infants.
8.) Even when wisdom teeth erupt through the gum tissues, they rarely provide any meaningful function and are always difficult to keep clean.
7.) In some cases, impacted wisdom teeth develop associated cysts and/or tumors. Removal of such lesions may require extensive procedures to repair and restore jaw functions and appearance.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Give The Gift Of An Affordable Smile This Year!
Many people around the country are still without dental benefits and YOU can help!! Savon Dental Plan gift certificates are now available for purchase! What better gift can you give someone than one they can use all year long??!! And better yet, if you're already a member and you buy a gift certificate, you get 2 free months added to your own plan!
Check out the details HERE and keep your family smiling this holiday season!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Scuba Diving or Snorkeling With Braces On Your Teeth
There is plenty of room for the regulator or snorkel to fit on the inside of your teeth. They suggest getting comfortable with the equipment in your mouth long before you jump in the water. If you are wearing rubber bands in your braces from jaw to jaw, it is recommended that you take them out for the dive because if you clear your ears and adjust to the pressure by wiggling your jaw the rubber bands may snap and be lodge somewhere in your mouth or possibly swallowing.
Divers with braces say it was very easy and they barely noticed they had the braces on. A good thing to do is to keep practicing before you descend. If you have access to a pool, practice with a snorkel or bring just your regulator in the pool with you. This will prepare you for the dive.
If you are still a bit wary, you may want to stick to the snorkeling or a shallow dive until you get more comfortable.
You may want to rinse your mouth with freshwater after a long contact with saltwater. It is not necessary, but it definitely won’t hurt and you can do it while drinking your water post dive.
Good luck and enjoy scuba or snorkel while wearing braces.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
- Ceramic braces (tooth colored)- Very Strong and usually do not stain! The brackets "blend in" with the teeth, making it less noticeable to people! These are most likely to stain if you smoke, drink coffee... Here are some pros and cons: Pros- You may feel more comfortable, blend in with the tooth so it does not show up in pictures! Cons- More expensive than traditional braces, Treatment may take longer.
- Invisalign Braces- This is great for people with minor problems (slightly crooked teeth) This is made with very strong plastic and made just for you. Pros- No one can tell you are wearing braces, easier to clean. Cons- Cost a little more than traditional braces, treatment can take longer.
- Metal Braces(traditional)- Very strong and can withstand most treatment. At first maybe very sensitive but that will subside after a few days. Pros- The least expensive, tend to take the least amount of time for treatment. Cons- More noticeable than the others, not comfortable.
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Best Toothpastes on the Market Today
Keep smiling!