Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Bad Business Reviews, Formal Complaints and Social Media

In this age of social media, bad news travels fast.  Faster than the speed of light, it seems.  One careless complaint can ruin a reputation, a practice or even a person.  Always try to keep that in mind when a problem arises and opt for civil communication, instead.  

There are many ways to resolve issues with your dentist, whether they are staff related, price discrepancies or quality of care issues. The key is communication. I certainly would not advise anyone to file a complaint with the board because a receptionist was rude, or post it on any review forum, ever! Only as a last resort would I suggest filing a board complaint for anything less than malpractice. 

This would be my suggestion instead: Consider a well written letter; certified, registered mail. Clearly state the problem (keeping opinions out), and state what you would consider to be a fair resolution. Send it directly to the dentist, return receipt. Allow him a reasonable amount of time to respond...10 days or so. Believe me, he will be much more receptive to a resolution than his receptionist or office manager because it is his license that is on the line!  Nine times out of ten the complaint will be resolved when it is approached this way. This method works! 

Keep Smiling! 

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