Thursday, September 21, 2023

3D Flosser?

Technology is great, RIGHT?

Dental floss has been around for more than 100 years and it really hasn't changed its look but thanks to technology and a company called Blizzident, they have invented a 3D flosser!

How does the 3D Flosser work? It takes a 3D scan of the customer's mouth, which will create a customized flossing wireframe, which holds four rolls of dental floss. When the customer wants to floss all they need to do is close their mouth over the device and chew a little. This provides the perfect floss and takes only 5 seconds!

If you are interested in the 3D flosser all you need to do is get a 3D scan of your mouth, then send the information to Blizzidnet (based in Europe). They will manufacture and mail out your device for $232 plus postage!

Blizzident says the 3D flosser lasts many years and the only thing you will have to replace is the floss!

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