Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Ever been bored while waiting to see the dentist?

Have you ever been in this situation? You are sitting in the waiting room at your dentist's office and start to get bored. You then realize that you have forgotten to bring a book or something else to keep you occupied. The magazines are 2-3 months old and there is not any that you like. I know I have been there before. I have created a list of things that you can do to help pass the time of that dreadful wait. Try them out and let me know which one works the best!

1. See how many different words you can make out of the phrases on the signs hanging on the wall. For example, if there is a sign that says "payment is due at the time service is rendered", see how many words you can make out of that phrase. (team, meat, serve, pending) just to name a few.

2. Engage yourself in a magazine scavenger hunt. Pick a topic or a name and count how many times it is referenced in the mountain of magazines that surround you. (President Obama is one that can keep you occupied for hours)

3. If you brought your cellphone, update and clean up your contact's list. That is something that people always mean to do, just never find the time.

4. Correct and complete the puzzles in the magazines that other people "attempted" to do.

5. Play "name the noise". When you hear a sound coming out of one the exam rooms, try to identify it. (If you are unable to do so, chances are very good that you will experience it first hand very soon).

Some dental centers have created an office theme that is designed to keep you occupied and take your mind off the dental work that you are about to endure. However, if you are stuck in a boring waiting room, give these a suggestions a try. Feel free to comment with more ideas so 

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