Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Want to Avoid Bad Breath? Avoid These Foods!

 We all brush and floss our teeth... Right? well, I guess that goes without saying.  

 Have you ever thought about what hidden culprits cause bad breath and tooth staining?  To prevent halitosis (bad breath) avoiding these foods can help:

  1. Dark Liquids - Although the enamel on your teeth is the hardest substance in the human body, it is not flat and smooth. Your tooth enamel contains microscopic pits and ridges that can hold particles of food and drink. Pigments from dark-colored drinks/foods can become embedded in those cracks and ridges and if the proper steps are not taken (brushing regularly) this can cause permanent staining on your teeth.
  2. Onions and garlic - These are hard to avoid since they are flavor-enhancing ingredients in almost all foods. When you eat garlic/onions you produce several sulfur-containing gases. Allyl methyl sulfide is a "sticky" molecule, it adheres very easily to the tissues in your mouth and that's why your breath smells funky.
  3. High-Protein Foods- Bacteria love glomming on to proteins, so high-protein foods contribute to halitosis. The top contenders are fish, red meat, and beans. Hold the protein and swap out meat courses for vegetarian options a few times a week. It might change your life...uh, in terms of bad breath!
  4. Sugary food is another culprit.  Sugar, especially when eaten before bedtime, causes bacteria and can erode your teeth and leave you with a foul taste in the morning.  For those of you who like a bowl of ice cream in the evening, just make sure you brush and rinse afterward!
Keep Smiling! 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

In Need of Dental Financing?

 Ok, so you've just been to the dentist and found out that you need thousands of dollars of restorative work. You have what we commonly refer to as "sticker shock". You know that you don't have that kind of money just laying around..

Whether you are in need of restorative work or cosmetic dentistry, there are a variety of creative financing plans available to help. Dentistry is among the most expensive in healthcare, with costs rising even as the economy is failing. Here are some suggestions for those who are in need of major restorative work, but who cannot afford the out of pocket expense. 

First of all, make sure you have good dental coverage (a good dental plan used in conjunction with your credit plan will go a long way toward lowering the costs, thereby making your money go farther.) 
Here is one of the most popular credit organizations to consider:
  • Care Credit Healthcare Plan is a financing company that is offered by Synchrony Bank. It offers financing for personal healthcare, i.e. dental, (cosmetic or restorative) vision care, surgical procedures, (and just FYI) there is financing available for pet care as well! This option does require that you qualify for a loan. Click here to read more.

Other Credit Cards to look into could be Chase Freedom Unlimited and Capital One Quicksilver and there are Medical Financing companies available now, such as Sunbit, a company that offers financing with a small down payment.   Some of these offer interest free periods, points toward other purchases and low APR's. 

Unfortunately, there are many who may not qualify for financing. Don't give up! Many dental providers are now offering in-house financing options for people with no insurance, or who might need a little help with funding for an expensive treatment plan. Additionally, dental school clinics are a consideration, as they can perform most procedures at discounted fees and all work is done under supervised conditions.

Believe it or not, there is something out there for everyone in the way of affordable dental care! Don't be discouraged! 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Things You May Want To Know about Dental Hygienists!

 1. We are highly educated. Dental hygienists have varying degrees of higher education, ranging from an associates degree to a masters degree. Associates degrees often take 3 to 4 years to obtain while schooling through summer breaks! No matter our degree level, we all must pass the same board exams to prove our competency level and gain our license to practice. Also, we are not done learning once licensed; we are required to receive a set amount of continuing education hours to renew our license every two years. We LOVE learning!

2. We take MANY licensing exams. Unlike other medical fields who take one exam, dental hygienists often take 3 to 5 different board exams to get their license. These exams are both written and practical AND are specific to geographical location, meaning that if we wanted to live in another state we would likely have to take (and pay for) more exams!
3. Our career is VERY tough on our body. We are constantly having to strain our backs, necks and shoulders throughout the day.
While we strive to achieve proper ergonomics and equipment meant to reduce fatigue, the stress on our bodies still occurs over time. You can help us by allowing us to lay you all the way back in the dental chair, and move your head to the positions that we ask of you unless you have a medical reason preventing you from doing so. Eight hours of muscle strain for us is a huge toll compared to the 60 minute patient appointment every 3, 4 or 6 months.
4. We are part of the healthcare team. Dental hygienists are required to know the same science of other medical professionals so that we can properly help manage all health needs, not just oral health needs, as the mouth is connected to the body as a whole. We don’t JUST put a shine in your smile; we treat, prevent AND screen for disease whether it is systemic or oral health related. This includes blood pressure check, cancer screenings, medication reviews, and much more.
5. We are not immune from dental complications. We all still need regular dental cleanings and sometimes we get cavities, too! While we are highly educated in prevention and maintenance of our oral health, sometimes we experience dental needs also. It just goes to show that we are all still human.
6. We are constantly in a battle with the clock. Our schedules are very tight and we have A LOT to do in the time we are given. Sometimes we may run behind due to factors beyond our control such as a late patient, a patient with many questions, or a patient who needed some very complex care. We try as hard as we can to stay on schedule, but sometimes it just is not possible.
By the time we are finishing up your appointment, it is likely that our next patient has arrived and is already waiting to be seen. Often, we work into our lunch break, come in early and leave late as we work hard to be 110 percent prepared for our day.
7. We make recommendations based on YOUR needs. We want what is best for you, and dentistry is NOT one size fits all. If we are recommending it during your appointment, it truly means that we feel it is in your best interest, based upon our in-depth knowledge, to utilize to achieve optimal health results. This includes x-rays, fluoride treatments, toothbrush recommendations and much more.
8. We do it to make a difference. No one would sign up for this career, go through the rigorous curriculum or many expensive board exams and tolerate the daily wear and tear on their bodies if they truly did not love this field. We are real people with strong emotions who often think about the wellbeing of our patients long after we’ve left the office for the day.
9. We WANT your experience to be comfortable and stress free. We will do everything we can to achieve this. If there is something that you know will make you more comfortable, just ask. We can provide numbing relief, pillows, and other comfort commodities to help you through your visit. If you’re comfortable, we’re comfortable (as long as we can position
you correctly as we discussed in No. 3).
10. You are MORE than just our patient! You become our friend. We laugh with you, cry with you, celebrate with you, and mourn with you. Our bond will grow powerful over time, and we are more than just your dental hygienist, we are your friend, confidant, and sometimes your therapist.
As tough as our day may be, this is what makes everything worth it.

Sarah Clark, RDH, IPDH

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Is It Possible to Heal Canker Sores Naturally?

 We all know how uncomfortable and painful canker sores can be, right? I'm sure you have tried something like Orajel to help with the pain, but have you tried any natural remedies? 

Below are some suggestions:
  • Alum Powder (kitchen spice) - Place a small amount of alum directly on the sore, allow it to sit for 1 minute then spit out. *Do not swallow*.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) - Soak a cotton ball in ACV and apply it to the sore. (Seems counter-intuitive, doesn't it? But, apparently, ACV is alkaline.)
  • Vitamin E - Open a vitamin E casual and apply it directly to the sore.
  • Aloe Vera - Put some fresh aloe Vera juice on the sore 3-4 times a day. (Amazing stuff.  Helps with everything.)
Hopefully, with the help of these, you will get some relief from the pain and discomfort.

To help prevent Canker sores you should brush your teeth after every meal and floss twice a day to keep your mouth free of food particles that trigger these painful sores.

If you still end up with a canker sore, use a soft toothbrush such as a perio-toothbrush to prevent irritation while brushing, and avoid toothpaste and mouth rinses that contain sodium lauryl sulfate.

Keep smiling!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

What Could Your Bad Breath Be Telling You?

Checking your breath may not just save you from embarrassing social moments, but it could save your life!

Recurring bad breath could be a sign of underlying medical conditions.:

  • Fish Breath: kidney failure- The fishy breath occurs when kidney failure affects the respiratory system and makes it hard to breathe. This is because the damaged kidneys can no longer filter waste products from the blood and turn it into the urine.
  • Sleep conditions may cause sour mouth- Saliva decreases during sleep, which causes a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Excess weight-  A poor diet and lack of water can play a major role in bad breath. Try drinking more water and eating lots of fruit and vegetables, this will help keep your breath fresh.
Below are some tests that are available to help detect specific medical conditions:
  • Electric Nose Technology: Detects lung cancer from bad breath. This is a cheaper alternative than doing a biopsy to detect lung cancer. The "electronic nose" detects different profiles of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breaths.
  • Breath tests: This can detect heart failure. By taking a breath test, researchers can use "mass spectrometry" technology to analyze the sample for molecular and chemical compound signs of heart failure.
Isn't technology wonderful?  Most people would have no idea that these tests exist!

So, here's the takeaway: If you notice bad breath that just won't go away,  please seek medical help! It could mean you simply need a good cleaning, but it could be more than that!

To read more click here!

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Are Mail Order Orthodontic Devices Right For You?

 Clear braces are the current rave...and many young adults and teens are hoping to escape those "ugly metal braces".  But are they right for you?  Maybe not!

Clear braces may sound like a more attractive deal than they really are.  There are many mail order types available, ranging from $79 kits to $1895 packages that allow you to take your own impressions, mail them in and then wait for the aligners to come in the mail.  What many people don't understand is that there are  certain dental maladies that clear braces cannot fix, such as a tooth that has not fully erupted or grown in, or a twisted tooth, or even a misaligned jaw.  Those things require metal braces. While companies like Invisalign have come a long way in recent years, i.e. treating more severe cases of malocclusion, there are still advantages to wearing metal braces. Additionally, you may be required to wear clear braces for a longer period of time than you might with metal braces.  

Clear braces are expensive.  Although some insurance companies now cover Invisalign, be sure to see a certified Invisalign provider to make sure it is the right fit for you!  

Keep Smiling!  

Monday, November 4, 2024

What are "Chalky Teeth"?

 Have you ever heard of "chalky teeth"? Good, me either!

The technical term for "chalky teeth" is Hypomineralisation. This happens when a person has a decreased mineral content within the tooth's enamel. People who have experienced "chalky teeth" describe the sensation as their teeth "feel a little rough and have a grainy, almost chalky feeling to them."

The majority of adults who suffer from "chalky teeth" eat a vegan or vegetarian diet. This is due to the high levels of oxalate acid found within the leafy greens. Once the greens enter the mouth, they react to the calcium found in the salvia. This then creates the feeling of "chalky teeth".

If you have noticed any "chalky" sensation on your teeth, start by brushing and using mouthwash after every meal. If this doesn't seem to clear up, you should contact your dental provider for a dental examination to figure out the best type of treatment!

Information found here!

Repost from January 2022

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Have You Considered CBD Products for TMJ?

 There are many causes of TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Pain) but it seems the most common occurrence is pain. Studies have shown that by treating the causes of TMJ, pain can be greatly reduced or even alleviated.  One of the chief causes of TMJ is bruxism, or teeth grinding.  This can happen as a result of whiplash, misalignment of teeth, stress, anxiety and a variety of other reasons. It can cause damage to the teeth, headache, tinnitus and pain, among other things, over time.  It has been suggested that CBD oil (Cannabinoids) can help relieve the painful symptoms of TMJ by reducing stress, anxiety and relaxing muscles; thereby relieving pain.

Click here to read an interesting article about TMJ and treatment with CBD oil for relief without side effects!

Keep Smiling!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Dental Appearance Can Be Considered a Factor in Self-Harm

This is a repost from March, 2022. but it bears the repeat if someone can be helped by the knowledge!

Do you know a young person who may be engaged in self harm?  A loved one?  A friend?

If so, could it be due to bullying? A recent TikTok trend? Stress?  Have you ever considered it could be due to the appearance of their teeth? 

I stumbled upon an article from Dr. Bicuspid called Dental appearance may lead young teens to self-harm written by Melissa Busch (associate editor). 

"Nearly half of teens who self-harm say they engage in self-injurious behavior due to the way their teeth look, according to a survey of more than 600 eighth-grade students. The findings were published on March 26 in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics.

Tooth color and shape and missing teeth were some of the most common dental features that contributed to self-harm, the authors wrote. In addition, one-fifth of eighth-graders who reported engaging in self-harm said bullying about their dental imperfections contributed to their behavior.

"This study demonstrated a relatively high experience of self-harm reported by adolescent school children, with many reporting self-harm as a result of their dentofacial appearance and bullying because of dentofacial features," wrote the authors, led by Dr. Hawazen Sonbol of Kingston Hospital and St. George's Hospital and St. George's Medical School in London.

Throughout the world, self-harm is a growing public health issue. Worldwide, the prevalence of self-harm in teens and young adults is estimated to range between 7.5% and 46.5%.

Self-harming, which includes multiple behaviors like swallowing pills, cutting body parts, and pulling out hair is an expression of distress used to escape stress related to trauma, anxiety, depression, and bullying. Individuals who self-harm are at a greater risk of substance abuse and suicide.

Oral health and dental esthetics factor prominently in a person's perceived body image and self-esteem. Those with malocclusions and other dental imperfections can be targeted for bullying and can lead to low self-esteem and poor body image.

To investigate how dentofacial appearance contributes to the prevalence of self-harm among children, researchers conducted a cross-sectional study of 669 eighth graders from randomly selected schools. The group, which was composed of 339 girls and 360 boys who were 13 or 14, completed questionnaires about their behaviors.

Of the participants, 188 eighth graders (27%) reported engaging in self-harm. Of those who reported self-harming, 90 students (48%) engaged in this behavior due to their dental appearance. Additionally, 41 participants (20%) who reported self-harm did so because of bullying that targeted their dental imperfections, the authors wrote.

The three most common dental features contributing to self-harm and self-injury due to bullying were tooth color and shape, spacing between teeth or missing teeth, and prominent maxillary anterior teeth, according to the study.

The study had some limitations, including the cross-sectional nature of the study. This type of study did not allow longitudinal assessment of the participants in relation to risk factors, they wrote.

In the future, studies should explore clinical dental exams, more detailed information about the type and severity of self-harm being committed, as well as how orthodontic treatment may reduce this behavior, the authors wrote.

"The present study provides baseline data to better understand the relationship between self-harm and dentofacial features," Sonbol and colleagues concluded."

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Important Facts You May Not Know About Dentures

  I came across a dental blog from the Oral Health Foundation. The author Stephen Loat discussed the top ten facts and tips regarding dentures. 

Here are the top ten facts:

  1. In a study across 19 countries researchers found that an average of 19% of the population wear some form of denture. That’s nearly one in five.
  2. There are two types of dentures: partial dentures and full dentures.
  3. A ‘partial’ denture fills in the spaces left by lost or missing teeth. It may be fastened to your natural teeth with metal clasps or ‘precision attachments’.
  4. A ‘complete’ or ‘full’ denture is one which replaces all the natural teeth in either the upper or lower jaw.
  5. A complete or full denture can give support to your cheeks and lips. Without this support, sagging facial muscles can make a person look older and they will find it harder to eat and speak properly.
  6. Dentures are ‘made to measure’ and designed to fit snuggly around the gums. Your dentist will take measurements and impressions of your mouth, then order your dentures from a dental technician.
  7. Dentures must be looked after properly. A lack of denture cleanliness can lead to poorer oral health, as well as general health problems.
  8. If dentures are not properly cleaned it can lead to ‘denture stomatitis’. This is caused by the build-up of a yeast or fungus called candida.
  9. Dentures should be cleaned daily using mechanical action i.e. brushing with a toothbrush or denture brush and an effective, non-abrasive denture cleanser.
  10. If you take care of your dentures, you should be able to use them for five-to-seven years before you need to replace them. 
If you are interested, click here for the whole are article.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Inflamed Gums? Think About Coenzyme Q-10!

I am always looking for natural, effective ways to heal the body without the use of drugs.  I found this while searching for a supplement to help heal gum disease.

Coenzyme Q-10 is essential to the body to help build new cells.  It is a component that can reduce inflammation and assist in healing infection. Gingivitis and Periodontitis are bacterial diseases of the gums.  There are lots of ways to prevent and treat gum disease, such as regular cleanings, scaling, root planning and topical rinses. However, for those who prefer a more holistic approach, consider Coenzyme Q-10. 

Here is a link to an article explaining the dental health benefits of taking a Coenzyme Q-10 supplement.

Always check with your doctor and/or your dentist before taking any supplement, and, as always,
Keep smiling!

Friday, September 27, 2024

Common Myths and Facts About Cavities, Cont'd

 There are so many myths and facts out there regarding tooth decay!  In this follow-up blog, we'll try to unravel some of the tangled ideas that many people have.

Myth or Fact: 

1.  Pregnancy can cause cavities. There is some truth to this.  Pregnant women are more prone to cavities.  This may be because of hormonal imbalance, eating more carbohydrates (cravings)  and gum sensitivity, also known as pregnancy gingivitis.  

2. You can heal cavities without dental treatment.  This is mostly false.  Once a cavity has taken hold the only way to treat it is with professional intervention.  In other words, you will need a filling.  However, cavities that are in the earliest stages, almost undetectable, can sometimes be healed by remineralization of the tooth.

3. You can fill your own cavities at home.  NO!! False.  *Over the counter tooth filling kits are not meant to permanently fill a tooth and will not protect it from decaying further.  

*There has been a rise in DIY dental treatments recently (no doubt from the high cost of dentistry.  Let's face it, it's ridiculous).  People attempt thigs like making their own braces and pulling their own teeth.  Bad idea!  So many things can go wrong.  

Hope this clears a few things up!  

Keep Smiling!

A Great Smile Should Always Be Affordable!

Smiling at someone is free, but it is hard to do that when you can't afford to have a smile worth giving out! We can help with that! Savon is designed to help you get that great smile without frowning at cost!
Think Smiles, Think Savings, Think Savon! Savon Your Smile Today!


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Common Myths and Facts About Cavities

 MYTH: Only Sugar Can Cause Cavities:

FALSE:  Sorry mothers, I hate to take away your reason for your child to have that candy car. Yes, sugar does cause cavities, but that is not the only culprit. If you want your kiddo to stay cavity free then you should steer them clear of bread and pasta, too. Those foods contain starch, which is another cavity culprit.

MYTH: Extra Brushing Will Heal or Slow Down The Progression Of a Cavity
FALSE: Tooth enamel does not grow back. When you have a cavity, you need to get it filled. If you don't, you will eventually need a root canal and/or a crown. Brushing will not heal it or slow it down. Now, on the positive side, brushing will reduce the risk of  getting cavities in the first place and it will also keep the cavity clean and reduce the risk of infection.

MYTH: If I Had A Cavity, I Would Feel It
FALSE: Well, mostly false. If you feel the cavity and are experiencing pain, then you are probably dealing with a serious cavity that is much more advanced. When a cavity is starting chances are really good that you will not be able to feel it. Which is all the more reason why regular dental checkups are so important.  Have you ever had a check up and found out that you have 3 or 4 small cavities that you didn't know were there? Happens all the time.

FUN FACT:  Cavities are Contagious!
TRUE:  Regularly kissing someone who has cavities transfers the bacteria in their mouth to yours through the exchange of saliva. That same bacteria can cause cavities in your mouth. Think about that for a moment. Let it sink in!  

So, it appears we have busted at least a few of the myths! I am sure there are many more. Do you have any that you would like us to research? Comment on this blog and we will try to find out if it is Myth or Fact!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Orthodontics For Dogs and Cats...Really?

  If you are a pet owner and, like me, your pet is your baby, it's likely you will spare no expense to ensure that they are healthy and happy.  Maintaining your pet's oral health is as important as making sure that they are vaccinated or that they are receiving regular veterinary care. (Goodness knows there are already twice as many vaccinations for dogs as opposed to humans, and medications can get pricey as well as just the simple costs of office visits for wellness check-ups.) 

Pets should have regular dental check-ups and cleanings. Animals are susceptible to many of the same physical ailments as humans, including dental issues! They can get cavities, periodontal disease, abscesses, broken teeth...just about anything a human can get, they can get, including crooked teeth! Of course they feel the pain of these ailments, just as we do. But did you know that your pet may actually be a candidate for braces? 

Now, braces are not for every dog or cat...it will depend on their age, type of malocclusion and their ability to tolerate the discomfort of wearing braces, but there are a variety of specialists available out there who practice veterinary dentistry, including canine orthodontics. Expect to pay a lot of money!  Canine dentistry is not cheap.  It may even be more expensive than what we would pay for our own braces!  A good option may be to find a good pet insurance plan and find out if it covers dentistry and orthodontics. Check with your veterinarian.  He or she can probably recommend one.

Keep your pet smiling and happy!!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Bet Ya Didn't Know These Fun Dental Facts!

 More endless research on the internet turned up these interesting trivial facts!

  • In the year 1900, the tooth fairy would leave approximately 12 cents. In the year 1998, one dollar. Imagine, at the current rate of inflation....the year 2020...NICE! $$$$$
  • You cannot conceal your smoking habit with mouthwash or brushing before a visit! That's right, your dentist knows :) Apparently, the smoke residue seeps into the tissue surrounding your gums....
  • You would need to have more than 300 amalgam fillings to even come close to the amount of mercury that is considered dangerous.
  • 100 years ago, 50% of adults in North America were toothless!
  • The first electric toothbrush was introduced in 1939.
  • The antibacterial properties in Black and Green Tea CAN help prevent cavities.
  • Chewing gum that contains Xylitol can help prevent cavities by reducing the bad bacteria in your mouth!
  • Mouthwashes containing alcohol are only temporarily effective, and the alcohol dries out your mouth.
  • Snails have teeth! Thousands of them....
  • Turtles are toothless!
  • You will get more radiation from an hour in the sun than from a dental x-ray.
  • Your dominant hand influences your chewing- righties munch on the right, while lefties savor their bites on the left.
  • Ladies smile about 62 times a day, while the gents trail behind with a mere eight daily smirks.
  • Just faking a grin can actually calm your heartbeat and ease tension.
One more....this one is great!
  • A survey once done by Time Magazine concluded that 59% of Americans would prefer to sit in a dentist's chair than to sit next to someone on a cell phone!
Enjoy, and Keep Smiling!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Why We Celebrate Labor Day!


What Is Labor Day?

Labor Day is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. Labor Day serves as a recognition of the labor movement and the efforts to improve working conditions and worker's rights.  It is also seen as a symbol of the end of summer and a time for people to enjoy a day off and spend time with family and friends.

Why Do We Celebrate It?

Labor Day is celebrated to honor the achievements and contributions of workers in various fields. The holiday originated in the late 19th century during the Labor Movement in the United States. Workers at the time were facing long working hours, low wages, and unsafe working conditions. They organized strikes and protests to demand better rights and fair treatment.

Labor Day became an official federal holiday in 1894 after intense lobbying and advocacy by the labor unions. It was a way to recognize and pay tribute to the hardworking individuals who contributed to the growth and development of the country.

Today, Labor Day is a symbolic end to the summer season and is celebrated with parades, barbecues, and gatherings. It also serves as a reminder to appreciate the achievements of workers and to advocate for their rights and well-being.

Now that we know a little more about Labor Day, our team here at Savon Dental Plan wishes everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday Weekend! Be sure to thank all of the hardworking people who keep our way of life functioning day in and day out!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Dental Sleep Medicine, Explained

 By definition, according to the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine,  Dental Sleep Medicine is an area of practice that focuses on the management of sleep-related breathing disorders, including snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, through the use of oral appliance therapy and/or upper airway surgery.

More and more dentists are entering into this field of treatment.  The way it works is this: A qualified physician diagnoses the condition through a series of studies done on the patient,  then the dentist provides treatment; ( i.e. usually a custom fitted oral device, worn during sleep and designed to keep the airway open by supporting the jaw and tongue.)

A loved one may notice heavy snoring or interrupted breathing patterns that can happen many times during the sleep cycle, however, if you live alone the following signs could be an indication that you may need to be checked out:

                  Mild to heavy daytime sleepiness
                  Morning headaches
                  Decreased libido
                  Inability to concentrate

Additionally, if you are overweight  you may have a higher risk for sleep apnea.  Essentially, through oxygen deprivation and lack of refreshing sleep, this disorder can wreak havoc on your body over time. It can put you at risk for high blood pressure, stroke and even heart attack, not to mention the risk of sudden death while sleeping due to the closing of the airway.

Many people have this disorder and are unaware of the danger it poses.  It is effectively a silent killer.  If you think you or a loved one may have this, contact your healthcare provider and arrange for a screening.  It could save your life!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dental Insurance Is Not Always The Best Option!

If you can see yourself in the same position as this young man in the video, then it should be time to for you to evaluate your dental coverage. 

Being shocked by massive dental bill that you thought, or were even told that your dental insurance was going to cover is nothing new, and believe me when I tell you that you are not alone. This happens to a lot of people on a daily basis. You into the dental office, you pay your co-pay, they give you a treatment plan and they perform the treatment or procedure. Sound simple right? You paid your co-pay, everything is good, right? No so fast! A few weeks later you get a bill in the mail from your insurance company saying that you owe the dentist hundreds or even thousands of dollars for "uncovered procedures". It leaves you shell shocked and asking yourself "how can this be"? The easy answer is that is "in the fine print" of your insurance policy, also known your declarations page! Dental insurance companies have so many things in place that allow them to deny your coverage on procedures and leave you footing the bill. 

It starts with their "waiting periods". Every dental insurance policy comes with waiting periods. This requires you to have the policy for anywhere from 60 days to 1 year before certain procedures are covered. If you get that procedure done before the waiting period is up, then they will not cover that procedure.

Then it comes down to the actual procedure you are having done and what it takes to accomplish it. For example, if your insurance covers 1 vial of Novocain for a local anesthetic, you throughout the course of your procedure it determined that you need another one, you will be ponying up the dough for that extra vile and not even know it until weeks later. If your insurance covers a “free cleaning”, but your cleaning is determined to be a “difficult cleaning”, then guess what.. surprise, they may not cover that! They cover bite wing ex-rays, and your get a 3D X-ray, be prepared for that bill.

Lastly, it comes down to their classification of certain procedures. For example, dental implants are very popular and provide patients with a way of replacing a tooth that needs to be pulled or is lost. However, most dental insurance companies classify that is “cosmetic dentistry”, which means they do not consider it to be medically necessary, and it is only for cosmetic reasons, so they will deny covering it. You will be stuck with that bill and there is nothing you can do about it.

I will refrain from getting to the “you have not met your deductible” part of this. We all know how that works.

Insurance companies are in the business of collecting your premium, not paying claims. They have no problem collecting your dues, and then spending hours finding ways to deny your claim. That is what makes them profitable.

When you are considering dental coverage, I do invite you to look at a dental plan such as ours. With our dental plan, you have no waiting periods, no deductibles and all procedures are covered. With our fee schedule, your will know what you are required to pay at the dentist and be able to budget accordingly with your treatment plan. You will not have worry about getting a surprise bill from a dental plan, 2-3 weeks after your dental visit.

Insurance is not always the best option. People hear insurance and assume that it is the greatest thing to have. Years of marketing and advertising have programmed us to think that way. However, when you compare apples to apples on Dental Insurance and Dental Plans, you might just be surprised at how much you can actually save with a Dental Plan. Look at all areas that you have to pay with dental insurance, your down payment, your monthly premium, your deductible and your maximum out of pocket. Then look at the low annual payment of a dental plan and compare it to what you will actually pay at the dentist office. The results may just astonish you!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A Link Between Oral Bacteria and IBD?

 As you may know, oral health can affect more than just the inside of a mouth. Poor oral hygiene can cause other serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes but could it also be causing Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)?

Nobuhiko Kamada, Ph.D., assistant professor of internal medicine in the division of gastroenterology at U-M Medical School has been collecting and researching the different types of bacterias found in a person's gut. During his research, Dr. Kamada has found that the overgrown bacteria found within the gut of a person who suffers from IBD is also linked to bacteria that is normally found inside the mouth. 

Dr. Kamada contacted the dental school and asked them "do oral diseases affect the severity of gastrointestinal diseases?"

After further research, a study was published in Celi, which shows that oral bacteria found in the gut can worsen inflammation. 

If you would like to read more about the study click here!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Never Ignore Dental Pain - Even When it Involves Dentures or Bridgework!

 I recently heard about someone who went to the dentist with severe pain in the area of her bridge. This pain had been present for a couple years but only when she chewed, so she didn't think much of it. Eventually it got worse and worse until the pain was unbearable, she was sick, her face was swollen and she couldn't eat.

As it turned out, for 2 years the bridge was actually broken. There was decay in a tooth underneath it allowing for trapped food to get in, which led to a major infection. This made her really sick.
After almost 3 hours in the dentist chair and some oral surgery, they finally got her taken care of and had a new bridge on its way for her.

Just because a crown, implant or bridge is not "real" per-say, doesn't mean that it can be ignored! If something goes wrong, it should be treated and maintained just like a real tooth at all times.

If you have questions as to how to properly care for your bridge, be sure to consult with your dentist.

Keep Smiling!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

COVID-19 Can Affect Your Oral Health!

Since COVID is still hanging around, we feel it is important to repost this blog from January 2023. 

A Covid 19 infection can lead to a number of oral problems, according to studies.  If your have had Covid, read on to discover how it might affect your oral health.

Dry mouth, or Xerostomia, is becoming more widespread since the onset of Covid-19.  Aside from losing your taste and smell, your saliva glands can be affected leaving you with dry mouth.  Dry mouth can lead to increased bacteria which can cause dental cavities and halitosis (bad breath).  Additionally, wearing a mask can cause dry mouth, and we all know that due to COVID, there are many more people wearing masks these days.  Masks cause you to mouth breathe, mouth breathing causes dry mouth.  There you have it. 

Covid 19 can cause damage to the blood vessels in the body, including those that supply blood to the mouth. This can lead to mouth sores and ulcerations, and gingival breakdown, which in turn can lead to infections.  

In addition to all of that, Covid causes stress in our lives.  Stress can have a direct effect on our oral health, as with any other part of our body.  

Now that things are returning to somewhat "normal" be sure to make regular visits to your dentist.

Take care of your oral health, and Keep Smiling!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Alignment Problems To Watch For In Children

When your children are around six to eight, you will want to start paying attention to the alignment of their teeth.

If you notice any of the following problems, you will want to talk to an orthodontist about orthodontic treatment.

  • Excessive spacing: This usually happens with abnormal growth of the jawbone.
  • Crowding: This is when the jaw is too small to accommodate permanent teeth.
  • Underbite: When the lower jaw grows larger than the upper jaw.
  • Overbite: When the upper jaw grows larger than the lower jaw.
  • Open-bite: When the teeth are unable to make physical contact for a proper bite.
  • Crossbite: When the upper teeth close inside the lower teeth.
  • Over-jet (protruding): Teeth that are too far forward commonly known as "buckteeth". 
If these problems are left untreated they can result in tooth decay, gum disease, headaches, and ear aches. It may also cause speaking, biting, or chewing problems. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Evolution of Wisdom Teeth

 What is happening to our wisdom teeth?

Humans are evolving!  Proof of this is that we have smaller jaws than those of our distant ancestors and that a chromosomal mutation called MYH16 may have allowed for humans to have larger brains, while at the same time has reduced the need for wisdom teeth. This is fascinating!

 It is estimated that up to 35% of the current population have congenitally missing wisdom teeth.  It isn’t that uncommon anymore, as wisdom teeth are considered to be vestigial structures, meaning they are no longer necessary, even though they once served a purpose. Additionally,  ethnicity and environment may play a role.  People of Asian descent and the Inuit are the least likely group to have wisdom teeth, however, it appears that the current trend towards fewer or absent wisdom teeth is due to simple evolution.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Unexpected Way Running Affects Your Teeth

We all know that exercising is great for your health. One of the primary reasons for running is that it helps lose weight, fight heart disease, and relieve stress. However, running can also have hidden negative effects on one of the most important parts of your body; Teeth.

When you add all the carbs, sports drinks, and protein bars likely consumed during or after a workout, your mouth has the perfect environment for cavities. Sugar feeds decay-causing bacteria and our defenses against these bad bacteria that live in our saliva.

While most runners breathe through their mouth, the mouth is usually dry during the entire run which slows saliva rates and makes it harder for the mouth to clean itself. Therefore, when the mouth is dry, your teeth are at risk.

Here are a few things to save your teeth during a workout!
  1. Stay hydrated
  2. Pop a sugar-free mint or a piece of gum after a workout (this helps your saliva glands to start working again)
  3. Brush and floss regularly
Remember oral hygiene is very important!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Still No Taste Buds? The Ever-lingering Loss of Taste After Covid-19


We’re sure there are still many people who haven't  regained their sense of taste and/or smell after a bout with COVID-19.  Articles and statistics indicate that some people have had problems for a year or more after contracting the virus.  The gnawing question is:  do these patients just have to “wait it out” or is there a treatment or remedy available to help?  The following might offer you, as a provider, a suggestion for them to try.

An article by a doctor at the Mayo clinic indicates there is hope for these patients.  It is a process called olfactory retraining by which the patient smells 4 specific fragrance substances for 15 seconds twice per day for several weeks.  The doctor asserts that roughly 95% of patients can see improvement in their symptoms over time.  Those fragrance substances are clove, lemon, eucalyptus and rose.

We found a website that promotes this theory. It is called AbScent.org.   AbScent is a non-profit charity organization based in the UK that can offer helpful insight and support for people with taste and smell disorders. Their company has become internationally known and is a great source of information for people looking for relief from these lingering effects.

You can visit their website at AbScent.org.uk to learn more about their mission, their company and the olfactory retraining process.

Keep Smiling!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Probiotics For The Mouth?

That's right! Probiotics are not just for gut health they can keep your mouth healthy too!

Here are some ways the benefits of oral probiotics:
  • Helps prevent Plaque 
  • Helps fight bad breath
  • May prevent oral cancer
  • Helps manage symptoms of Gingivitis
  • It may decrease inflammation in the mouth
If you are the type of person who cannot swallow pills or like me who forgets to take them you're in luck because there are many different types of foods that you can get probiotics from such as enhanced milk, yogurt, cheese, sauerkraut to just name a few!

Remember to consult with your dentist before taking probiotics!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Things to Do to Make Sure Your Child Will Have Strong Teeth

Have you ever heard the old wives’ tale that women should expect to lose a tooth with each child?  Well as it turns out, long ago that belief was well rooted in reality! Now, however, this is a proven modern-day myth. Your baby actually gets the calcium he needs from your diet and if your diet does not contain enough calcium, the body will access the mineral from the supply in your bones, not from your teeth. But today, with careful management, most of us should be able to avoid losing our teeth. So what steps can you take to ensure that you keep your teeth in top condition, and what can you do for your child after he is born to keep his teeth healthy?
The following are some important points to remember for you and your child to ensure healthy teeth: 

While you are pregnant:

Eat a healthy diet rich in calcium to keep the stores in your body at a healthy level. Dairy products and green leafy vegetables are good sources of calcium.

Brush and floss daily. It is important to keep plaque and tartar at bay. A healthy mouth will lead to a healthier baby! 

Ages 0 To 10

STUDIES have shown that if we have tooth decay as babies, then we are more likely to get decay in our permanent teeth. Dental hygiene can and should begin with newborns. Bacteria can be removed by wrapping a piece of gauze around your finger and gently wiping the baby’s gum pads.

Apart from their food-processing function, baby teeth are important as space maintainers so that permanent teeth have a space to grow into. If these teeth are lost early through decay, the space may not be saved, so permanent teeth can drift - a problem more likely to lead to a need for braces later. Consequently, a baby’s sugar intake should be monitored, bearing in mind that even health foods such as milk and fruit contain sugars.

Baby toothbrushes with soft heads should be introduced as soon as teeth come through, along with specially formulated children’s toothpaste. These contain the optimal dose fluoride for youngsters.

Have their teeth cleaned regularly from the age of  2 years.  Regular dental screenings can prevent loss of teeth in early years, and helps get your child in the habit of practicing good dental hygiene. 

Nursing Bottle Syndrome - a condition which causes rampant decay in a baby’s teeth - can occur from six months, and constant sweetened drinks are often blamed. Studies have shown that 50% of five and six year old children may have erosion of their front milk teeth - a condition that can cause pain and sensitivity. At around the age of six, the first molar teeth start to appear. These can be sealed with a plastic coating, known as fissure sealant, to prevent decay.

Overall, good hygiene for both mother and baby is essential to healthy teeth. The better their teeth when they are young, the longer they will keep them as adults!! In my line of work, I encounter people almost daily in their 90's who still have their own teeth. In part because of a healthy lifestyle and partly because of amazing technology and advancement in dentistry. 

Keep Smiling! 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

How To Deal With Dental Phobia

To begin, I think it's important to note that dental phobia is a very common affliction, with over 80% of the population having at least some level of anxiety and fear over dental procedures. So, to the dental phobics out there, please know that you are not alone!! Conversely, a higher percentage of women have reported having dental phobia than men. (OK, I'll admit that this statistic surprised me. Just a little.) Having worked in this industry for the past 16 years, it occurred to me to write on this topic because I have witnessed so many people who have been diagnosed as needing major restorative work all because they were afraid to see a dentist for preventative care. Some have avoided the dentist for 15 to 20 years! Anyway, I did a little hunting on the web and found some interesting ideas for overcoming dental phobias. Hope this is helpful! 

  • The first and, I think, most important thing is to find a dentist that you can trust. The best method for this is word of mouth. Talk to a trusted friend or co-worker, or ask family member for a referral. Chances are if they've had a good experience, you will too.
  • Proceed with treatment at your own speed. (Except in the case of an emergency, of course.) Do not allow yourself to be rushed into treatment before you are ready. Mental preparation is important to your dental experience. Discuss all options with your dentist prior to the treatment. Knowing what to expect goes a long way toward relaxation.
  • Try to bring a spouse or trusted friend with you for treatment. Sometimes just knowing someone is there (even if they stay in the waiting room) can help to relax you and put your mind at ease. Also, sometimes talking about your fears with that person can help to alleviate and irradicate the jitters. You might even be surprised to learn that they have similar fears!
  • Predetermine a "stop signal" with your dentist. Most people will just raise a hand....that seems to be the most common signal, but the important thing is that he (the dentist) needs to know if you are experiencing discomfort at any level. Sometimes all that is required is to stop for a moment and let the feeling pass, or if you are in pain, to administer more anesthetic.
  • Bring an MP3 player or CD player with headphones to distract you. Music calms the soul, and consequently the mind and body. If you are in to motivational CD's or inspirational types of listening material, that is helpful as well. Many of the new state of the art dental facilities already have these things available.
These are just a few of the ideas that are available on the internet to help overcome your fear of the dentist. Here is a link for some information on the newest dental techniques and tools coming out on the market. Many of these are designed to aid or eliminate pain and anxiety.

Original post by Clay III on October 14, 2018

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Aches And Pains In The Jaw - It Could Be TMJ!

Also known as TMJ, this disorder has a series of problems that go along with it. Your aches and pains might actually indicate Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction.

The following are some of the symtoms associated with TMJ:

1. Misaligned teeth (an incorrect bite will affect the jaw.)
2. A 'clicking' or 'grinding' sound when you open or close your mouth.
3. A ringing or aching in and around the ear.
4. A pain or tenderness of the hard or soft tissue in the jaw area.
5. Facial pain.
6. Aches or pains when chewing or swallowing.
7. Headaches.
8. A 'locking' jaw joint.
9. A shoulder and/or neck ache.

Although any of these signs and symptoms could be a Temporomandibular Joint Problem, it takes a health care professional that is trained in that specific area to diagnose a TMJ problem. If you think you may have TMJ, discuss all of your symptoms with your dentist or your personal care physician.  It is a treatable disorder.  There is no need to suffer!

Keep smiling!

Monday, July 8, 2024

Could Toothpaste be Linked To Heart Attacks And Strokes??

Could a zero-calorie sweetener in toothpaste be a leading cause of heart attacks and/or strokes? Check out this article from Dr. Biscupids Melissa Busch. 

"A zero-calorie sugar substitute commonly found in toothpaste and chewing gum may be associated with a heightened risk of cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes, according to a press release dated June 6 from the Cleveland Clinic.

In the future, more studies should be conducted to examine the cardiovascular safety of xylitol, a natural sugar alcohol found in plants but which is considered an artificial sweetener because it contains no sugar, according to the large study published on June 6 in the European Heart Journal.

"Xylitol is associated with incident MACE (major adverse cardiovascular event) risk," wrote the authors, led by Dr. Stanley Hazen, PhD, of the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute and the Preventive Cardiology in the Heart, Vascular, and Thoracic Institute in Ohio.

Xylitol is a common ingredient in sugar-free candy, gum, and oral care products like toothpaste. Over the last decade, xylitol and other sugar substitutes have gained in popularity and have been promoted as healthy alternatives for those with obesity and diabetes.

To explore factors that contribute to residual cardiovascular risks, an analysis of more than 3,000 patients in the U.S. and Europe were analyzed. Untargeted metabolomics studies were conducted on patients undergoing heart evaluation, and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analyses were done on an independent, nonoverlapping cohort. Human blood and animal model studies were studied to investigate the effects of the sugar substitute on platelet responsiveness and blood clot formation in vivo, according to the study.

High levels of circulating xylitol were linked to an elevated three-year risk of cardiovascular events. Additionally, a third of patients with the largest amount of xylitol in their plasma were more likely to have a cardiovascular event, according to the release.

Furthermore, xylitol caused platelets to clot and heightened the risk of thrombosis. Also, it was found that the platelet activity of patients who drank a xylitol-sweetened drink had a clotting ability that notably rose immediately compared to those who drank a glucose-sweetened drink, according to the authors.

The study had several limitations, including that clinical observation studies show correlation and not causation, according to the release. The study, which was supported by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and the Office of Dietary Supplements, highlights the need to further investigate sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners.

"It does not mean throw out your toothpaste if it has xylitol in it, but we should be aware that consumption of a product containing high levels could increase the risk of blood clot related events," Hazen said in the release."

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Do You Have Old Amalgam (Silver) Fillings?

To be sure, many dentists currently do not use amalgam fillings.  But why?

This is an excellent question. I thought it might be interesting to stir the debate a little....after all, so much controversy surrounds the issue. In this day and age when everyone (medical professionals and the average patient alike) is so much more aware of the harmful toxins in the air we breathe and ingredients in our food and water....it's nice to be able to have a choice about what goes into our body.
Here is a link to a very good article that has an interesting twist...a link to a youtube video that actually shows mercury vapor coming out of an extracted tooth that had an amalgam filling. This will knock your socks off! Watch and decide for yourself. It might just help you to make that ever-important decision...Amalgam or Composite?

Always remember to keep smiling!


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Trench Mouth - Could You Get It?

It's a common term that we don't hear very frequently anymore, but many people do not know that it's a real disease that most commonly affects the younger crowd, ages 25 and under. Less commonly, it has been known to affect people older than that.

It is a bacterial infection of the gums, characterized by painful sores of the mouth and surrounding mucous membranes, bleeding, foul breath, increased salivation and difficulty in swallowing and talking. Some causes are poor oral hygiene, stress, poor nutrition, smoking and immune deficiency. It can be treated effectively by your dentist with antibiotics and oxygenating rinses.
Proper hygiene is one of the best preventive strategies!

Here's an interesting fun fact:
The term "Trench mouth" actually came from epidemics that began among soldiers in the field during World War II where proper hygiene was not always possible, and conditions were unsanitary.

Keep Smiling Ya'll!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Dehydration Contributes to Bad Breath

 Dehydration is a major cause of bad breath. When the body is dehydrated it doesn't produce enough saliva. Without enough saliva to clean away food particles, bacteria reproduces freely and causes the bad breathSaliva also neutralizes acids and prevents plaque from forming on the surface of your teeth. Consequently, adding plenty of water to your diet is a good start to having a healthy mouth. The current recommendation is to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day, and remember that you can also get fluids through foods such as fruits, vegetables and legumes.

Keep Smiling! 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Extraction Aftercare

Aftercare for tooth extraction can vary depending on the type of procedure that was done and how your body responds to healing.

One thing is for sure, you may have bleeding for 24 hours, so don't freak out!

  • 1-2 days after an extraction:
    • Rest - try not to bend over or pick up anything heavy.
    • Change gauze - if needed, change gauze every 30 min.
    • eating- Eat soft foods and chew on the opposite side of the mouth.
    •  Avoid Swishing - Put water in your mouth gently tilt your head from side to side and spit. SO NOT swish.
    • No Straws - sucking can cause dry sockets.
    • Medications - take prescribed medication as needed.
    • No smoking - like the straw, this can create a dry socket.
    • Elevate head - when you sleep, elevate your head. This will prevent blood pooling and make healing fast.
    • Brush and floss - super gentle around the extraction site.
  • 3-10 days after extraction:
    • Saline rinse - use warm salt water to rinse the mouth.
    • Brush and floss - continue as normal.
    •  Eat - continue eating soft foods.
If you are experiencing any pain after a week or 10 days, consult your dentist immediately!

*These are basic instructions. If your dentist gives you an instruction sheet, please follow theirs*

Information is found here!

Friday, June 7, 2024

How To Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Check out this direct reprint of an article by Slumber Yard Team, if you are about to get your wisdom teeth removed! 

"Wisdom Teeth Removal

Almost 85% of Americans need to get their wisdom teeth pulled sooner or later, and boy are we jealous of those who don‘t need to go through the procedure.  It‘s a simple outpatient surgery, but the recovery can be quite grueling.  It can be even worse if you can‘t manage to get a good night‘s sleep.  Sleep is a major factor in recovery, so you can see how this situation can quickly become a downward spiral if you‘re not getting any rest.  The less sleep you get, the more painful the healing process becomes, which makes it harder to sleep — and the cycle continues.

Our Slumber Yard team member Carla actually recently got her wisdom teeth pulled.  When we asked her about her sleep experience post–procedure, this is what she had to say.

“Be prepared to readjust the way you‘re eating because you can basically only have liquids and soft foods like yogurt and pudding.  I tried noodle soup, but I stayed away after I got a noodle stuck in the holes where my wisdom teeth were.  Because you‘re eating differently, it might affect your sleep schedule.  For the first couple of days, I had a migraine from the surgery and an aching jaw, so it made it more difficult to fall asleep.  But the first two days, I did nap a lot.  I‘d say I got around the recommended six to eight hours of sleep over the days.  I‘ve heard from others that they‘ve slept much more, though, especially if your dentist puts you on pain pills stronger than Tylenol.  Yawning hurt for about a month, too, so be prepared for that.”

Wisdom tooth removal is something that most people will encounter in their lifetime.  While everyone‘s experience is different, there are some things that you can expect after wisdom teeth removal.  This guide will teach you some simple tricks and provide expert tips to help ease your recovery and help you sleep better.

How to Sleep Post Teeth Removal

After you get your wisdom teeth removed, it‘s important to be aware of how you‘re sleeping.  Sleep and good rest is important to heal faster, but you can actually prolong your healing process if you‘re not careful.

Take Your Medication

To start, make sure you take any medications your doctor prescribed.¯ This is essential for two reasons:  One, it will help fight off potential infection, and two, it will help you sleep at night if you‘re feeling pain.

Hopefully, your dentist or oral surgeon prescribed you something strong enough to ease the pain, as Carla mentioned earlier.  If not, Ibuprofen or Tylenol will help reduce the discomfort too.  You can also apply an ice pack to your cheek if you have a combination of pain and swelling.

Keep Head Elevated & Choose the Right Position

After you get your wisdom teeth pulled, you‘ll need to keep your head elevated for at least 36 hours at a 45–degree angle, even while you sleep.  The elevation will help you recover faster because blood vessel tone (constriction of your blood vessels) and blood volume tend to increase near the wound when you‘re lying flat.  This can cause the wound to throb and lead to increased pressure and bleeding, inhibiting healing.  Keeping your head at an angle also helps to reduce swelling, so you don‘t look like a chipmunk.

Remove Gauze From Mouth This next tip might go without saying, but you‘ll want to remove the gauze in your mouth before you sleep, so you don‘t accidentally choke on it.  Your dentist should tell you when you have the OK to take it out, which is normally around 30 minutes after surgery.

Follow Aftercare Instructions

In general, make sure you also schedule time to rest after your surgery, and not just when you‘re supposed to go to sleep at night.  If you strain yourself too hard after wisdom teeth removal, the healing process will only be more painful, meaning less restful sleep.  So take a few days off work, lay low, and sleep whenever you get the opportunity.

If you find it hard to fall asleep, try setting the temperature in your room between 60–67 degrees to lower your body temperature, and turn off all the lights in your room.  You should even keep your phone face down so it doesn‘t light up throughout the night.  This ensures you‘re in the perfect atmosphere to fall asleep.

Combatting the Aftermath of Wisdom Teeth Removal

When a wisdom tooth is removed, some common symptoms may occur.  We identify these common symptoms, along with medical advice from Mayo Clinic regarding best treatment practices.

Be sure to contact your doctor should you experience any of the following symptoms:
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Severe pain
  • Fever
  • Prolonged, excessive swelling that lasts two or more days
  • Pus in or around the socket
  • Numbness or loss of feeling
  • Blood or pus in nasal discharge
Foods to Aid in the Recovery Process and Support Sleep

The foods and beverages that you consume could hasten your recovery process.  These foods and beverages can actually help aid in your recovery from wisdom tooth removal.



Water:  Water is your best friend after surgery, replenishing essential nutrients and giving your body the strength to fight infection.

Ginger ale:  The bubbles and mild flavor can help ease nausea and settle upset stomachs.

Gatorade or Powerade:  These sports drinks are full of vitamins that can help replenish and strengthen your body to fight infection.

Milkshakes:  Everyone loves ice cream, but this guilty pleasure is not so guilty after wisdom tooth removal because the creamy cold of the treat is very soothing during healing.


Alcohol:  You should refrain from alcohol for at least 48 hours immediately following your procedure.

Acidic drinks:  Acidic beverages, such as certain sodas or juices, can cause severe irritation to your wound and hamper healing.

Hot and cold beverages:  Your mouth will be especially tender following surgery, so stick to lukewarm drinks and skip the hot coffees and teas.

Whichever beverages you choose, be sure to avoid using a straw so you do not risk dislodging blood clots or causing further harm to the extraction site.


There are also some foods that can help ease recovery.


Yogurt:  The cool, creamy texture of yogurt makes this healthy treat enjoyable, but the extra vitamins and minerals will also help aid your recovery.

Applesauce:  This sweet treat‘s smooth texture makes it a perfect choice for post–procedure snacking. Plus, the vitamins and minerals, like Vitamin C, will help fight infection and speed up your healing.

Lukewarm soups:  Blended soups like pumpkin, carrot, or tomato soup are rich in nutrients, while bone broth adds extra hydration.

Eggs:  Scramble some eggs for a soft, easy–to–eat meal full of protein and Omega–3 fats to help with healing.


Hard foods:  Hard, chewy foods can put a strain on your extraction site and displace the blood clot.

Spicy foods:  Spicy foods can quickly cause irritation and prolong the healing period.

Crunchy foods:  Foods that easily crumble, like potato chips, can all too easily become stuck in the wound, adding room for infection.

Grains and seeds:  These also can become lodged in your wound and increase the risk of biting the inside of your mouth and adding to your list of ailments.

Additionally, there are also some items that better prepare the body for rest to help you sleep better.
  • Almond milk:  Almonds can agitate your wound, but almond milk is a soothing, refreshing way to provide your body with the hormone melatonin to help improve your sleep.

  • Chamomile tea:  A cup of lukewarm chamomile tea before bed can help fight inflammation and promote better sleep.

  • Tart cherry juice:  This specialty beverage is so effective at improving sleep quality that it is also used to treat insomnia.
Your medical provider can help advise on the best dietary plan for your needs after surgery.

Activities to Pull You Through the Recovery Period

Recovery after wisdom tooth extraction may not be the most fun time, but for many people every day, it is a necessary evil to ensure proper health.  While you are recovering from your procedure, these activities can help keep your mind preoccupied and engaged with fun, entertaining activities that will not put a strain on your recovering body.
  • Movies, audiobooks, and podcasts:  These are easy ways to entertain yourself without putting any strain on your body.  Curl up in front of a TV or grab a pair of headphones to tune into your favorite audiobook or flick.

  • Puzzles:  Puzzles are another low–energy activity that does not require a ton of movement and can be done right from the comfort of your bed.

  • Video Games:  As you begin to feel better, you can check out a new video game for a slightly more intensive experience.

  • Read a book:  This can be the perfect opportunity to catch up on your reading and dive into that new novel you have been pushing off.
Any activities that do not require a lot of motion and can be done from bed can help keep you entertained while waiting for your body to get back to normal.

When Can I Sleep on My Side After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Unfortunately, you will need to sleep on your back.  Depending on your recovery time, you will need to sleep on your back for around three to seven days.  It is not recommended to sleep on your side or your stomach because it can squish your cheeks, adding extra pressure to the area.  It will also direct more blood to the area via gravity.  We can‘t imagine that it would be very comfortable to sleep with an elevated head while on your stomach or side, either, so try to stick strictly to your back.

If you‘re somebody who isn‘t used to sleeping on their back, try arranging pillows around your head and neck to keep you comfortable and supported.

Best Pillows to Use After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

The right pillow after wisdom teeth extraction can make all the difference in the world for your comfort and could even speed up the recovery process.  Medical experts at Mayo Clinic recommend that patients sleep on their back following wisdom tooth removal.

Back sleepers are best served by a pillow with anywhere from one to four inches of range when compressed.  This keeps the head elevated and reduces neck strain by facing toward the ceiling rather than forward.  The best pillow and mattress for back sleepers depends on a few factors, such as the material you choose.  Pillows are available in several different materials, such as memory foam and latex foam, to meet your ideal comfort level.  Your pillow and mattress firmness is another factor, with a medium firmness often working best for back sleepers.

An extra pillowcase is also a good idea to prevent any blood or fluid stains on your favorite keepsake pillowcase.

Additional Ways to Improve Your Sleep

There are a few other ways to help improve your sleep after wisdom tooth removal.

Modify Your Mattress Outfit

One tip is to modify your mattress outfit by investing in a temporary new bed setup.

Mattress toppers can be a great way to add support quickly.  Instead of upgrading your entire mattress, you could instead choose a mattress topper as a more economical way to accommodate your post–procedure sleep requirements.

You can also use extra pillows to provide added support.  A pillow below your knees can cradle your body for added support and also help minimize back pressure.

Implement a Weighted Blanket for Relaxation

Weighted blankets have increasingly become popular for their highly–touted health benefits.  These blankets typically carry a weight of at least 15 pounds and have been widely reported to provide a soothing calm that promotes better sleep.  Weighted blankets are also used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and stress.

For those who recently had wisdom teeth extracted, the added weight of the blanket does far more than just promoting better sleep.  It can also help other types of sleepers adjust to sleeping on their backs, with the blanket‘s weight gently reminding you throughout the night to remain on your back and prevent any extra, unnecessary movement.  Available in several weights, you are sure to find a version today that works best for your post–extraction sleep.

Final Thoughts

Wisdom tooth extraction is nothing new, but thankfully, there are several things you can do to reduce your downtime and promote faster, better healing.  From soft foods to lukewarm beverages, a few simple changes to your diet can help avoid unnecessary issues and help ensure a quicker recovery.– It is also important to assess what other changes you can make, from activities to even your mattress, so you can enjoy not only a comfortable place to recover but also better sleep each night too."