Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Still No Taste Buds? The Ever-lingering Loss of Taste After Covid-19


We’re sure there are still many people who haven't  regained their sense of taste and/or smell after a bout with COVID-19.  Articles and statistics indicate that some people have had problems for a year or more after contracting the virus.  The gnawing question is:  do these patients just have to “wait it out” or is there a treatment or remedy available to help?  The following might offer you, as a provider, a suggestion for them to try.

An article by a doctor at the Mayo clinic indicates there is hope for these patients.  It is a process called olfactory retraining by which the patient smells 4 specific fragrance substances for 15 seconds twice per day for several weeks.  The doctor asserts that roughly 95% of patients can see improvement in their symptoms over time.  Those fragrance substances are clove, lemon, eucalyptus and rose.

We found a website that promotes this theory. It is called AbScent.org.   AbScent is a non-profit charity organization based in the UK that can offer helpful insight and support for people with taste and smell disorders. Their company has become internationally known and is a great source of information for people looking for relief from these lingering effects.

You can visit their website at AbScent.org.uk to learn more about their mission, their company and the olfactory retraining process.

Keep Smiling!

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