Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Evolution of Wisdom Teeth

 What is happening to our wisdom teeth?

Humans are evolving!  Proof of this is that we have smaller jaws than those of our distant ancestors and that a chromosomal mutation called MYH16 may have allowed for humans to have larger brains, while at the same time has reduced the need for wisdom teeth. This is fascinating!

 It is estimated that up to 35% of the current population have congenitally missing wisdom teeth.  It isn’t that uncommon anymore, as wisdom teeth are considered to be vestigial structures, meaning they are no longer necessary, even though they once served a purpose. Additionally,  ethnicity and environment may play a role.  People of Asian descent and the Inuit are the least likely group to have wisdom teeth, however, it appears that the current trend towards fewer or absent wisdom teeth is due to simple evolution.

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