Thursday, May 9, 2019

Can CBD Oil Reduce Dental Pain?

Recently I turned in a research paper for a class I was taking. My research topic was "What are the benefits of using CBD oil to treat diseases on older adults?" This made me wonder if CBD Oil could be beneficial for dental health!

Although there has been little research on CBD oil and dentistry, studies have shown that CBD Oil may help reduce dental pain and abscesses because it contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

There are a couple of different ways to use CBD Oil:
  • Orally - The easiest way is to buy capsules and take it like a normal over the counter medication. If you have a hard time swallowing pills you can just buy the oil and add it to foods or beverages.
  •  Direct Application - Apply CBD spray, oil, crushed capsules or soaked gauze pad directly on the affected tooth or gums - this may be the fastest method to relieve dental pain. 
 If you decide to use the direct method to reduce pain or swelling, make sure to wash your hands prior to application.

Like all things, you can expect a side effect. CBD Oil can reduce saliva production and may cause you to experience "cotton mouth". Make sure to drink plenty of water, chew sugar-free gum and make sure to brush and floss regularly.

*Remember this is just a temporary fix, you need to see your dentist right away at the first sign of any dental pain.*

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