Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Canine Orthodontics- Would You Consider Braces For Your Pet?

Maintaining your pets oral health is as important as making sure that they are vaccinated or that they are receiving regular veterinary care. They should have regular cleanings. Animals are susceptible to many of the same physical ailments as humans, including dental issues! They can get cavities, periodontal disease, abscesses, broken teeth...just about anything a human can get, they can get, including crooked teeth! And they feel the pain of these ailments, just as we do. Your pet may actually be a candidate for braces! Now, braces are not for every dog or will depend on their age, type of malocclusion and their ability to tolerate the discomfort of wearing braces, but there are a variety of specialists available out there who practice veterinary dentistry. Check with a veterinarian in your area, he or she can probably recommend one!

Keep smiling!

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