Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ice Chewing - A Dangerous Habit!!

Chewing ice is a common, thoughtless habit that most of us are guilty of. We all know it's bad for you to chew ice, but if you're anything like me, you've found yourself chomping on a cube or two every now and then. Seems harmless, but according to the following facts, an ice chewing habit can mean trouble in more ways than one:

-Chewing ice is a sign of iron deficiency anemia and other nutritional deficiencies.

-Chewing ice is also a sign of Pica- a medical condition where people have strong urges and cravings to chew on non-nutritional substances such as rocks, pottery, dirt and ice.

-Chewing ice is also a guaranteed seat at the dentist office. It causes tiny fractures and chips which could lead to an abscess and cause you to need a root canal. Cosmetic dentistry to fix chipped or broken teeth can be pricey and is often not covered by insurance companies.

-Constant chewing can also damage existing fillings and crowns as they are not as structurally sound as a natural tooth. This could lead to a lot of pain and an expensive dental bill.

It's a difficult habit to break not to mention how annoying it is to hear someone else do it. But to this day I avoid drinks with ice because I still can't help myself!  Anyone else have an ice-chewing addiction like me? :D

Keep Smiling! 

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