Friday, February 9, 2018

First Aid For A Broken Or Knocked Out Tooth

If you have ever broke a permanent tooth or had one knocked out, there is always that moment of "What Do I Do Next". Well, hopefully this can give you some insight.

It is important to remember, that you have about a 30 minute window to save the tooth a increase the chance that it can be successfully re-implanted into your mouth.

Here are some first aid tip to help you!

1. Collect Teeth or Teeth Fragments
  • Handle teeth carefully because damage may prevent re-implantation.
  • Touch only the crown, the top part of the tooth. Do not touch the root of the tooth.
  • Rinse the tooth gently in a bowl of lukewarm water for no more than 10 seconds only if there is dirt or foreign matter on it. Do not scrub, scrape, or use alcohol to remove dirt.

2. Re-Insert or Store Teeth

  • Rinse mouth with warm water.
  • If possible, reinsert permanent teeth into the correct sockets and have the person bite on a gauze pad to hold teeth in place.
  • If you can't reinsert permanent teeth, or for baby teeth or teeth fragments, store them in whole milk or between your cheek and gum to prevent drying.
3. Treat Symptoms
  • Control bleeding with sterile gauze or cloth.
  • For pain and swelling, apply a cool compress. Encourage a child to suck on a frozen pop.
4. Get Help
  • For teeth that have been knocked out, see a dentist or go to an emergency room immediately. Take the teeth or teeth fragments with you. Even if the teeth have been successfully reinserted, you should see a dentist.
  • For chipped or broken teeth, call a dentist.

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