Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Veneers are thin shells of tooth colored material designed to be placed over the natural tooth to improve smiles!

Why would someone want to get veneers? 
  • To cover stained or discolored teeth
  • Repair chipped or damaged teeth
  • Close gaps between teeth
  • Straighten and align teeth
Process of veneers?
  • Can take one or two appointments.
  • The dentist will clean the teeth and determine the correct shade for the veneers.
  • They will remove a small amount of enamel on the teeth to make room to place the veneers.
  • An impression will be taken and sent to the laboratory meanwhile a temporary veneer will be placed until the new porcelain veneers are ready.
  • When the new veneers are at the dental office the dentist will remove the temporary veneer and bond the new veneers to the teeth.
Care for your veneers the same as you would your natural teeth. 

*Veneers are not forever, they will need to be replaced at some point no matter how well you take care of them. 

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