Thursday, March 24, 2016

Regular Cleaning vs Periodontal Maintenance

I often get calls from members asking why they are paying for more for a cleaning than they should be. Usually it turns out that the patient is having Periodontal Maintenance instead of a regular cleaning. Now, this doesn't mean that the dental center is just trying to get more money by classifying it as something else. This has to do with the treatment plan and the patient.

Periodontal Maintenance is required when you have had periodontal scaling, root planning, treatment or surgery. It is needed to maintain the health of the bones and gums.

There is a difference between a regular cleaning and periodontal maintenance. Here are some of the differences:

Regular Cleaning (Prophylaxis):
  1. Usually done 2-3 times per year on average
  2. Removes tartar, stains and soft plaque from the teeth
  3. Cleans above to slightly below gum line
  4. Flossing and fluoride are usually involved
Periodontal Maintenance:
  1. Usually done 3-4 times per year
  2. Follows a periodontal treatment or surgery
  3. Removes tartar, stains and plaque above and below the gum line.
  4. Cleans the whole tooth all the way to where the root, gum and bone meet.
  5. irrigates any inflamed pockets
  6. Smooth out rough areas of roots
  7. Monitor pocket depth

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