Monday, September 23, 2013

Poor Dental Heath Links To Malnutrition.

Malnutrition is a growing problem in society these days. There are many programs, treatments, supplements and plan available to help a person that suffers from this. Malnutrition is more common with seniors than anyone else. One of the reasons is because of poor dental health. Seniors that have poor dental heath are more likely to eat poorly or not completely chew their food. If they have a sore tooth, missing teeth, a denture that does not fit too well, a broken denture or even a poor quality denture, it would make it uncomfortable for them to eat and chew properly. Nutrients are dispersed in the body more-so when the food is chewed. Food not chewed properly will be digested but the nutrients that the food contains will not all be received by the body.

If you or someone you love is suffering from malnutrition, be sure to talk to them about their dental health. Find out if they are having trouble eating due to something going on with their teeth or dentures. If so, have them checked by a dentist as soon as possible.

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