Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Gum: Go Ahead, Gnaw on This!

As a dental assistant, I would frequently be asked by patients if it's ok to chew gum. My answer "yes, chew gum!" came easily, but..with a few guidelines. 

Dentists today are encouraging patients to smack, chomp, chew their gum for their dental health. Done in moderation and in a sugar free format (i.e., gums containing Xylitol), chewing gum has many proactive benefits. Not only does it instantly freshen breath, it helps clean the surface of your teeth while chewing and stimulates the saliva flow, which in turn helps fight tooth decay!

Dentists do offer a few guidelines when choosing your chewing gum. It's best to avoid gums containing sugar, as to chewing those can actually increase your chances of getting tooth decay. Excessive chewing of gum can also lead to potential problems with your temporomandibular joints which leads to problems such as TMD. Dentists suggest that chewing a piece of gum will freshen your breath after 3-5 minutes and shouldn't be chewed more than about 20 minutes.

Should you have doubts about what brands of chewing gum are right for you, ask your family dentist!

Happy Chewing!!

Original Post by Dawn D.A.12/17/2009

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