Tuesday, March 26, 2024

You Should Never Ignore Dental Pain - Even When You Wear Dentures or Have a Bridge

  I recently heard about someone who went to the dentist with severe pain in the area of her bridge. This pain had been present for a couple years but only when she chewed, so she didn't think much of it. Eventually it got worse and worse until the pain was unbearable, she was sick, her face was swollen and she couldn't eat.

As it turned out, for 2 years the bridge was actually broken. There was decay in a tooth underneath it allowing for trapped food to get in, which led to a major infection. This made her really sick.
After almost 3 hours in the dentist chair and some oral surgery, they finally got her taken care of and had a new bridge on its way to her.

Just because a crown, implant or bridge is not "real" per-say, doesn't mean that it should be ignored! If something goes wrong, it should be treated and maintained just like a real tooth at all times.

If you have questions as to how to properly care for your bridge, be sure to consult with your dentist.

Keep Smiling!

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