Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Bad Breath Doesn't Always Mean Bad Hygiene

Generally, when we encounter someone with bad breath, we think of gum disease or poor oral hygiene habits. The first thought that comes to mind (after trying to escape the close proximity) is that they probably don't brush their teeth regularly. Judgmental lot, we humans! But there may be a much more sinister malady at play.  Think tongue plaque.  Yep, that gross, slimy coating on your tongue that builds up over time and wrecks havoc on the bacteria count in your mouth...  Epiphany! Oh, so this is why the dentist includes a tongue scraper in that little hygiene goody bag you get when you have your teeth cleaned!  Turns out it is an important part (or it should be) of your daily oral routine. Why?  Because that bacteria can cause gingivitis.  That's right, gum disease, aka  periodontal disease, infection, bad breath and extreme embarrassment.  Or, to mention the extreme, loss of teeth.

So why take a chance?   Brush, floss and then scrape your tongue for goodness sake!

Keep Smiling!

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Gum Disease Risk Factors

Here are some of the risk factors for developing gum disease:

Being male: Men are more likely to suffer from gum disease than women.

Being African-American: Black men are more likely than white men to develop gum disease.

Lack of funds and insurance: People at the lowest socio-economic levels tend to have the most severe gum disease. This is largely because they don't have access to (or can't afford) regular dental care.

Age: As we get older, our gums gradually recede, exposing the roots of the teeth to plaque. We also produce less saliva, which plays an important role in rinsing plaque out of the mouth.

Genetics: If your parents lost teeth to gum disease, you are at greater risk.

Neglect: Not brushing and flossing regularly.

Poor diet: Sugary snacks and drinks encourage the growth of plaque, and crunchy snack foods can damage enamel and teeth.

Clenching, grinding teeth: Chronic teeth grinding can sometimes result in a fracturing, loosening, or loss of teeth. The chronic grinding may also damage tooth enamel and wear teeth down. This kind of damage can lead to the need for a host of expensive dental work, including bridges, crowns, root canals, implants, partial dentures, and even complete dentures.

Smoking: Recent studies have shown that tobacco use may be one of the most significant risk factors in the development and progression of gum disease. In addition, following periodontal treatment or any type of oral surgery, the chemicals in tobacco can slow down the healing process and make the treatment results less predictable.
Original Post by btflbutterfly77 on 11/5/09

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Green Tea Provides Oral Health Benefits!

It's a commonly known fact that green tea has many health benefits.  It's a natural antioxidant and it's great for your digestive system. Aside from that, it apparently has oral health benefits!
The following tips are just a few ways your mouth can benefit from drinking Green Tea:

Did you know?

1. It can help to prevent and reduce Periodontal Inflammation
2. Evidence has shown that it can prevent and destroy Oral Cancer Cells
3. Inhibits the Formation of Dental Plaque
4. Repels Odor-Causing Bacteria, giving you better breath! 
Just a couple of cups a day can make a difference. Additionally, there are dental products out there that have Green Tea as an ingredient.  Look for these products in your local health food stores.  

This is another great reason to enjoy your afternoon tea!

Keep Smiling!  

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Dentist Approved Summer Treats!

School is coming to an end and summer is quickly approaching! That means...Summer treats!

Below are some recipes for dental-friendly summer treats:

Frozen yogurt dots are the perfect healthy alternative to ice cream. Like other dairy products, yogurt contains calcium that promotes strong teeth. Begin by pouring a cup of yogurt into a plastic sandwich bag. Cut off one of the corners and squeeze the yogurt from the bag into drops on a baking sheet. Freeze the yogurt drops for at least 30 to 40 minutes.

Not only is celery nutritious, but it also helps rinse away bacteria from the mouth, promoting good oral health. For a fun and delicious spin, combine celery with peanut butter and raisins. Although raisins contain sugar, they are a far healthier alternative to candy. Prepare this treat by cutting celery stalks in half and slathering peanut butter on top. Sprinkle a few raisins on the celery and enjoy.

A summer staple, watermelon also helps with saliva production and rinses bacteria from the mouth. You can enjoy watermelon the old-fashioned way or if you prefer, you can cut a watermelon into slices, insert a Popsicle stick into the slices and place them in the freezer.

Recipes were found here!

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Do You Disinfect Your Toothbrush? Should You?

It seems we disinfect everything nowadays, so why not our toothbrushes? 

It is that time of year again, (except "that time of year" is now all year long!) you know, when viruses abound in the form of head colds, flu, bronchitis, stomach viruses...your kids bring it home from school, it's prevalent in the workplace, grocery stores, etc. But the ongoing threat is a stronger culprit to add to the usual season of germ infestation, in the form of COVID-19.  It's everywhere that the average flu bug is; and it's meaner. 

When we or someone around us is sick, we tend to reach for that can of Lysol spray or the bottle of bleach and disinfect everything from our doorknobs to our computer keyboards and even the telephone receiver!  But....what about our toothbrushes? Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to that.  Research differs on the subject.  Some healthcare providers suggest that you boil your toothbrush or rinse it in a bleach solution and then with clear water, or even replace it.  Others will tell you that there is no need because you cannot re-infect yourself with the same virus over and over as your antibodies will prevent it.  Hmmmm.....not so sure I believe that. Not anymore.  But to be clear, I am no doctor! 

So, who to believe? Personally, I trust my own instincts. To prevent illness from spreading in my household or workplace I will disinfect everything you can imagine that may have have a hint of a virus.  Now, this is a personal thing and others may not feel that way but I prefer to err on the side of caution, and my "phobia" has served me pretty well over the years!  Follow your instincts.  If you think it will help to disinfect your toothbrush then do it, if for no other reason than your own piece of mind! 

Stay Healthy and Keep Smiling! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Milk Protects Tooth Enamel!

 If you are an avid milk drinker like me, then this is a blog you definitely want to read. I go through 2 gallons of milk a week, and I mean I GO through it. I personally drink at least 2 gallons of milk a week. What can I say, I love milk! So I had to ask to the question, is it good for your teeth? Well, great news my fellow milk drinkers! IT IS!

It has been proven that dairy products such as milk and cheese actually reduce tooth decay. Milk contains proteins called caseins which will join together with the calcium and phosphorus to create a protective later on the surface of your teeth. (aka enamel). This helps prevent tooth decay by reducing the bacterial acids. Furthermore, the calcium and phosphorus also help strengthen and even repair the enamel on your teeth.

So, drink up my fellow milkaholics. It will help keep our smiles bright!

Oh yeah, on a side note: The ADA has recommended not to have milk and cookies because as we all know, sugary items such as cookies are bad for your teeth. However... there is still hope for us on that too.  It is recommended that you have the cookies THEN the milk. That will eliminate the sugar acids that plague your teeth.

As great as that sounds, milk and cookies always sounds better than cookies and milk or milk after cookies, and we all it know it tastes better too!

Thursday, May 5, 2022

15 Myths and Facts About Cavities

  1. Sugar is the prime cause of cavities Myth and fact.

  2. Exposure to acidic foods like lemons causes tooth decay Fact.

  3. Kids are a lot more likely to get cavities than adults Myth.

  4. Aspirin placed next to a tooth will help a toothache Myth.

  5. All fillings eventually need replacing Myth.

  6. If you have a cavity, you'll know it Myth.

  7. Once a tooth is treated, the decaying stops Fact.

  8. Cavities are more likely between teeth Fact.

  9. Gaps in teeth encourage cavities Fact.

  10. Chips and cracks in teeth lead to decay Fact

  11. Sensitivity in teeth means you have decay Myth.

  12. Cavities are the prime reason for root canals Myth.

  13. Clenching and grinding leads to cavities Myth and sometimes fact.

  14. You don’t need to worry about cavities in baby teeth Myth.

  15. Brushing and flossing is the best way to prevent cavities Fact. 

Check the myths and facts here, to find out how cavities are caused, prevented, and treated.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Do You Really Want To Post That Bad Dental Review? Think Twice.

In this age of social media, bad news travels fast.  Faster than the speed of light, it seems.  One careless complaint can ruin a reputation, a practice or even a person.  Always try to keep that in mind when a problem arises and opt for civil communication, instead.  

There are many ways to resolve issues with your dentist, whether they are staff related, price discrepancies or quality of care issues. The key is communication. I certainly would not advise anyone to file a complaint with the board because a receptionist was rude, or post it on any review forum, ever! Only as a last resort would I suggest filing a board complaint for anything less than malpractice. 

This would be my suggestion instead: Consider a well written letter; certified, registered mail. Clearly state the problem (keeping opinions out), and state what you would consider to be a fair resolution. Send it directly to the dentist, return receipt. Allow him a reasonable amount of time to respond...10 days or so. Believe me, he will be much more receptive to a resolution than his receptionist or office manager because it is his license that is on the line!  Nine times out of ten the complaint will be resolved when it is approached this way. This method works! 

Keep Smiling!