Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Random Fun Dental Facts

 More endless research on the internet turned up these interesting trivial facts!

  • In the year 1900, the tooth fairy would leave approximately 12 cents. In the year 1998, one dollar. Imagine, at the current rate of inflation....this year, the year 2022...NICE! $$$$$
  • You cannot conceal your smoking habit with mouthwash or brushing before a visit! That's right, your dentist knows :)...Apparently, the smoke residue seeps into the tissue surrounding your gums....
  • You would need to have more than 300 amalgam fillings to even come close to the amount of mercury that is considered dangerous.
  • 100 years ago, 50% of adults in North America were toothless!
  • The first electric toothbrush was introduced in 1939.
  • The antibacterial properties in Black and Green Tea CAN help prevent cavities.
  • Chewing gum that contains Xylitol can help prevent cavities by reducing the bad bacteria in your mouth.
  • Mouthwashes containing alcohol are only temporarily effective, and the alcohol dries out your mouth.
  • Snails have teeth! Thousands of them...and yet, turtles are toothless!
  • You will get more radiation from an hour in the sun than from a dental x-ray.
One more....this one is great!
  • A survey once done by Time Magazine concluded that 59% of Americans would prefer to sit in a dentist's chair than to sit next to someone on a cell phone!
Enjoy, and Keep Smiling!

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