Sunday, August 1, 2021

Can Your Dental Exam Reveal Osteoporosis?

Your teeth have been cleaned, x-rayed, and examined. You're ready to schedule your next 6-month check-up and be on your way. But instead, your dentist delivers some surprising news: you may have osteoporosis. You may think your dentist is kidding, but that's probably not the case. Signs of osteoporosis can often be seen on dental x-rays and exams. Oral health and bone health can be directly related. Your dentist can find possible signs of osteoporosis by examining your jawbone, gums, and teeth.

Although your dentist may suspect the disease, you can't tell for sure from an x-ray alone. To diagnose osteoporosis, you will need to see a doctor for a bone density test.

Original post by Btflbutterfly77 on 6/2009.

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