Thursday, September 19, 2019

Extraction Aftercare!

Aftercare on a tooth extraction can vary depending on the type of procedure that was done and how your body responds to healing.

One thing is for sure, you may have bleeding for 24 hours, so don't freak out!

  • 1-2 days after an extraction:
    • Rest - try not to bend over or pick up anything heavy.
    • Change gauze - if needed, change gauze every 30 min.
    • eating- Eat soft foods and chew on the opposite side of the mouth.
    •  Avoid Swishing - Put water in your mouth and gently tilt head from side to side and spit. SO NOT swish.
    • No Straws - sucking can cause dry sockets.
    • Medications - take prescribed medication as needed.
    • No smoking - just like the straw, this can create a dry socket.
    • Elevate head - when you sleep, elevate your head. This will prevent blood pooling and make healing fast.
    • Brush and floss - super gentle around the extraction site.
  • 3-10 days after extraction:
    • Saline rinse - use warm salt water to rinse the mouth.
    • Brush and floss - continue as normal.
    •  Eat - continue eating soft foods.
If you are experiencing any pain after a week or 10 days, consult your dentist right away!

*These are basic instructions. If your dentist gives you an instruction sheet, please follow theirs*

Information found here!

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