Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dentistry Going Green?

According to an article published in Dentistry Today, the Univesity of Costa Rica (UCR) throws away 166 saliva ejectors (spit sucker) each day, 3,317 each week and almost 4,000 each year.
Now imagine the number of saliva ejectors that are thrown away all around the world. Crazy, right?

Thanks to four dental students at UCR, tossing each individual saliva ejector may be a thing in the past. They have developed a metallic saliva ejector that can be used over and over again because it can be cleaned in the autoclave just like many other dental and medical tools.

The metal ejector will cost dentist more but they will pay for itself in the long run!

What do you think about the reusable metal ejector?

Click here for the article!

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