Sunday, March 4, 2018

Avoid Green Teeth This St. Patrick's Day

With St Patrick's day coming up on March 17th, there is always the fun when you have the green teeth. Here are some ways to avoid it:

  1. AVOID THE GREEN BEER: Requesting beer without food dye is actually possible. Green beer is only offered by request in most situations. If you still want to celebrate the Irish way, stick with an Irish beer like Guinness.
  2. SKIP THE ICING: Try to avoid desserts like cake and cupcakes that have green icing. This will show up worse on your teeth than just drinking it as it will stain in between your teeth. Eggs will be dyed green as well as ice cream, so watch out for foods that may not look natural in color.
  3. TAKE A TOOTHBRUSH: If you decide to participate in the green ritual, all is well. The green stains gathered from the food coloring can easily be removed with a brushing and whitening toothpaste. Your best option is to brush shortly after the consumption of the food to prevent tooth staining. However, if you don’t want to carry a toothbrush with you or physically don’t have anywhere to put it, brushing your teeth before bed will suffice. Your goal here is to not show up to work the next day with a green smile.

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