Monday, June 1, 2015

Tooth Decay Affects Half of The World Population-Why?

In a 3-year long study, it was determined that, globally, approximately 4 billion people suffer to some degree from tooth decay.  Basically, 1 out of every 2 people have untreated or unresolved dental problems i.e., gum disease, misalignment, injuries;  this aside from decay.  This is a huge number. Seriously, think about that for a second! Better yet, look at the person next to you.  The purpose of this study was to bring to light the lack of dental maintenance world-wide.  According to their study, the amount of recorded dental diseases has risen 20% over the last 20 years. The reasons?  Lack of adequate dental coverage, insurance or other financial aid, (in those countries where it's available), the extreme rise in dental costs, and, to put it plainly, laziness. But in many parts of the world there are no dentists at all...and in some parts of the world there are far greater needs. Seriously, how can you treat the dental needs of a starving child before you end his starvation. 

Many people only visit a dentist when there's a problem.  By that time, in many cases, it's already too late.  Many people outsource; that is, travel to other countries where dentistry may be cheaper. In the southwestern border states, the country of choice is often Mexico. This is a big problem, at least here in the United States...the rising cost of medical and dental is in stark contrast to the benefits offered by insurance companies, leading people (many of them senior citizens) to go out of the country for care. 

Apparently over 500 scientists participated in this study world-wide, in the hope of spreading awareness and educating the world on the rising problem of dental neglect.  As for me, I'll agree that neglect of dental needs is an issue, but making people aware of it doesn't necessarily fix the problem. There is nothing you can do to fix laziness, but for those in need who don't have the means to seek treatment, there must be a better way!  

Original post by MoobieDoo 6/13

Edited, rewritten by Walnutflwr


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