Monday, December 30, 2013

Electric Toothbrushes vs. Manual Brushing

My dentist advised me to get an Electric Toothbrush. That get me wondering what the advantages of them are. I did research on this topic and it appears that electric toothbrushes are the better choice, for these reasons:
  • They are more effective at removing plaque and tartar.
  • They prevent you from brushing too hard which can cause abrasion.
  • They make it easier for people with arthritis and other motor dysfunction to brush effectively.
  • Kids will brush more often because they think it's fun ( a definite plus!).
  • The ADA (American Dental Association) currently recommends electric brushes over manual brushing.
It seems that the chief drawback to the electric toothbrush is that they tend to be a little bit pricey. However, there are some affordable models out there if you're willing to shop around.

original post by Walnutflower 3/12/2008

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