Monday, July 11, 2011

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Did you know?

I suffer from bruxism.....I have for many years now, and I thought I'd do a little research and blog about it because it affects your body in so so many ways. First, you should know that it is an unconscious, involuntary thing. When you are unconsciously grinding your teeth (clenching while awake, clenching and grinding while you are asleep) you are putting up to ten times the force on your teeth and jaws than when you are chewing food! Many people don't even realize they're doing it, and consequently, suffer from unexplained problems such as jaw pain, muscle fatigue, headaches, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, TMJ and a variety of other conditions, aside from the fact that it can fracture, shorten and cause your teeth to loosen, erode and decay. Long term effects are distressing; it can actually change your physical appearance! It can cause bags under the eyes, enlargement of the muscles around the joints of the jaw and curling of the skin around the lips. There are devices (night orthotics) that dentists can make for you to wear when you're sleeping to prevent this damage from happening! If you suspect that you are having this problem, ask your dentist today about a diagnosis and a night orthotic device to help correct the problem before it does long term damage.

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