Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Time for the Super Bowl!

Let’s go Cardinals! We finally made it to the super bowl, woo hoo! And like most you will be watching it at home, at a party with a group of friends or someplace where there is a nice big screen! And a few will be lucky enough to afford to go. (:
For those staying home and want to put a party together here are some idea’s on what to have!
Party supplies you can always get paper products, centerpieces & decorations at your local party store. Makes it more festive.
Things to eat can be chips & salsa, veggie tray, hot dogs, wings, and what ever else might be easy to serve.
Make sure you have everyone come a little early that way there is time to munch & chat. Not much of that will be going on once the game starts. (:
What ever you do, have fun & be safe! And let’s go CARDINALS!!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Like to golf? Savon's Charity Golf Classic is right around the corner!!!

Savon Dental Plan's Second Annual Charity Golf Classic is scheduled for April 25, 2009! This event benefits The Salvation Army's Inner City Youth Programs and the ASU Youth Tutoring Programs. The Salvation Army has helped communities world-wide for over 100 years. Now, you can help and have an afternoon of fun, too! Everyone is welcome!

For more information about this tournament or to register as a player/sponsor, please visit our Community Events section of the website, or simply click HERE to get there directly.

We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Ok, so most of us tend to surf the web on all different things right? After today I am going to be sure not to go to sites I don’t know.
At work I thought I would get my ‘blog’ posted and I was surfing around for some ideas. Never once did I click to download anything, I was only viewing web pages. Well the next thing I know my internet froze. I did the control alt delete to close it and then opened a new browser and thought all was ok. Boy was I wrong! I ended up getting a virus (can’t remember the name, I am home now). It is one that takes snap shoots of your screen and gathers your financial information, like if you log onto your bank, ect. The worst part is it was my work computer. Luckily our virus protection stopped it but not before it planted itself into my hard drive. I hope my boss knows how badly I feel and I really was just trying to get my blog done so he’d be happy.
Long story short, when you go to a page you don’t know you always run that risk! So be careful and surf at home, then it is your own computer you mess up!
If you think your computer might be infected try here for a free virus scan.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cancer-Causing Mouthwash??

In a recent news article from the Australian Dental Journal, reasearchers stated that mouthwash containing alcohol increases the risk of developing oral cancer. In that report, it was suggested that mouthwash be made available by prescription only based on the idea that alcohol may increase the ability of cancer causing compounds to attack the lining of the mouth.

Arguing statements have been made by other researchers claiming that more research needs to be done before we can consider this a major problem.

Upon further research, I found a relating article from the Mayo Clinic:

Alcohol and tobacco are the two main risk factors for head and neck cancer. If you use one or the other, you have an increased risk. If you use both, your risk is even higher. Because many mouthwashes contain alcohol, concerns have been raised about whether the use of these mouthwashes may increase the risk of head and neck cancer. But there's no clear evidence that this is true. If you don't drink alcohol or use tobacco, your risk of head or neck cancer from using alcohol-based mouthwashes is likely very small. If you already use tobacco and alcohol, stop using tobacco and reduce the overall amount of alcohol you drink.

The full articles can be found here and here.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Make brushing fun with a tooth tunes toothbrush…

Tooth Tunes is a children's toothbrush which plays a two-minute song clip from a particular artist to encourage a child to brush their teeth for the dentist-recommended two minutes. A single toothbrush comes with one song.
Once activated, a small CPU in the handle plays the featured song on the chip by transferring vibrations through the bristles, which act as transducers, into the front teeth, through the jawbone, and into the inner ear. The user hears a mix between a natural vocal hum and the song being played. The intended result was for the music only to be audible to its user, however the music emanating from the toothbrush can be heard by those nearby, with increasing volume as pressure is applied to the brush head.

For some of the different artists and songs featured go here.