Do you want to experience the underwater life this summer but feel like you can't because you have braces?
Well, don't cancel your plans just yet because there is plenty of room for the regulator or snorkel to fit on the inside of your teeth but it's recommended to get comfortable with the equipment in your mouth long before you jump in the water.
If you plan on diving and you wear rubber bands, take them out before the dive. This is very important because they may snap, become lodged somewhere in your mouth or even the possibility of you swallowing them when you clear your ears and adjust to the pressure by wiggling your jaw.
As a certified scuba diver who had braces, I can say it was very easy and I barely noticed that I had my braces on. If you are still a bit wary, you may want to stick to the snorkeling or doing a shallow dive until you get more comfortable.
After every dive or snorkle, make sure to rinse your mouth with fresh water and drink plenty of water.
Good luck!