Thursday, October 2, 2014

8 Things You Should Never Put In Your Mouth!

Many people have bad habits that, when accidents strike, can be devastating to your oral health!  The following is a list of things one should never do!  Take heed!  Dentistry is very expensive! 

1. Never chew ice.  Ice chips teeth and causes minute cracks in the enamel, which weakens the structure of your teeth. 
2. Never open can tabs or bottles with your front teeth.  It will cause chips in your teeth.
3. Beware of biting into fruit that has pits in it.  More broken teeth and dentures are caused by cherry pits than any other fruit! 
4. Try to avoid biting your nails.  It just isn't a good practice all the way around.  You can chip your teeth and your mouth contains bacteria that you can deposit near your nail bed and cause infection.

In addition to these things, you should also avoid putting small objects like marbles, coins, paperclips and hairpins into your mouth.  These things all pose a threat to your teeth and can also become a choking hazard.

Keep smiling!!

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