Thursday, March 29, 2012

What are the signs of a baby teething?

Your little one may be cranky and miserable, his/ her gums might be swollen or even be hard and sometimes they may even have a fever. Most babies start to teeth around six or seven months but some can come earlier. It may help if you are prepared for when the time comes if you have pain relievers, teething toys & lots of patients. If you would like to read more about the signs you can view this web-site here.
Original post by bftbutterfly77 on November 3rd,08

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dental Jewelry-A New Fad

It's the newest thing in body art revolution, and it's catching on! You can now purchase small jewels and have them bonded to your teeth to give your smile an extra sparkle! It doesn't come cheap, however! The procedure is simple, the jewels are bonded with the same type of glue that is used to secure braces to your teeth. More and more people are trying it. Here is a link to a website where you can view some pictures and learn a little bit about this fast growing fad. Keep Smiling!
Original post by: walnutflwr on April 12, 2011

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Can Your Dental Exam Reveal Osteoporosis?

Your teeth have been cleaned, x-rayed and examined. You're ready to schedule your next 6-month check-up and be on your way. But instead, your dentist delivers some surprising news: you may have osteoporosis.You may think your dentist is kidding, but that's probably not the case. Signs of osteoporosis can often be seen on dental x-rays and exams. Oral health and bone health can be directly related. Your dentist can find possible signs of osteoporosis by examining your jawbone, gums and teeth.
Although your dentist may suspect the disease, you can't tell for sure from an x-ray alone. To diagnose osteoporosis, you will need to see a doctor for a bone density test.

Original post by Btflbutterfly77 6/2009.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Top 5 Tooth Whitening Myths Uncovered!

MYTH #1: TEETH WHITING IS HARMFUL AND CAN RUIN THE ENAMEL. TRUTH: Modern methods of teeth whitening, including laser teeth whiting or Air Flow technique, have minimal harmful effects. Nevertheless, one must remember that teeth whiting may not be recommended for all people, especially for those who have extremely sensitive teeth, problematic enamel, underdeveloped tooth tissues, or facial composite restorations and crowns.
MYTH #2: AFTER ANY BLEACHING PROCEDURE TEETH DO NOT REMAIN PEARLY WHITE FOR A VERY LONG TIME. TRUTH: In average, the effect can last for about a year or so, but after every additional bleaching procedure the duration of the effects usually decreases. Generally most patients will "touch up" bleach their teeth periodically to maintain their pearly whites.
MYTH #3: IT IS NOT HARMFUL TO WHITEN YOUR TEETH WITH SODIUM BICARBONATE OR BETTER KNOWN AS BAKING SODA. TRUTH: It is, actually, very harmful, because sodium bicarbonate we use for baking has very strong abrasive effects. If you want to whiten your teeth in an easy way, the use of special whitening toothpaste with bicarbonate contain much smaller particles of bicarbonate and they do not damage teeth as much.
MYTH #4: HYDROGEN PEROXIDE WILL WHITEN MY TEETH ID I SWISH WITH IT DAILY. TRUTH: While peroxide MAY slightly lighten your teeth if swished with, it CAN however cause serious chemical burns to the soft delicate tissues inside your mouth. This route is highly discouraged by dental professionals.
MYTH #5: IF MY TOOTH ENAMEL IS WHITE, THE TOOTH MUST BE CONSIDERED HEALTHY. TRUTH: This is absolutely not true! A tooth can look healthy and white, but, at the same time, it can have cavities, problems with the root or other abnormalities that require treatment.

Re post from Dawn_DA April 09

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

7 Things You Didn't Know About Toothpaste!

As we all know there are so many different types of toothpaste out on the market! But did you know there are things you need to know about toothpaste!
  • It’s all about the fluoride- when buying toothpaste look for the one with added fluoride.
  • Look for the seal of approval- when looking for toothpaste look for the ADA seal before purchasing.
  • Whitening toothpastes workat least to a certain degree- All toothpaste contains mild abrasives to help remove surface stains on your teeth, but toothpast does not have bleach, so you will not get the professional look.
  • Less is more- Most people pile on the toothpaste, I know I do! But did you know actually less is better? All you need is a pea size amount!
  • How you brush is more important than what you brush with- when brushing your teeth you need to brush at a 45 degree angle, and brush in a circular motion!
  • What’s inside your toothpaste might surprise you- some ingredients inside your toothpaste are seaweed and detergents. This is how they get your toothpaste to foam.
  • Pastes or gels—they all do the trick- they both work equally!

To read more click here!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fun Facts:Amazing Alternative Uses for Toothpaste!

We all know that toothpaste will clean, polish and whiten our pearly whites, but there are a variety of other uses for it that may surprise you!

For instance, did you know that it can:

` Remove minor scratches on music CD's and DVD's?
` Be used to remove small scratches on your car?
` Clean jewelry?
` Remove crayon marks from walls?
` Clean piano keys?
` Shine Chrome?
` Take the pain and itching away from bee stings and bug bites?
` Take the redness out of acne blemishes?
` Remove scuff marks from shoes?

Toothpaste (when used in the regular form, not the gel) has slight abrasive qualities and can be used for many purposes as a light rubbing compound, which allows it to perform all the extra duties mentioned above! It's a handy thing to have and is a ready staple in everyone's home.

Hope you enjoy these helpful hints!
Keep Smiling!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Little Thursday Humor!

You might be a redneck if...

  • You re-use dental floss to save money.
  • You've drunk mouthwash just because you're too lazy to walk down to the
    liquor store.
  • If your two-year-old has more teeth than you do
  • You pull your own teeth