Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Are Digital Dental X-rays Safer?

 More and more dental centers are moving to the digital x-ray system in their office. In fact, more times than not a dental center that we visit has moved to this technology. There are major advantages to the dental office making the switch, but what about the patient?

Are digital x-rays safer? Is there less exposure to radiation?

The answers to these questions are YES and YES. Unlike older film-based x-rays, digital x-rays have a better range of coverage. This means that it takes fewer x-rays to get what the dental center needs. Also, the x-ray is completed faster. Unlike the film x-rays, the amount of time needed to obtain the picture is reduced.

"Re-shots" can be corrected faster as well. With the film x-ray, if the x-ray tech was a little off or if something with wrong in development, then they had to come back a re-take the x-ray. Knowing that they needed to do that could take 15-20 minutes. With the digital x-rays, the actual x-ray appears instantly and the tech is able to see if everything came out okay and adjust if it didn't.

Lastly, with the advancement in digital x-ray technology, you are exposed to 90% less radiation than with a film x-ray. Which makes them safer for you.

Original post from November 24, 2017

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Random, Fun Dental Facts, Redux

 These dental trivia facts never get old.  

Enjoy this repost from 2022.  

  • In the year 1900, the tooth fairy would leave approximately 12 cents. In the year 1998, one dollar. Imagine, at the current rate of inflation....this year, the year 2022...NICE! $$$$$
  • You cannot conceal your smoking habit with mouthwash or brushing before a visit! That's right, your dentist knows :)...Apparently, the smoke residue seeps into the tissue surrounding your gums....
  • You would need to have more than 300 amalgam fillings to even come close to the amount of mercury that is considered dangerous.
  • 100 years ago, 50% of adults in North America were toothless!
  • The first electric toothbrush was introduced in 1939.
  • The antibacterial properties in Black and Green Tea CAN help prevent cavities.
  • Chewing gum that contains Xylitol can help prevent cavities by reducing the bad bacteria in your mouth.
  • Mouthwashes containing alcohol are only temporarily effective, and the alcohol dries out your mouth.
  • Snails have teeth! Thousands of them...and yet, turtles are toothless!
  • You will get more radiation from an hour in the sun than from a dental x-ray.
One more....this one is great!
  • A survey once done by Time Magazine concluded that 59% of Americans would prefer to sit in a dentist's chair than to sit next to someone on a cell phone!
Enjoy, and Keep Smiling!